I wasn't fucking lying, come bring your violent shit to try to murder us and you will be exterminated for good off the face of the planet
Remember the other day fashies when I said we outnumber you?
We don't need to outnumber you. 25% would be more than enough. You people don't know what real violence is, and when you see what we're really capable of, you'll be begging for mercy. Our time is coming, and our numbers are greater than you think.
I mean think about it, dipshits.
How the fuck could George Soros, your fucking boogeyman that Alex Jones harps on all the fucking time, pay all these damn people as actors fucking 15 dollars an hour? If we deliver George fucking Soros to you on a silver platter, will you shut the fuck up about him?
Real americans protest for their beliefs. Half the people their were compensated to be there for your "cause"/
Merc protesters still get saged faggot.
You're larping so hard, but yet you already lost world war 2 and the fucking first civil war. Why do you cling to lost causes?
LOL what a little fag this guy is. He's gonna get colon cancer from all this butt hurt.
I'm paid nothing to be anarchist by anybody
You 'protested' against a 0,01% strong 'threat' fabricated by the MSM and paid by Soros
That means alot coming from an anarchist.
America lost ww2? I think you're wrong about that...
Nazis lost ww2, idiot
(damn conservatives sure do take pride in being stupid)
As I understand it, there wasn't a single nazi at the rally today... :/
it took the entire planet to take down the national socialist ideal in its infancy...
I dont think you understand
>If we deliver George fucking Soros to you on a silver platter
Do it!
What a retard. Waste of time, waste of life.
People like this should kill themselves. Do the world a favor by eliminating greenhouse emmisons and reverse their beloved climate change.
so you guys outnumbered this?
oh cool
It truly won't be hard to set up a fucking database to track internet trolls who harbor murderous beliefs, and fucking punish them severely for communicating death threats.
Its truly sad how powerless fascists really are. Probably small dicks too, that's why you want power so much, because you're pissed at the world for being fucking lonely kissless virgins
The difference between a real "fashie" and the ones you like to hit with bike locks?
Real fashies don't show their power level in public. You have no idea who your enemies are, only the sliver of society who are autistic enough to go to these "rallies" with respirators and hockey helmets and bash people with wooden dowels.
The true fashies are the ones who have you willfully climb inside of chambers, naked, to die. Those are the fashies you have no power against.
There's a reason communism fails everywhere it's tried, Antifa scum: communists are incompetent. Fascists are not.
I'm more astounded by the fact that more of you aren't out there trying to get some fucking. Get your ears rubbed you greenhorns!
No, but you're good little brainwashed sheep
Subhumans don't count
Who's "we"? The alt right is generally supportive of the Nazi's but our ideology is unironically different. Also, Germany was in a far worse strategic possition than the US, this country has far more potential.
Think of it this way though. Only about half the population votes, that's 50%, and the alt right has about 6% approval rating with around 45 percent having no opinion. We've already exploaded out of the fringes into a place where we control the headlines. Only doubling our support would put us seriously within range of hijacking the Republican party, and double it again, we own the country.
Do they even know what they're protesting?
He is larping, but he's not wrong.
If there ever was a real war you guys wouldn't have any idea wtf to do.
>It truly won't be hard to set up a fucking database to track internet trolls who harbor murderous beliefs, and fucking punish them severely for communicating death threats.
Perhaps you might benefit from reviewing the definition of fascism.
Intimidating and harrassing civilians for supporting the right of free speech, ky faggot.
You sound upset
Take a chill pill
All I see is a lot of people who left their apartments and homes ripe for looting. Should be real easy to see who goes to these things.
poor quality bait
sa ge
I stayed home, and represented the 73% that don't want to repeal the 1st, or destroy our imperfect/debatable history.
you've all gone back to being total pussies. you know that if you tell the world what you really think, the public will fucking ruin you.
can't wait to shoot faggots like you in the face :)
Funny how leftists always think lack of sex influences our beliefs so much, projection is a funny thing aint it?
OP, i actually appreciate you making this thread. its good that Sup Forums still allows for a diversity of opinions. i think this might be the only "free" social media platform that still exists.
thanks OP, for proving theres people here on both sides of the political spectrum
Fascists are pretty damn incompetent, their tyrants always die and get overthrown
Anarchists lost the Spanish Civil War, dumbshit
(damn communists sure do take pride in being stupid)
decent people have jobs. they don't have time to be out in the street rioting like savages or building halfassed armor from craft store materials. your numbers show the amount of people on welfare who don't fucking work and have nothing better to do but scream for gibs and promote violence against the very people and system that keeps you alive.
anyone have that cancer cartoon where the cells are screaming for more rights, totally unaware that they're destroying everything around them, only to die? yeah it's like that.
We shall fight in the shade.
Please, most of those people there don't give a shit about you or your cause.
Sheep that will lead to the decadence of western civilization... congratulations, you must be proud. In 20 years you will severely regret everything.
Hey anarchist,
Anarchy supports racism and genocide, far worst than fascism.
I don't think you thought this through.
Yeah, you protested an Indian liberal, and now it's gonna be all over the news.
You fell for Trump's chess move yet again.
How many fascists died, compared to how many they killed?
I thought so.
FPBP This is the truth
what i think? health care shouldn't be free. is that really worth attacking me for
>It truly won't be hard to set up a fucking database to track internet trolls who harbor murderous beliefs, and fucking punish them severely for communicating death threats.
says the guy who just said " you will be exterminated for good"
>because you're pissed at the world for being fucking lonely kissless virgins
I have a wife and a kid with another on the way.
