Almost 15,000 people today mobilized against free speech. Does this worry anyone?
What's the future of free speech in America?
They are free advertisement for us
Buy a gun
nah im black pilled to this shit already
Wow, user, are you wrongthinking on a taiwanese basket weaving forum?
Considering Trump will prolly get a couple more SCOTUS justice noms, safe for the foreseeable future.
No. Silent majority.
>Almost 15,000 people today mobilized against free speech
The blue snake laughs because the camouflaged snake doesn't stand out. Wonder which one will survive the hunt
Who cares, it's Boston, they're all commies.
The Jews and corporations they control are poised to dictate all speech in America with the consent of Communists who hate them.
It's the 1st amendment for a reason
I wish we had it here
Not really, they are just signing their own death warrant during the upcoming purge.
Most of those people don't have guns.
If shit goes down they won't be able to oppress anyone with their Antifa ways.
They honestly believed they were protesting nazis though.
>Almost 15,000 people today mobilized against free speech. Does this worry anyone?
15,000 used their free speech to drown out an intolerant viewpoint hiding behind "free speech" to espouse their shitty views.
Not worried, system working as intended.
Google ideologue
Enjoy the Google provided example
i dont know what free speech is for if you just use it to express hate and nonsense. why dont you fucking use your stupid mouth and contribute something to society like sucking some dick
You don't understand, it's not about guns or violent uprisings. They're gonna legislate this shit behind your eyes. Google, Twitter and social media are already practicing censoring of right wing views. You have an entire generation of kids who grew up on these social media sites. They'll start getting used to the idea of censoring hate speech. Then they'll start voting in the politicians.
It's not gonna be some blatant "Repeal the 1st amendment" movement. It's gonna be sneaky fucking things like fines for misgendering a tranny, or firing government workers for hate speech on social media. It's gonna creep in every institution and city while not even touching the 1st amendment at all, so people are complacent and happy they still have an illusion of it.
Sorry, idiot. Not how it works. "Hate speech", if such a concept is to even be taken seriously to begin with, IS free speech. There's no other kind. It's been said so many times but I guess you're too retarded to understand, huh?
Speech that is popular and accepted doesn't need protecting with the first amendment.
Oh look everyone, it's another self-loathing white person who gets all of his social and political views from his Facebook feed.
Why would you want to say retarded stuff anyway. hate speech shouldn't be allowed.
Go bait somewhere else, leaf.
No, because I'm gonna say whatever the fuck I want. I have no government anymore.
>When people call out left for being shit, it's freedom of speech
>When people call out right for being shit, it's oppressing freedom of speech
K bro whatever
nigger you're a fuckin piece of shit
if any of you nazi faggots come to nevada I will blow as many heads off before killing myself
Fuck off, Statist
"Freedom of speech doesn't protect speech you like; it protects speech you don't like." - Larry Flynt
Unless we vigorously defend our Constitution, the US will probably go the way of Europe with silencing of free speech, and this is all the fault of faggots and minorities and their white suburban lib arts hangers-on. They're the biggest pussies to ever walk the earth, and I will not let their feels get in the way of the state defending our rights.
I think this subversion is more challenging for them because many Euros believe it's the state that ALLOWS them the rights, instead of promising to defend what we see as already intrinsic.
Coward through and through huh?
Most of these people want things like hate speech laws and whatnot.
well i think they actually just mobilised themselves to counter anyone who spouted racist rhetoric. Thats them using their 1st.
op is hetero
Progressive Logic : let's use the first amendment to protest the first amendment.
I'm surprised they found more than a hundred people who didn't realize this flawed logic.
Your free speech argument ended the moment you rammed that car into all those people.
They are funding these anti-American fucktards.
Jews and cooperates hate free speech.
They want us to be cattle.
Fuck them.
You have guns now and are sitting there and taking it as they're slowly fucking your education system and are writing laws to imprison you.
"Muh guns" isn't going to save you when you sit on your fat ass.
No it doesn't I want the Left to grow larger and to commit more violence, This will lead to the Right taking up arms and eventually just putting them down. The closer this Drives us to Civil War the Better.
Blocking entrance denies freedom of assembly or did you miss that part.
