Hi there. I have a M.A. degree in archaeology. Before you ask, yes I am white and from Europe. I also like to visit Sup Forums and participate in the community here on Sup Forums. Ask me anything you want, though I guess it would be better if the questions would be related to my profession.
Based archaeologist here AMA
In your studies, have you come across any older cultures that left behind evidence of racism in their ruins?
> t american poster
The question is, have you found any that didnt?
Does it belong in a museum?
hi where is the politics
The left cannot meme. It's just pop culture references mixed with an interpretation of current events and ideology. It's like an annoying Christian kid at Sunday school. Just not cool in any way.
thats cool, i dont really have anything to ask
Where are you currently digging and what is your paper on the site about?
What is your area of expertise?
Every prehistoric population considered themselves to be the best. Their lifestyle, clothes, language, traditions, religion etc. Most tribes did not even have a name for themselves like Thracians, Teutons etc.. Every society basically called themselves "Humans" in their spoken language. They only gave names to foreign tribes. Later it obviously changed but the fact remains that anything alien to them was mostly considered lesser. For example the Greeks took this to the extreme. They considered themselves to be the perfect society and anything else was primitive to them. When the Persians conquered Athens, after the war the Athenians thought the mere presence of the Persians corrupted and tainted the place, so they destroyed everything and rebuilt it completely from scratch.
What school dis you go to?
Do you currently work in the field?
Im thinking about doing my MA in archaeo after undergrad
Do you believe that there were very advanced ancient civilizations that were wiped out through catastrophic events, like the dinosaurs (which were unknown to us until quite very recently), or any theories that o against mainstream archaeology for that matter? Also, do you think humanity is far older than we are led to believe? .
Yes it does and also fuck those assholes that are destroying statues regardless of the person it was dedicated to.
Sorry dude, I am a right wing Indiana.
Given the recent mania for destroying monuments, as seen in Afghanistan, Iraq, and the US, is it time to rethink the propriety of leaving them in place? Should we be moving every monument we can into museums?
Oh wow.
So you're completely irrelevant unless you've done something interesting.
So what have you done that's interesting?
how's the job opportunities in the archaelogical field?
tell me about the origins of the swastika, the reason for it spreading, and the ancient white tribes
I am writing about ethnic differences between Avars, Slavs, Germanic tribes (Gepids, Quadi etc.), Bulgars and Kutrigurs. How to see it in the archaeological material. Ethnic studies were a taboo for a long time after the WWII but now people are starting to return to it.
Were you really named after the dog?
>of East Slavs
Sage, you could even pick an interesting civilization to specialize in like IVC, BMAC, or Southeast Asia
Gotten a bit interested in gold digging recently. Been studying maps given by the state that shows where gold can be located, but I'm sure they are not making everything public. Is gold more common than what we are told?
Quantitative methods in archaeology. Early middle ages, dark ages, slavs germanic tribes, avars.
yea, the left is usually composed of mediocre and unintelligent people who are born followers and who become basically overgrown children, hence the heavy reliance on pop culture or whatever is considered cool and "in" in their "memes". Just look at the endless harry potter circlejerking, it's sickening.
I did my M.A. on a not so prestigious school in my home country but now I am doing my PhD. in Munich (LMU).
Did aliens build the pyramids? Wuz we kangz n sheeit?
Most of it is fake though recently archaeologists started to debate about the whereabouts of Atlantis again. This time it is supposed to be on Santorini. The emergence of Homo Sapiens has been pushed to more then 300000 years. The new oldest find comes from Morocco.
Hiya op ... what do you know of the beaker people and the people with the elongated skulls ? Were they the same ? ...
Something about magic mushrooms and tribes.
And christmas tree orgin
In countries such as Afghanistan or Irag the army should protect them. That is the big ones. They should not move anything if not necessary as it can cause damage that can not be repaired. The only exception would be imminent destruction by ISIS. In the USA I would suggest the police to arrest these people and have them spend some time in jail. It is vandalism after all.
How is someone relevant by just getting a degree? I am working on my PhD. with some of the best minds in my field on the european continent. I suppose when my dissertation is complete I will be at least slightly relevant.
Not so good from where I come from. Jobs do not open so much even in western Europe but the wage is good and private archaeological companies offer jobs too.
Awesome good luck.
