Look who I found...
HMMM...Really makes the niblets jiggle
It's all divide and conquer, senpai. But, don't tell anybody.
What is the red square supposed to represent?
The same guy holding one of the few Nazi flag at cville
Who also happens to be one of only 2 people pictured doing the Nazi salute at cville
>one has blonde hair
>one has dark black hair
u-uh okay
Adjust your monitor, holy shit
whats his name
someone must know
i dont think its the same person tbdesu
Are you sure, do we have more angles?
crowds on demand inc
It's amazing how much time she has on her hands.
I like how the iron cross t-shirt is brand new, no fading on the fabric or cross. Really tickled my hamsters.
i like how burgers have the freedom to actually buy these things.
i would get jailed for that.
Remember this photo?
Look at the guy in the left, his glasses, his belt and his pants
Have a bump on the house, Good work.
As an anti-White, do you agree White countries should be permitted to say no to mass immigration and "assimilation" without being call NAZIWHOWANTSTOKILLSIXMILLIONJEWS like all the non-White countries are permitted?
white people arrooksame
Hey rabbi whatcha doin'?
look at his hairline you fuckin dork
read a lot of Wheres Waldo as a kid? holy shit dude, youre fucking autistic
i guess autism truly IS our greatest weapon
What's it like living in a country where "illegal opinion" is a thing?
we're going to find out soon 2bh
youre one to talk
You don't see swat teams arresting twitterfags here.
>i would get jailed for that.
No, you would not, Hans.
It's just a Cross pattée/Tatzenkreuz. Pic related it the Wehrmacht insignia.
Isn't it racist in their eyes to abuse a 1000 years German symbol and by doing so displaying all of German history as evil Nazi history?
Well, if the Left has their way, we will be the same as you.
im not trying to be a dick, but your country is -5 minutes away from a civil war (implying its already begun). shits about to get real bad for wrongthinkers in the states, im positive
Its as if, FBI and CIA werent assblasted before how they operate honeypots for Neo-Nazis or worst, how they create these controlled oppositions. When will Americans learn?
If the people who were holding nazi flags were plants, why didn't the right wingers kick them out of their rally? Until you kick these people out, you will be associated with them.
>White, glasses, very slightly receding hairline
GARSH, you nailed 'im good, clearly the same guy.
Do you have anymore photos of this guy before he carried the flag?
This one is the present Bundeswehr Black Cross
When you'll be semi-lynched just by voicing an opinion opposite from the media, its a slippery slope already.
>Land of the free
And these fuckers have the gall to call us sub-humans for purging drug dealers.
OPs pic has grayer side burns. Looks older.
At the next rally people with Swastikas should just be physically removed, maybe even roughed up a little bit and the whole ordeal filmed so everyone knows what happens to these saboteurs.
This guy should be doxxed in by the way, I'll get to work to research his identity. Luckily the pictures are high quality.
>purging drug dealers
There is nothing wrong with that
We've been in a new cultural war since they game for our vidya
Civil war is unlikely. We're just having a repeat of the 70s. The left loves its terrorists and always play their hand too soon.
62% of Americans are opposed to removing monuments for any reason. 17% are in favor of removal of any sort, many of whom think these statues are being to museums instead of being thrown in the trash (because that's what NPR reports). The harder radicals push, the harder people push back.
Both sides always forget that independents are the plurality of voters and they usually vote against whoever has been making changes most recently. That's because Americans have low political consciousness (interest and activism in politics) which is because things are actually pretty great here most of the time, but not when the politicians are mucking things up. Again.
Republicans control Congress and most of the states. They're not going to be outlawing speech any time soon, no matter how much the Never Trumpers saber rattle.
This is God-tier investigative work user. (((they))) did not count on your autism. We are all being played and set against each other.
they both look like false flaggers
Naaah. UN even tried to sue us for that in the international court for CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY
Based UN and Europeans.
it sucks. but its not as bad as you would imagine. you will get used to it. if you are a normie then you wont notice much.
but it sucks when you are trying to have a debate. everytime i want to say something i first have to think if its illegal. ' can i trust this person? would he report me? am i getting in jail for that?' thoughts like these go through your head.
so eventually you stop debating and just live your life.
for example, at my workplace, when the refugee crisis happened and people were discussing about it, i didnt say a word. then one guy asked me if i had an opinion on that. and i said no, i dont care.
because if i said anyhting bad about rapefugees i would either get fired or many people would hate me / ignore me and work there would just suck.
so i just keep to myself.
>inb4 cuck with no backbone
maybe. but there isnt much i can do.
Why is America so retarded? Is it true that the millenial generation will be the first generation to not achieve anything?
"Rowling's welfare assistance wasn't out of total desperation, it was out of choice. She was an educated teacher who left her job when she had a child. After that, she chose not to work and, instead, collected welfare to get the time to write her book.
While we are not denying for one moment that trying to care for a child, write a book and work full time would be very difficult, we will say that it's not impossible. People do it. Instead, she basically got her book advance courtesy of UK citizens. She also got a generous arts grant (unprecedented for an unknown author) to complete her work when the welfare check wasn't cutting it.
So this was a person who did spend a very brief time in rags, but she went to the store and hand-picked the rags she chose to wear."
Philippinos are almost exclusively the good guys, we have lots of them here in Europe and there's no fucking crime ever coming from them.
They usually even do very valuable work for society, so I wonder why the Philippines itself is always in such trouble.
The people themselves are good, where does this come from?
I guess it's not that different for daily life then.
Here mobs will just get you fired. They try to run people out of neighborhoods, too. Homelessness is the ultimate punishment for an American.
I've heard that you not necessarily use "son of a bitch" in a literal contest, like Americans don't mean breeding when they say "fuck".
So when Duterte called Obama a son of a bitch, did he mean it literal or was he just calling him an idiot e.g.?
Good work user.