You also have the right not to have piss and rocks thrown at you.
Fuck you and fuck your violence.
"Muh gunz" wouldn't save them anyways. How the fuck are small arms going to stop a drone strike?
>conservatives and libertarians having anything to do with white nationalism
they've been dumbing everyone down for decades, now that tree is beginning to bear fruit.
Especially when they are being taught logic is racist and feelings are better.
>contribute something to society
go ahead and take feee speech away and see what happens
i hope they do bc in the end it will be for the best
>saying we need hate speech laws is 'calling out'
>the left is the only one for hate speech laws en mass
neck yourself my man
Sup Forums is a white nationalist breeding ground
Just shoot the operator at Nellis AFB in Las Vegas.
We live here dipshit.
The problem is that legally hate speech is protected and these idiots want to change that. They are pushing this change by pretending there is already a law in place. If they successfully get hate speech laws, you can kiss free speech goodbye because at that point they can easily erode them away over the span of 10 years or less.
The real problem is that the media is playing it up and treating these people like heroes fighting racism. While in reality they're fighting some Indian guy running for Congress and 20 or so people waving American flags.
Go look at how they're reporting this. It's all about peaceful protesters showing up to a "free speech" event, and yes almost every source I've seen puts quotes around free speech
This infection is at all levels. From the lowest street rat to the wealthiest media mogul or politician. They've created a completely new reality, and anybody who strays from this accepted reality is completely and utterly shunned, mocked, or even outright attacked.
Trump putting a name to all of the violent leftist groups caused a huge shift in the Overton window, so now the Jewish Marxists running the media, academic, and political establishments are doubling down on the insanity. I hope to God that Bannon ramps it up at Breitbart now, because we sorely need it
Our country was founded on three principles and skin pigmentation is not one of them.
Totally agree. That is why the civic nationalism is a better narrative. Then the left is out in the open protesting Liberty, which is what they are protesting all along.
This is Soros's plan get rid of the first and second amendments and then we are fucked. Now we know why the 2A was right after the 1A.
This is a war on America. Hope it stays cold prepare for it to go hot.
It literally was though, retard. The first naturalization act granted citizenship to immigrants who were free white persons of good character.
I blame primarily sociology, gender studies and racial studies. Those are all like fucking degrees in marxism. Those numbers are too big though, it's like the mental patients have convinced an army of their delusions.
If freedom of speech ended after that car attack then freedom of religion should have ended after the Pulse shooting.
Whopty doo asshat
who cares about pigmentation.
What free speech? They were prevented from even beginning. Not one speech was made. They were attacked as soon as they turned up. And you have no idea as to the circumstances involving the young kid in the car. You are pathetic.
I am more shocked that this is even a question that is being asked. It's a fucking rhetorical question. Of course it should worry anyone.
It's right this exact moment we actually have to get the weapons and get rid of these people... because.. as you stated it.. they actually mobilized to protest against FREE speech.
Fuck, I sound so crazy to say that, but... I want a fucking civil war now.
You know exactly what to do.
Hint: 2nd Amendment is to protect the first.
What scares me is that the Jews and corperatist can call up a 15,000 strong Army. Yes they are LARPing faggots, but this was an organized Army.
Ignorant people will not remain free for very long.
The media is working on a path parallel with school systems to actively and passively distort information to wipe out from the vestiges of our history and our memory any collection of stories that testify to the greatness of America and her people.
This is Obama's legacy.
your civil war has already started, burger
i am not being hyperbolic. there is a literal civil war in the US now, and it will only escalate
Media said their were 100 FAR right protesters that FLED THE SCENE
Hate to say it but I agree
just a matter of time before it goes hot.
Soros's plan has been to destabilize the US and have the UN come in to "rescue" us.
Fortunately these morons live in the city and do not have any self sustaining skills. They go out into the woods and they are fucked.
Your free speech ended the moment this man shot up a bunch of congressmen
>How the fuck are small arms going to stop a drone strike?
dunno ask an afghani goat fucker how he does it
Free speech is for discussing things that nobody could ever be offended by, why else would it be something that needs to be protected?
The only thing you'll be allowed to say is "yes master" when they say "gibs me dat, cracka/pendejo!"