My undergrad is quant heavy, and ive got data manipulation experience under my belt. Im going to blend it into my Arch. MA
Are aryans real?
That's a fair question, have you found that most advanced societies practiced hallucinogens?
What are some basic things common to golden ages?
Is a population replacement a common theme for the fall of civilizations, such as Egypt or Greece, or do populations just go retarded?
Also what do you think about there being one population that was very intelligent and it spread from the middle east towards Greece, Rome etc, which was making a bunch the golden ages? It's a crackpot theory of mine and any simply denouncement would do
The swastika is more ancient then Hitler or the Hindus. It was already used in the neolithic. It was a decoration on many objects. For example pottery which is preserved very well compared to other organic objects. It was originally a solar symbol and became popular in Eurasia from China to Europe. Hitler himself used it because the germanic tribes indeed used it too. He did not rob it from Hindus, Arians or anything like that. White people emerged when Homo Sapiens came to Europe. The lesser activity of the sun compared to that in Africa caused the skin to lose pigment. Here our ancient ancestors competed and also mixed themselves with Neanderthals.
I am Henry Jones Jr.. My day used to call me after our dog!
What are some basic common things that precipitate a golden age***
That is not so easy as you think as every school of archaeology has their own specialization.
Are dinos real?
I think there's a book called March of the Titans or something by a guy claiming ancient civilizations all fave the same cycle of being a lot "whiter" or northern caucasoid and mixing over time only to fall because of it. He used Egypt as one of the first examples. Any truth to it?
Gold was always rare. In ancient times only the aristocratic class could afford to own it...either by their wealth or power.
I know Bezerkers used mushrooms for fighting and heard christmas tree is from german pagan tribes used for their assimilation into christianity
can race and sex be determined from bone fragments, if so, what confidence level is there in the resluts?
What do you think about the news regarding archaeologists in Sweden only bringing a certain number of finds back and tossing the rest because they don't have the funds to properly preserve them? Also, how commonplace is this in other countries, if at all?
Can you type quicker?
No. And to answer the "we wuz kangz" meme, most of the egyptians were not black. Absolutely not the ruling class or aristocracy. They looked similar to mediterranean people. The black egyptians meme comes from the Nubians. Nubia was a land south from Egypt. They were imitating the more advanced egyptian culture and even built miniature pyramids.
swsstika is related to the rotation of the mayor bear rotating around the northern star, that indicate summer autum... not saying it's not a solar symbol
Is genetic testing of human remains found at archeological digs becoming more common place???
Anything to the Gaia findings in south America or is it just for show?
Also, favorite Indy in the series?
Did you take part in any exvacations?
im about to graduate with an anthropology undergraduate. What would you do if you were me?
What are the most true, but politcally impossible things to say in your field?
Are you researching it in regards to genetic differences???
opinion of randall carlson? and the younger dryas hypothesis
Opinion on how pyramids were built?
What is your opinion on sites like Gobekli Tepe where the quality of the stonework obviously shows high skill with tools yet supposedly at that time man was nomadic?
The bell beaker culture originated either somewhere in northern Africa (Morocco I presume) or somewhere in Rheinland. They spread to almost the entire european continent. But it consisted most likely from many cultures that accepted the material "fashion" of the bell beaker people. Elongated skulls appear in my periods and regions. Most commonly they are associated with steppe nomands like the Huns, Sarmatians, Avars etc.
How do you put dinosaurs back together. It makes no sense to me
Define a "golden age" in society.
but doesn't the open sale of antiquities provide a free market solution to the enormous problem of archeological funding?
by banning antiquity sales, you are making the entire industry dependent upon the government, and preventing more things from being funded and discovered.
shame on you.
That's the response I get?
I guess the major ones like the Islamic golden age, the renaissance but I was more so wondering if there's an underlying pattern to all great times that you can see across all cultures, whether it's drugs, a specific openness to epistemology, a specific openness to any other thinking besides epistemology... or whether they are all predicated on a great economy
What historically proven artefact that hasn't been found yet would you like to discover?
So even minor golden ages like the "Frankish golden age" where the king invested in the inteligentsia at the time and they standardized the typescript of writing, which is similar to the one we use today.
are you a cultural relativist?
what do you think of inherent racial differences? I know they often use skulls, teeth and other bones to identify the races of remains in archaeological sites, so I imagine it would be rather challenging to avoid the racial question as an archaeologist
Yeah, it is more common then people think. Scythians smoked pot, Incas, Aztecs and Mayans took halucinogens. The oldest known weed comes from a tomb of a shaman buried in China.
