So about that march today
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>White supremacists
Wasn't there blm people?
80% of them were black
The march ended early.
Antifa took over.
Antifa is now fighting the police.
The original rally attendees are no longer there.
what a dumb fuck, there was never any white supremacists there. Shiva was in the gazebo in in his pic talking about running for office. how dumb is the left?
But woah hey...wait a minute...CNN told me there are white supremacists in the millions. What's going on here?
what are they fighting police for?
>the Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.
Very fake news
they're fucking retards and got jebaited by the nazis
Antifa is confused and now believe all police are members of kkk. So when the ghost enemy isn't there to assault, they always have the police to attack.
i hope there is plenty of violent footage to circulate online for a few weeks.
>one side stays home because they don't want violence to occur
wow, what evil people.
The dumbest shit about antifa is everyone that doesn't fully agree with their extremism is labeled as a nazi. There were no Nazis there.
> "peaceful protestors"
In order to free the black man from slavery duh! GET WOKE YOUNGIN!
They're idiots. Plus blacks.
Those evil nazis and their Provocative non-aggression.
They where protesting Black People speaking out against Antifa.
Think we were gonna show up to that fucking fish bowl the bpd setup. Fuck you. Not gonna get kettled into a turkey shoot.
Makes sense, just look at the demographics of this country.
The moment Evens went on Tv to give the all clear the chimpout happened.
Shiva is a good man.
>white supremacists
Was anyone in Boston even waving a Confederate flag? Nazi flag? Klansmen hoods? Anything? Or did they just see 'someone isn't antifa so racist'?
>peaceful protesters
This woman was black too
Also, these faggots got baited
Every face is gold. I particularly like the black (?) woman and the retarded korean.
The part I like the best is how the man stream meteor is all but completely ignoring the leftist chimpout that is occurring.
I hope Antifa kills a bunch of cops.
Not because I hate cops or I'm rooting for them, just so the illusion of "peaceful, anti-nazi heroes" can be shattered for good.
we didn't bite the Soros bait . Let the left have their false victory
Have you watched the speech from the actual rally you wanted to destroy? It's an Indian man and I'm counting several black kids attending the tall. Retard zombie.
Wow im dissappointed that youre so easily swayed. Canadians like you are going to Fuck us.
>verified "journalist's" twitter account
>verified propaganda
>drop Nazis at 500 yards
Not with a cap gun and that limp wrist faggot
Wait, what the fuck? THIS is the "Free Speech Protest" that was happening there, in Boston, today, that thousands of angry faggots came out to shut down? This can't be fucking real.
For God's sake, stop this "we're not Nazis, muh freeze peach" shit. The enemy will just see this as weakness and call you Nazis anyways. This was literally a Reddit-tier civic nationalist rally and the media acted like it was some sort of KKK gathering.
>man stream meteor
You fuckwit, the entire point is showing that the Left thinks anyone to the right of Hillary (or Mao) is a Nazi fascist white supremacist who deserves a good beatdown.
The point is NOT proving them right by dressing up as brownshirts and parading around with plastic swastika flags
>For God's sake, stop this "we're not Nazis, muh freeze peach" shit. The enemy will just see this as weakness and call you Nazis anyways. This was literally a Reddit-tier civic nationalist rally and the media acted like it was some sort of KKK gathering.
This is exactly what we need. Normie centrist fags getting swarmed by insane antifa and the police getting attacked for literally no reason by the antifa. Eventually all the normies will side with us because normies are naturally repulsed by anti-social, violent behavior.
>Wait, what the fuck? THIS is the "Free Speech Protest" that was happening there, in Boston, today, that thousands of angry faggots came out to shut down? This can't be fucking real
Please pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.
I'm glad to see people are starting to wake up. You've been tricked. Hoodwinked. Bamboozled.
It's true. Our only hope is for the police to realize that the commies are the real threat.
False flag. I am so happy that a healthy skepticism is back.
Reality is that the shill presence seems to have subsided somewhat.
Hmm...I wonder why CNN would misrepresent things like that. Makes you think, doesn't it?
Oh and normies will eventually realize that antifa is going to attack and kill them literally just for being a normie.
Normies will go to war for that.
>what are they fighting police for?
That's a very good question. Makes you think, doesn't it?
>not a harry potter reference
We successfully tricked 40,000 liberals to waste their day going to Boston.
I'm not saying wave swastikas around you idiot, I'm saying pleading with the left won't do jack shit.
>we're not Nazis!
>we're peaceful!
>we just want free speech!
>look at this based black guy in a Trump hat!
You tards had like 50 people and the left had 5000. "God Emperor" Trump sided with the leftists. They are attracted to your weakness and cucking. You need to have a radical message. If they were faced with attacking either the Proud Boys or a hardcore skinhead gang, who do you think they would attack?
>20,000 protesters
>at $25 an hour
How is Soros not broke yet?
Yes, this is considered hateful to your average masshole.
If we could relocate Maine, New Hampshire, and Tom Brady, I would have no problems nuking New England (along with Jew York) from orbit
Those are some bad optics
Most of that 5k was radical centrists
>always check your optics
Ever wonder where all that climate change money goes to?
someone cuck crown that badge
Thought Gore was using it to buy more mansions.
... Does he seriously have both fingers on the trigger? Quaking in my boots.
>OC for normies.
Why is the DNC not condeming the shit throwers? Why is the MSM covering for antifa?
Because that is what George Soros is paying them to do
so there are no Nazis, white supremacists - and all these people turn up?? fucking kek. this is glorious. they are fighting a boogeyman who doesn't exist. instead, they are fighting pajeet and GMO's.
You only have to pay some of them. Once word spreads, normies come out so they can post on their social media bullshit about how they are activists and helping
I remember the anti goobergators saying "freeze peach" a lot.
I bet Sam Hyde was there and killed at least two communists.
Never forget that communists are NOT people, and do not have human rights, and that it's not only not morally wrong to throw them out of helicopters, but that it's a MORAL IMPERATIVE to remove communists any way you can.
GMO protestors*
At least he's having fun
AP is minimizing this, stating "Black-clad counterprotesters also grabbed an American flag out of an elderly woman's hands, and she stumbled and fell to the ground."
just a whoopsie..
This gives me an idea. What if we stage a bunch of rallies get antifa there and then just fucking leave. Antifa will still want to be violent thugs and will probably lash out at police or even themselves lol. It would be funny as shit and maybe send a message that antifa are the crazy ones.
Make it happen. Don't let your memes just be dreams.
We da goyim now