Remember this when you pick a supermarket for your groceries
Remember this when you pick a supermarket for your groceries
Ideally we would all buy things from farmers markets
Does the Muslim kid really believe his is going to hell if he... rings up a bottle of wine? Really? Is there a sign below this saying "No pork chops or hot dogs" etc?
What was I supposed to notice?
No alcolhol? Black cashier? Items right next to the belt?
Might not be because muslim. In my state you have to be a certain age to ring up booze and cigarettes. He might just be too young.
just make his litle faggot ass ring it up anyway. when he goes all jihad on you, get him fired
I believe this is the case in the UK too, although what normally happens is the till operator calls over a supervisor to ok the sale.
buy some massive hams
is he actually underage or just "underage" for the sake of illegally immigrating
I work in a meat factory and we get muslim agency workers all the time they don't have any problem handling pork.
This is most likely why, it is probably a poor child refugee doing work experience.
I bought some bacon a while back and the Muslim dude working the cashier made a stink face when he put it in the bag. Made my day.
Buy some bacon. Cut a whole in it with a knife before going through checkout so blood gets everywhere.
Is there a food crisis in the UK? Why arent they buying food? Is money tight? I have never seen a divider used on a belt in the states ever, let alone TWO? if this was america the whole belt would be full, and the customer would still be unloading their cart
He's a child refugee so probably in his late 30's.
If he was American I'd recommend he buy a gun at the grocery store and use that to open it.
It has to be this. Even if the store has a liquor license, you have to be licensed as an individual to handle the liquor at all as well. Can't stock it or even be behind a counter with it here unless you have a license.
>grab pork item
>while carrying to register use finger or object you brought in with you to cut a small hole that looks like it happened "naturally"
>user, you are getting pork blood everywhere!
>"Oh, la di da! I'm sorry, how careless of me! :^)"
Surprised they could do that.
Normally the likes of Aldi or Lidl are only staffed by 4 - manager, stacker, till and a floater. Unless the till is manned by someone under 18 i call bullshit.
>print it at home
>stick it on
>hurrr outrage social media
>this one conveyor belt represents the entire UK
nice rational thought there
most of them cannot afford cars, or have any space to park one let alone two, they go shopping and carry it home on the bus they live in tiny houses and apartments so eat out a lot of the time kebab and chicken shops everywhere.
This is getting out of hand.
That's what some believe. You really only see it with the super devout and the recently converted. Remember that flight attendant that refused to serve alcohol?
>I only shop at walmart on welfare day
The problem lies with the customers not yelling in the middle of the store about this INSANITY.
The UK is significantly denser packed than America we don't have to drive 10+ miles to the nearest supermarket so we don't have any need to stockpile a whole bunch of food to last us, many people buy fresh groceries on a daily basis rather than buying for a week/month in advance.
You're just making some poor non Muslim clean up the mess you made.
where the shit have you gotten that idea from, even if its a joke... just where?
You guys are retarded this has nothing to do with ISLAM
This proud young muslim man is forced to serve some white sluts. When can brits stop being so anti islam?
What is
>Ninety-nine on Twelve. Ninety-nine on Twelve, please.
Find someone who works at a FedEx facility. They installed filthy washing areas for all of the sandniggers to pray in.
Or alternatively it might be a "10 items or less" till.
Now I'm going to purposely look for muslims whwn I check out
Ham salad
Buy them weekly. What else pol?
this is how they start, by pushing the limits of what non-muslims are used to. Why not hire 5 more muslim cashiers? What's that? We need 10 more? Hired. Oh boy I guess we should just stop selling alcohol, since the majority can't ring it up anyhow... What's this? Prayer five times a day? Oh well, I guess that's OK..
This is why they blow up children. They take their bullshit THAT seriously.
>Now I'm going to purposely look for muslims whwn I check out
I do not go to stores that employs muslims.
We're in a capitalist society, we vote with our money.
Its an Aldi mate you will be lucky if there is a till even running never mind two.
yeah hundreds of English girls getting raped for years by Muzzies was nothing in comparison to this atrocity
Muslims are refusing to handle certain items at grocery stores all around the world
People used to do this at the grocery store I worked at, but we didn't clear the whole shelf we just put the fuckin pork back in the non halal section.
