We literally need a miracle at this point. We are falling and will fall fast without someone to unite us quick. Please wake up.
You definitely need miracle to persuade normies that rightwingers are not bunch of out of touch with reality lunatics who cares about problems no one gives a shit about and don't give a shit about problems everyone else does.
>Please wake up.
Open the gate and let the vandals in. Lets get this over with.
If we give them what they want they will leave us alone.
You WILL fall beause you don't understand how the game works.
We'll never fall to these queer degenerates
Foh with that bullshit. We are the future
Awaken Shiva
fucking burgerfats are the worst fucking shitposters on this entire board. You entitled fat fucks have turned a politics board into your sole place of residence and constantly spam about how right wing and anti-establishment your president is when in fact drumpf is just a tangerine 1%-er who doesn't give a fuck about the working class and never has. Not only that, but he dodged the draft and and has not worked a single day in his life. It's like you thick headed bald eagle mcdonalds amoebas are blind to the fact that you elected some fat, globalist with no political experience, no regard for the working class and no regard for anyone rather than the big jew corporate leaders and banks. Then you have the fucking audacity to come on pol, act as if you're some kind of traditionalist conservative nation and hold this superiorty complex over everyone else. You are the birth place of every single sjw and leftist movement on earth and are the source of decadence and cultural erosion in the west because you replaced your black slaves with spic and chinese ones and then try to spin diversity off as a virtue. You are the root of all of the jew evils you disgusting Americans. I want to range ban all of you from pol. As a Canadian I am 100 times more uncucked than you you delusional fucks. GET OUTTTTT NOWWW I CAN'T FUCKING STAND TO READ ANOTHER AMERICAN POST GET OUT GET OUT GET OUT GET OUT GET OUT NOW YOU 60% ASSHOLES!!!!!!
we will never fall because we are free thinkers, it is the majority, the sheep, that have already fallen.
The retards flying the Nazi Flag are what started this shit. They've given fuel to the Antifa faggots to get the normies to join them.
You call someone else tangerine and claim to not be a racist? fuck u faggot. i'm a 40 year old latino who makes 285k a year. eat my dick.
shitty unthinking and unoriginal spammer telling me to wake up
my almonds neatly tucked in bed you whiny crybaby faggot
So now the time has come.
The only thing, that can save us now... is a, as unfortunate as it sounds, a civil war.
Peaceful protests by the alt-right will be marked as violent by the alt-left (media) anyways... so what the fuck should we do?
Look, I don't want to give a fucking speech here or something, but if we don't want our country see getting killed by leftist and rapefugee scum, we will have to fight and grab our fucking weapons. Peaceful protesting timesa are over. We god damn have a right to defense ourselves. And if you now compare how many alt-left protests ended in violence and the alt-right protests, you MUST come to the conclusion that the alt-left is clearly the aggressor here. So, if we know that THEY are the violent ones... why shouldn't we have the right to defend ourselves from these lunatics?
Think about it. There is no other way... we need a civil war now.
Pirate Posters are the new Leafs
>without someone to unite us quick.
How about we get another President Trump? Dingus. Dick Spencer totally fucked the actual Alt Right by using it to cosplay as Neonazi Donald. One week won't undo the damage and the WN LARPers haven't been properly shoahed yet. All of you NatSoc faggots: you are cosplay or you are the enemy of the United States. Go ahead and blame da Joos, you are finished in IRL USA
may kek bless you.
i'm not talking about uniting the right u stupid fucking piece of shit. i'm talking about UNITING FREE THINKERS!
Hold true to American values.
>my immature politics and thought processes are mostly influenced from movies
spread your butt cheeks nice and wide, shove my man meat deep inside.