>Discredits both sides as violent and at fault
>Holds somewhat liberal tier values (gay rights, racial equality)
>Supports police, but opposes corruption
>Highly unpredictable
>like most centrists, demonized by the left
Is he, dare I say, /no1sguy/?
Is Trump the ultimate Centrist??
I have no idea what game he's playing
Truly, he is JFK 2.0
I too, am a centrist.
Our movement needs a better, sexier name though.
I like "Rational Socialism".
I honestly cant make heads or tails of any side really. Everyone is so shifty.
Kek that's the point!
I think it´s Age of Empires 5
fucking hilarious, but it might just work
Did Trump just pull a Putin?
>Embrace all sides
>Condemn both sides
>Creates confusion in population
>Population in-fights and is suspicious of one another
>Confused population unable to organize effective opposition
>Remain in power
Video: How Putin did it.
He's bush teir now
I just might try to make a general out of it.
good or bad?
That's a little vague. How about "National Rationalism," or NatRat for short?
>Bush, good or bad?
A Putin? More like a Machiavelli. This shit is not new...
Not RatSoc?
National Rationalism sounds too cutesy, to rhyme-y. I'm not against a common sense safety net, it just needs to be pragmatically organized around promoting the nation in a self-sustaining manner.
Rational Socialism sounds powerful, masculine, like it's here to solve your problems. It's also a good pun.
He's rightfully treating the left like children
>You didnt hurt anyone seriously or destroy very much property today
>Have a tweet for continued good behavior
bush presidency was the least political point in my life. i payed as much attention to it as i did my fast food job
From the way he called antifa police agitators, and then immediately said that protectors are good, shows he finally gave up the hard-right personality and jumped into the center.
Face it guys, he is just another politician now.
He may not be as bad as Clinton or Bush, but except him to talk, act, and try to be as safe as possible with policy now.
The fact that he's still labeled as a racist Nazi bigot by the MSM just proves that the left is waging war on everyone to the right of Karl Marx. Trump was never an extremist by any means.
Lol who cares, he is sided with the jews.
I don't think it drives the point home hard enough. You also have to remember that most people on the right hate socialism. We don't want to have bad optics, do we?
I think Rational Rationalism, or RatRat is a decent compromise.
As a Normal Joe American, I am shocked at the display of sheer contempt and hatred Antifa has demonstrated against the police officers that keep us safe every day.
What was intended as a Free Speech raly, quickly turned into a violence-ladden platform for the Alt Left to lash out against our brave Law Enforcement Officers out in the field.
It would be most politically viable for Trump to react by promoting a swift investigation into these Anti-Police aggitators.
they photoshopped that with obama, too.
I've told you faggots all the time he was a centrist. It finally took this tweet to get you niggers to realize?
i think we all kind of noticed the shift when the cville tweets first started
When will Sup Forums ever come to terms with the fact that BOTH SIDES ARE EVIL????? Even /ourgal/ agrees!!!
Trump is a business-minded Machiavellian, he is just what we need.
Centrist, yes, and it should tell you something that even as a centrist he's still forcing the Overton window to the right.
> Discredits both sides as violent and at fault
Literally any other politician would have done nothing but shit on the entire right wing in order to stop the cries of "Racistnazibigothatephobic!" Trump rightly put half the blame on the violent leftists where it belongs.
> Holds somewhat liberal values
Most of those are either acceptable in a civilized society, or are not feasible to fight at this time. Good on him not squandering resources and political capital.
> Supports police, opposes corruption
Ever been to a country with a corrupt police force? We're fucking lucky in the States to have what we have, and this is the attitude it takes to build that.
> Highly unpredictable
Only if you aren't paying attention. It's like a magic show. The magician always has a part of the trick where you think he's doing the tricky part, but it's long after the actual tricky part. Look at the shiny object, fool! Trump never actually *does* anything chaotic or unpredictable, he just *says* shit. People are so hung up on words that 90% of the population can only think about words, not actions. He distracts, and people fall for it. "Oh Trump is so impulsive and crazy." Name one time he did something crazy, other than just saying shit. Even when he talks shit, he always does it to people who did it to him first, and only if they did so from a very visible platform.
