Why isn't our propaganda as effective, Sup Forums?
Why isn't our propaganda as effective, Sup Forums?
because we don't twist the truth
We know you are a shill. And yes, your propaganda isn't effective. At all.
>posts that the holocaust didnt exist
>posts that trump can do no wrong and never lies
>posts countless lies about literally everything that doesnt agree with their ideology
Don't twist the truth huh?
>anything before the late 90's was homophobic, racist, misogynistic
>we were heroes in the 40's
Make your damn mind american leftfags!
It is easier to create an effective propaganda picture when the other side is holding Nazi flags than it is when your own side is holding Nazi flags.
More gypsies and fags died than jews.
Learn history beyond propaganda.
Better yet, read their fucking testimonies.
Because of holocaust sympathy and it's association with nazis
because normies are fucking idiots with mush for brains think how many retards just get programmed by social media all day
that's our propaganda, just twisted to fit their vile message.
Also, they seize the moral ighground. We need to do that, fuck the 88ers, only the 14.
We need to appeal to common people, which dumb WW2 revisionism doesn't do.
this attitude doesn't include the necessary desire to do better propaganda.
Hating normies won't change them. Deal with them as they are.
Why in the fuck is the alt right labeled as the Nazis in this lame meme pic? Nazis were National Socialists. Socialism is the farthest left on the political spectrum. It's literally more left than communism.
The true left, socialist/communists killed 200,000,000 in the past few centuries. This included the Nazis.
God damn I just want to do is be a conservative nationalist but the globalist socialist have somehow gotten conservatism labeled as nazism. It's really a fucked up time right now.
>that form
Because you had Nazi flags you idiot.
>Why isn't our propaganda as effective, Sup Forums?
But it is, and we began at a great disadvantage.
We elected a President, defeated Hillary, and now our few, brave heroes HAVE THE BALLS TO STAND AGAINST THOUSANDS!
This is only the beginning.
Any person of average weight could trip and snap that guy in half by accident.
I...I just.....dear god....
>Why in the fuck is the alt right labeled as the Nazis in this lame meme pic
because we don't police the 88retards who want to make everything about fucking Hitler and WW2 and J00Z which in turn makes us look like dumbfucking morons.
Time to fix that.
Damn son, how many layers of satire are you on right now?
1. shill
2. We literally MEMED Trump into presidency
3. die
Pretty much this
>the whole concept of holocaust is based on testimonies
>hasn't even read the testimonies
>claims he knows anything about holocaust
Feels like the only way to move forward in a more strategic way which will open the eyes of others who are still blind.