>implying leftists don't want sweet death
Oh this is rich coming from an anarchist who have 0 victory whatsoever. Remember Franco? How fucking retarded do you have to be to lose to that?
>Nazis lost ww2, idiot
White people lost WWII faggot. Jews paid and propagandized the Allies to destroy the Germanic people and secure land in Palestine that was not theirs. You are a genocidal maniac and you dont even know it.
We all know you want chaos, bloodshed, and hatred. That's why no one showed up to give you what you want. Enjoy the bland normal day.
Come and do it pussy ;-D
In case you retards need some context:
First Amendment to the United States Constitution
The First Amendment to the United States Constitution prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, ensuring that there is no prohibition on the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble, or prohibiting the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances. It was adopted on December 15, 1791, as one of the ten amendments that constitute the Bill of Rights.
THE MAJORITY, maybe even a consensus of Americans will'nt fuck with that, when you get down to brass tacks.
>implying Nazis and Confederates are the same
That is wrong and retarded
gauntlet thrown
>anarchist flag
Yeah, you're a troll.
To pay 40 thousand people for 12 hours of rioting at 15 dollars an hour would be 7.2 million dollars.
That is nothing to the ultra rich.
Also eat a dick you nigger commie.
Once the target of your counter protest go viral expect your number of fags to drop. I mean you'll still have your real fags and cast outs. Behold your NAZI nemesis!!!
Most right wingers have jobs. Most Antifa are paid protesters.
Based Franco. Spain could use a man like him again to fix their Muslim problem.
youre a cringey fucktard, do yourself a favor and neck yourself
Anarchists have never held land for more then a few months and they were city sized plots
Good luck with anarchist revolution
Hey kid, remember Sacramento? 17 vs 400+ and you still couldn't kick their asses without a few of your own taking some hard hits.
>come bring your violent shit to try to murder us
I know you're just trolling but goddamn if a lot of those faggots don't actually believe this. Zero self-awareness.
Rojava, bitch
What a fascist murderer really wants is for his victims to gather together, in close proximity, for maximum effect.
ANTIFA seems hellbent on recreating the Holocaust, or why else would they willfully gather like that as lambs to the slaughter? It's a lot harder for a guy in a Challenger to hit people if they're spread out in a wide space.
Even ISIS has capitalized on the stupidity and ineptitude of the herd mentality. Not long before some neckbeard drives an 18-wheeler through a crowd of these morons for a super high score.
> you will be exterminated for good off the face of the planet
> trolls who harbor murderous beliefs
Like yourself? Most people try to cover up their hypocrisy, retards like you commies seem to revel in it. But sure, get your hopes up. You will have your day of the rope. I promise you.
Those were actually exhumed catholic clergy put on dispalay by the red to mock religion.
I hope those faggots rot in hell for doing this.
>No to GMO's
>Frankencrops are oppressing me
Does the left ever change?
With any luck, antifags who got arrested will be doxxed here tomorrow
Petition to formally recognize antifa as a terrorist organization
has gotten 25.000 (out of a needed 100.000) in less than two days. If you are an american, make sure to sign it!
>Boston Nazi from India promotes free speech amid much protest, 2017, colorized
>You people don't know what real violence is, and when you see what we're really capable of, you'll be begging for mercy
Didn't Charlottesville show you how a nation reacts to violence? Only 20,000 came out today, millions would march if you took it further.
Face it, racists are the new nigger.
Doesn't matter, they're kicking ass and you're crying on your couch like a bitch
u r deeply unironic. constipation is a serious health matter u know. lay off the mac n cheese.
Anarchist, you support racism and genocide, as long as it's publicly done.
You're as bad as Nazis.
GMO companies sort of took-over the agriculture production in India, so maybe it's a personal thing for him.
Especially when they discover that the military and the police, whom they've vowed to resist and to hate, are not on their side.
knowing how math works its likely someone else will beat me to it.
they're called antifascists, nothing they do can be fascist because of this
Say it with me.
Tiny brained, limp wristed, faggot. You alt left antifags are cancer.
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
oh no, whatever shall we do.... lol
>Rojava, bitch
(laughs in jihadi)
Oh look, George Soros employed a new internet shill LOL
You mean like yourself?
>says the Nazi
Everybody knows if it gets to the point the military would BTFO the extremist group whether it's right or left
Fascists are almost always commies/Marxist/socialist.
>murderous beliefs
You're a communist. There's no more "murderous belief" in the history of the world than communism. Please learn about the history of your own ideology.
pretty sure the nazi armies outnumbered the european armies at one point look how well that turned out
Antifa just works for the establishment.
Once the establishment regains control, it's back to the status quo and the media will turn on you.
You guys are completely retarded if you think you are helping anyone. You are just giving the Government more power to suppress free speech, and you are next.
He's worst than a Communist
An anarchist believes everything is good to go as long as there's no state/government.
there will *never* b a new nigger. thats a singular universal klassic, like the rings of saturn.
I think you're confused. You're not anarchist you're a commie. Either way, sage all larper fields.
I know thats why i posted them
Red Terror from the anarchists
Whats it like being completely brainwashed into thinking your evil and hateful tactics are any better than the KKKs?
This... it's pathetic
>Whats the difference
The smell