I always make sure to buy ham when I shop and see a mudslim cashier. Some reactions are hilarious when you keep smiling when they frown upon it.
t. Muhammad
>We're in a capitalist society
We should be, I wish we were, but we aren't
Condoms or men's magazines like Playboy. Will be way more awkward for them than for you. Just for the fun of it. bonus points if female muslim cashier.
am i missing something!?
When I was in the army the muslims had no issues eating pork unless they were certain that they could get better food by playing the Islam card.
Sometimes it backfired when the alternative to descent or easy to eat if it was field kitchen was some messy shit and extra bread.
thats awkward to do to any female cashier you fucking pervert
I have to. There's only a Shaws and walmart near me. Shaws manager is muslim and just about every cashier is muslim at wallyworld
>He's a child refugee so probably in his late 30's.
I 2nd this motion.
I rofl'd. I've seen people pushing 2 cart fulls, sometimes more. At least, everytime I go to the grocery store the belt is full and I'm still unloading; generally because I have to wait for the cashier and normally stack things on top of each other. Now I think about it, every time I'm in wallyworld every belt is completely full from one person and there's another person with a cartful behind them. etc. Anyways, my suv's trunk is normally packed full I have to put things in the front. This is normally just food. Damn America is great.
I've heard your license fees costs upwards to $5,000. In the states, it costs only $5, sorry user.
>how to get rid of the halal section and make muslims starve
If it's that easy to make an entire population starve to death, then WHAT THE FUCK ARE ALL OF YOU DOING? I've never seen a halal section, but thanks for the tip user.
well, its americans. you should expect this. they are all very, very stupid.
would happen all the time at the walmart I worked at, was in the meat department, made me smile inside everytime
This. I also don't go to restaurants that have blacks or muslims working front of house or trannies working there at all.
But he asked how to troll muslims.
And that's not even that awkward, buying maxi pads designed for men is awkward.
Do you actually, rationally think that this conveyor belt represents the UK's shopping tendencies?
if they see you do this on cameras they will stop you at the exit and detain you and call police on you for hate crime, happened to my friend. he got 1 year in prison and 1 year probation w/ felony on his record.
Aren't they for bartenders? In aus, you don't need RSA training to serve "take away" alcohol.
To be fair the tills don't really matter. Most Aldi customers are shoplifting smack head chavs shoving frozen steaks and frosty jack up their tracksuit tops.
If they're refusing job duties why aren't they being fired?
>if they see you do this on cameras they will stop you at the exit and detain you and call police on you for hate crime, happened to my friend. he got 1 year in prison and 1 year probation w/ felony on his record.
I do not believe you.
As long as you do not set something on fire, the is very little a store can do to a customer except throw him out.
Mudslime kid thinks he's a bartender ?
Erh, welcome to France.
I heard a story about a gypsy getting severe frostbite from shoplifting meat, anything like that ever happen in UK?
This. it's not a crime. Customers change their mind and dump items wherever they want when they are shopping. If anyone says anything to you all you have to say is "I didn't know that was the Halal section"
Hell the workers would probably be happy that your dumping a meat item in an actual refrigerated section rather than shoving it on the shelf with the bleach all the way across the store.
isn't this hate speech in england now? Did the person who made that tweet get arrested?
Since reading is against your religion, Im sure you would be fine if you went to that till to purchase your beer and ham
Why is this shit OK but baking a cake for a faggot is mandatory?
I was just shitposting, but you make a valid point, user. I shall baleet.
It's the same over here, you just have to be an adult to ring up alcohol, if you're under 18 you cannot.
Yeah, I'm calling bullshit on this one. If a store even dares stop you, you can call the cops. I have NEVER seen someone get 1 year in prison for putting a food item back on the wrong shelf (same concept), and at least you're doing it in a cold area. I've seen frozen treats on dry shelves and ofc it just gets dumped. This is consumerism, the joys of it.
Maybe not in your backwards humidity filled state faggot. I stole so much beer from the cage before i was 21 you dumb nigger.
>muslim grocer
>refusing to sell you alcohol
>will still gladly sell you heroin though
>too many prayer breaks
>3 times a day 10 mins at a time
>UK has 100 tea times
>Spain and Italy take naps in the middle of the workday
ye ok
Forgot to switch your flag to canada Sup Forumsro
"Ye" does not mean "yes"
The number of stupid scumbags we have I've got no doubt it's happened. For example I've lost count of the number of burglars I've met who got caught because they fell asleep in the house they were robbing.