> Demonized by the left
That's just what they do. Sharks swim, bats fly, leftists call you racist. When a leftists calls you a racist, it has zero value as evidence of racism. "Van Jones called me racist, must be Tuesday again."
>a Free Speech raly, quickly turned into a violence-ladden platform for the Alt Left to lash out against our brave Law Enforcement Officers
They are now attacking the people that protect people's 1st Amendment rights.
That should jiggle almonds
Is she, dare I say it, /ourmagapede/?
A president's job is to be above the fray and represent all of the people. We've been brainwashed by 8 years of Obama that a president must take sides on everything every 10 minutes.
Leaking this bastard at every point i can, enjoy:
>That should jiggle almonds
you mean activate almonds.
Your Shit ideology its a jewinh creation.
I love this mother fucker and I voted for Gore, Kerry, Obama and Hilldawg
youve been in the dark for too long
hi Jason
So what you are implying is that we should judge trump by his action, not his words?
Sounds like wisdom to me senpai.
That you Steve?
It all makes sense when you start filtering for people who kiss his ass while managing to not steal his spotlight and the people who don't. That's all there is to it, there's no 52D interdimensional chess.
its 1D copy paper goys
Well spoken
If we only had more people talking this way. Im either tired of alt-left alt-right bullshit.
He said it himself, he's the law and order candidate. That means no LARPing fags marching through the streets fighting each other over irrelevant shit. If that means placating them into a position where they don't have a reason to march anymore, so be it.
52D is my wife's bra size
This nigga gets it :)
how come all the centrists of Sup Forums are the only smart ones?
Both of the alts are shot tier LARPing faggots, controlled by the globalists.
antifa members dont use common sense
how about we just shorten it to 'hello rato'?
I feel Ted Cruz might at least give it a chance then
>antifa members dont use common sense
this is true, however their tactics don't come from nowhere.
Study your enemies user.
>Pro American
>Discredits Anti-American
Your point?
He was very pro-military and pro-police. This is normal.
No. He's just a fucking American. Freedom, freedom of movement, freedom of speech, freedom to do whatever the fuck we want.
Says the guy who runs a Jewish creation and slave control.
we had rock throwing and hard object clubbing since monkeys became a thing. i think pee tossing is just antifa personality slipping into all that
840D chess?
69th multidimensional go
The Bush presidency was the last one before the smartphone and social media era.
You didn't have nation wide echo chambers pushing each other to be as extreme as possible and the people talking on the internet weren't even that political
He's correctly realised that the people who aim for the extremes will get nothing in the end due to alienating the normies. He will conquer the middle and secure the mandate to move the overton window to the right again back to centre (or more).
Lets get antifa labeled as terrorists, official white house petition here:
For those who don't know what antifa is, it is a far-left domestic terrorist group (only considered so in 1 state, for now) that is part of the alt-left and promotes killing cops, destruction of private property, anti-white racism, open borders, islamic terrorism and the implementation of communism thru means of violent revolution.
Read more here: farleftwatch.com
Not at all, alot of these nutjobs view America's laws as illegitimate
thats probably why lmao.
Some of them managed to have an iq above 23 and read the anarchist's cook book.
Destruction of property is one of their methods, but they have more. Try to use the information provided to your benefit.
this is a worth-while read if you want to know what your enemy is, rather than merely what they do. Best to know motives so you know how to defuse the situation.
What flag is the old guy carrying? It doesn't look like it should be threatening to antifa. seems like they are just going after whoever they perceive as weak and an easy target. The pot calling the kettle black, as usual.
He's a maggot, simple as that.
>and Bannon is the faggot.
>centrist thread
finally I have come home
actually a good idea, now be a good american and click this picture.
>I have no idea what game he's playing
Trump is literally building the foundation to a new America right before our eyes. That's what game he's playing.
OP is right. Trump is the ultimate centrist.
Prediction: The new Political Center will be based around Trump and his policies in the same manner in which we see characters like Abe Lincoln, and, to some extent, Teddy Roosevelt.