Define a "golden age" in society.
Genetically there was not a replacement in Europe that much. Our genes are almost the same as in the paleolithic. The colonists, invaders were never so numerous that they could change the genome. What did change was culture. If you enforce your culture strong enough, you can change the mindset of a population.
You could say that after the emergence of first civilizations in the middle east the knowledge spread to other parts of the world. Some people did migrate but usually the indigenous people from various lands just copied what they saw and modified it to their views. Also there was probably not a single cradle of civilization. A second one was in Harappa and Mohendzo Daro in India and also China.
Have you read Jonathan Rauch's book Kindly Inquisitors, Charles Murray's book By The People, or Roger Scruton's book Fools, Frauds and Firebrands?
Have you read Ilana Mercer's Into The Cannibal's Pot or Colin Flaherty's White Girl Bleed A Lot?
Have you read Stephen Coughlin's book Catastrophic Failure?
Have you read Gatto's Underground History of American Public Education?
Actually, dinos were first thought to be dragon bones when they were first discovered during the middle ages.
Many societies used mushrooms. It is more common then people think.
Yes, the Christmas tree comes from a pagan tradition.
What changed people's minds
Of course it can. If the bones are not burned and they still are in good shape a skill anthropologist can determine the sex, age (approximately) and even race (mostly from skulls).
What did Basal Eurasians look like? Were they niggers?
do you have an opinion on "the sacred mushroom and the cross"?
is this common knowledge amongst archeologists?
i.e. what % of your colleagues agree that there are physical differneces between races?
Well Egypt fell because it was weakened from the assault of invaders from the north by the "sea peoples". Internal struggles, and stronger civilizations took control over them like the Persians and later the Romans. There is no such pattern by just mixing. You could say that strong invasion by barbarians could weaken an empire enough to take it down eventually, like Rome.
As far as Africa goes (except for Egypt), there were not many major civilizations except for Aksum and Great Zimbabwe, so they did not manage to form empires like in Asia or the Mediterranean.
Redpill me on the swedes
When will the people of your community disclose the truth that pyramids around the world were not built by humans?
Where did you put the Ark of the Covenant?
>Genetically there was not a replacement in Europe that much.
I'm pretty sure that you are wrong. Almost all modern European ancestry is from populations which arrived within the last 15,000 years. Paleolithic Europeans left very little genetic impact on modern Europeans.
I never heard of this. A professional needs to preserver everything he finds. By tossing out finds you risk of losing valuable knowledge and also come to a bad interpretation.
How do we know you've a MA and you're not just testing yourself on speed?
Sorry. I did not expect so many questions.
Who build the pyramids and btw Maybe everything from your ((study)) is lies.
The question remains how many societies saw that exactly like that. There were most likely differences.
That doesnt answer his question does it?
Yes, It is happening more and more often but it is expensive. Too bad you can only use it on remains that were not cremated.
Yes, It is more and more often but still expensive.
Graham Hancock. Thoughts?
It is fake and gay. They either made a replica or just found a mummy. There are multiple examples of such burialns in pre-columbian era from South America.
My favourite is The Last Crusade.
Yes. Medieval fortifications, graveyards and even holes where they dumped the trash.
Any question humans originated in Africa? I heard there was an early human found in the Caucasus with a date that shocked people. How should one debate a lefty who says "we all come from Africa, so we shouldn't have borders"
Continue your studies, find your specialization, message/call the best people you can find to advise you on your master thesis and later your dissertation. After that try to write publications as much as you can. If you are good enough, you will get a proper job and be a great contribution to science.
Where did yo go for your undergrad? and Grad?
That matriarchy never existed. It is not something that will get you fired but you can piss at least piss off feminists.
I use computer software to make typological analysises. Genetic studies are too expensive and you need samples which I do not have.
I have to look into it. Never heard that name.
If you mean theĀ“ones in Giza, they were surely built by during a long time period. The tools used were relatively primitive but they had the numbers.
do you believe the conspiracy theory(?) that the tomb of Alexander the Great has been found in Egypt but they keep it secret to not promote greek nationalism?