It must take something to get frostbite in Finland. What were they stealing? Whole frozen elk?
>stealing alcohol
What a nigger.
Only a few tills are allowed to serve alcohol and only at certain hours.
This is fake news.
Aldi is terrible, desu. The layout is shit, the food is knockoffs of knockoffs, it smells bad and it's always crowded with obese people. I only go there sometimes because mine is in the same parking lot as a Dunkin' Donuts.
>customer drops 12 pack
>bring it to closet to clean out
>put two beers in pockets
>put rest back in cage
>take recently expired beer as well
>lock door
They get credit for EVERYTHING... even if its missing.
You don't know anyone w/ a felony on their record, user.
SJWs will applaud this, yet when Christian pharmacists in America did not want to have to fill that abortion drug (the morning after pill) they were harassed, ridiculed, some fired, and made to do it. Regardless of what you think of the issue, the fact is the war is on Christians and Catholics, when are people going to wake up and see that?
>Christians and Catholics
>dogs and dogs
>cats and cats
>anons and anons
>years and years
>just European problems
In Canada, most places won't let young people be waiters/waitresses for this exact reason.
Former liquor store mamager here.
Anheuser was chill as fuck about our credit system. When a 18 pack can or 12 pack bottle or any beer waa going to expure he would scan it and tell us to drink it because hed have to take it back and have it thrown away anyway.
Im now a cop but i really miss the free beer.
Good times.
I recall another vendor was the shit because hed bring our liquor order, and id take inventory and count the amount of shit we bought. We would always double check qnd after striking up a convo and having the same favorite footbqll team (NY Giants) he learned my favorite hards was jameson.
Every shipment after that, they would accidentally ship 5 more bottles than we ordered and he always said "whoopsies"
Fuck i miss thst job. Great times.
I would have reported that nigger
My mother said that Aldi had some of the worst customer service and some of the most overpriced shit ever. Fuck that place. All of it was made in Canada too. Fucking Jew Leaves
I live in Oregon, You already don't get liquor from Grocery Stores
>Halal section
What kind of fucking grocery store has this?
People that believe such things like "I can't touch that bottle of evil sin" are not equal to us their intellectual capacity is sub human and should be treated like monkeys.
>Hey host nation, get on your knees and suck my dick and bend over backwards and hop on one leg for my barbaric subhuman beliefs that I take so seriously that I blow up my self self for. Show some respect for me you fucking cuck
Jews have a kosher section I don't see why it is so surprising, at the end of the day its just a advertising technique.
All of this is bollocks.
How many pakistani off licences are there in the UK?
How many Muslims own them and sell alcohol directly to customers?
It's just the same bullshit as the Muslims who claim to dislike dogs.
Muslims don't have issues with dogs, just go on any animal shelter website in the UAE and you will see them speak the truth on this.
As for the no pork, in the UAE pork is readily available in every supermarket I have ever been in. Grated it is in a separate section, but they have no issues selling it.
This is an education issue more than anything else and Aldi should fire the guy.
Would you give me a job in your garage only to find out that I am Amish afterwards?
wouldn't they sell someone alcohol though?
It's less about touching and more about helping people sin.
It's the same reason why muslims aren't taxi drivers usually since they can't drive people to nightclubs (where they obviously sin)
"It is haraam to go to bars where alcohol is sold, and night clubs which involve immoral and sinful things. It is not permissible to help anyone with regard to that, or to take him in his car for free or for payment, because that is helping in sin. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
“Help you one another in Al‑Birr and At‑Taqwa (virtue, righteousness and piety); but do not help one another in sin and transgression. And fear Allaah. Verily, Allaah is Severe in punishment”
[al-Maa’idah 5:2]
Based on that, if your husband knows that the passenger wants to go to a haraam place, it is not permissible for him to take him. "
(quick google search on the matter)
Most people are going to Hell for idol worship.
Fuck you. He gave me the logistics, corpprate wise its liteally pennies to the ounce of profit for all of that shit. And hes working doubles for 16 an hour to make ends meet. We both could give a shit.
>It's the same reason why muslims aren't taxi drivers
I will just assume you have never been in a taxi.