Do we unironically have to check our water supply?
no we should add more shit to it to kill tap drinking faggots faster
>buying water
kys amerifat
Research Bisphenol A
hint: plastic bottles, food containers and thermo paper
is it my fault i was born poor and drank tap water?
>not sending your daughter out with a pail to get water fresh from the mountain spring
All real men of Western society who know the truth about tap need to read up on the utility of testosterone supplementation. Don't let the jews outlaw testosterone, lobby for the legalization of gear.
I have a feeling its in your Evian too cuntie.
>jonny greenwood and brian eno lovechild
I don't have a natural spring outside my house, senpai.
>inb4 "you did get that tested"
protip: i did
Jesus that thing looks like it kidnaps plump college girls, starves them a little then skins them to build a womansuit.
Post kitty feet!!
Only nazis are against this guy's happiness.
What are you, poor?
British culture is so vibrant lately.
add more fluoride, niggers can't stand it
That guy has my same hairline 0:
> tfw always buy bottled water bc I'm not a soda drinking fatty
I use my tap water to brew tea. Am I safe?
Give us his info. I wanna creep on this freakshow
>that fugin first sotd (sip of the day)
Is that him?
>drinking (((tap water)))
you arent white if you do this
I boil all of my water and still freakout! If I don't use my water-boiler for couple of days then I see huge buildup of calcium looking shit, everyone and their grandma is dumping shit into their toilet and water supply and who only knows what kind of chem we're intaking on daily basic
Commies are putting fluoride in your water.
yeah, scary stuff. I wonder if it was like this say 100 years ago. 1 out of 10 men turning out to be a flaming homosexual completely deranged individual
Owlposting is not allowed here.
>People actually drop tap water
Do you faggots at least boil that shit before you drink it?
>this is the state of modern day america
But you buzz your head right?
Tap water in Western Europe is said to be completely safe to drink, often exactly the same of safer than bottled water. I dont know if its actually true or some giant kikery. Seeing all these fags makes me doubt
75mg ED here, no script though
But tap water is fucking delicious in Rome
Is it contaminated there too?
do you even need a script in canada?
I've honestly been considering getting my water tested. I think severn trent are trying to give me aids.
its giant kikery
get some good filters or drink shit like perrier or san pellegrino
Thank god I invested in a Brita.
Boiling doesnt remove flouride
Put the lotion in the fucking basket hans
Distilling does
The ever popular "skullett" hair style