Why are black people so retardedly blue pilled?

Every other race has a decent split on party affiliation. But black people seem to be so fucking retarded that even middle class who don't need gibs are too stupid to leave the plantation. I've talked with such black people I work with and they argued for Democrats at first until I asked them policy questions they had zero clue on. Then I told them how much money they pay out for all the social programs and useless regulatory taxes they lose in their paychecks and they seemed enlightened. Yet I'll bet 100% of those people still will vote Democrat because "muh racism". It's like 9:1 black people will vote Dem over Republican. Why are they so lifelong retarded and weak minded. They've literally memed themselves as being the butt of the joke for Democrats. It's fucking laughable and sad at the same time.

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>why arent these worthless niggers signing up to support the party that hates them and protects monuments to their enslavement???

there are probably more black race realists I know than Asian race realists
blacks are just blue pilled because the left panders to them so much

That's the party they're already signed up to. That's the funny part.

which democrats are up in arms about the statues coming down?

Which Republicans are "up in arms" about the statues coming down?

That's what I thought...


By all means display the quote with a link where he was "up in arms" about it. He just made a very real statement to all of you fucking retards on the left. Tearing down the statues doesn not erase the past. So what statement did he make where he was up in arms you fucking moron?

You Democrats just want to quickly take them down because they're reminders of how your party created the KKK and fought for slavery.

but the statues don't connect those portrayed to a political party, you fucking retard.

if getting rid of the statues does nothing, then why is trump opposed to the idea? why say anything at all?

>Do you want free shit? Vote for us!
>We will make new jobs and stimulate the economy, so everyone can get richer together!

Which one do you think niggers go for?

Maybe because it is your nations history, a memorial to those that died for what they believed in, and something that shaped the nation.

Destroying your history to pander to some people that are offended by it is completely insane.

Blacks are using the Democratic party to steal wealth from whites without working. Your pic's line of thinking is so Boomerâ„¢

Low IQ is not just a meme
It's statistically bought out.

Because you fucking idiot, it's our country's history. You cant cleanse it by removing statues. It doesnt erase shit. You keep them to remember where you came from.

You whiny faggots on the left think ya'll are accomplishing shit but you are considered little bitches by everyone I know, including PoC. You cowards still live with mommy and daddy and wouldn't know wtf hard times are if they slapped you in the face. Racism to you whiny little bitches is not getting your way. Like my black friends say, you kids are soft as baby shit. Even they say the statues are our history. Removing them achieves nothing. Forgetting how far you've come just dooms you to repeat it. I honestly pray for the day when you whiny little millennial pussies finally get greeted by the 2nd amendment crowd with your pussyhats and gun control cowards finally removed from America. That will be a glorious day, and it's fast approaching.

Because Sup Forums only posts the controversial vocal minority.

IQ is basically a measure one's capacity to manage complexity:

Honestly at this point I want the dems to win in 2020, and again in 2024, and again in 2028, and again in 2032. Hopefully the Republican party will collapse, the current Republican party is pure cancer purposely eating itself alive and trying to come off as incompetent. FFS they couldn't even repeal and/or replace Obamacare even though they have been talking about it for half a decade.

At this point I would like to see every Republican in Congress lined up and shot.

how is it possible to be this retarded?

I'm with you there.

I wish Hillary won in 2016 at least than the Republican party would be much closer to dying.

statues arent history and the historical record is still available to all who are interested. the purpose of statues is not to educate or preserve information. nice try though

>nice try though
What the fuck are you talking about?
Statues are monuments to your history, what possible reason could you have for taking them down?
>It's in the history books
Yes, it is, maybe we should get rid of those in case they offend people too

>every other race has a decent split on party affiliation

When you pour low-IQ easily-manipulated people into the general population, it's easy to get them to vote for your party. Even if they hate politicians and whites and Jews and everything you stand for, all you have to say is "yeah but those OTHER guys hate you for being a minority!" It's very easy.

Democrats figured blacks would breed themselves constantly and out-number whites in the general population, but like all Democrat metrics they fucked up. So now they're trying to fix that with Mexicans, who are pretty much exactly as stupid with the added bonus of already accepting politicians "must be corrupt."

statues exist to celebrate or glorify those portrayed. many of the statues in question were erected decades after the war for the purpose of reinforcing jim crow. they are at best monuments to a nation that doesn't exist and at worst a vestige of oppression and hatred. call me when they burn the books and i promise to get properly worked up about it ;)

>Democrats literally the party of slave owners
Dindus are most like crocodiles. They're not social animals per se, but they can almost coexist in groups. And while they'd surely try to eat you alive if you were to step foot within the confines of their enclosures, they can and do become habituated to human contact. There's no oxitocin released within their primitive, reptilian brains by interacting with human beings as in ours, but they do become attached to them in the sense that they are very distressed in their absence.

Because muh slavery

>oppression and hatred
You think the civil war was about slavery don't you, top kek mate. Even if it was, it is not glorifying anyone but the general himself, and the troops that fought alongside him.

Like I said you there is literally no reason to take it down other than it offending some people, and it should be there to honour the virginian men that died defending the state.

There is a Lenin statue in seattle
It has nothing to do with american history, and his ideology was more oppressive and killed more people than any other in history.
It glorifies him and his batshit idealist ideology that set russia back a hundred years and led to tens of millions of dead chinese.
Would you take it down?

>You think the civil war was about slavery don't you
Yes, I happen to believe the actual confederates about the reason for their secession.

>Would you take it down?
i wouldn't lose a minute of sleep over it.

We woke af nigga

Is that a yes?
Do you want to take every statue of anyone that ever did anything remotely bad down?
There won't be any left.

For gibs
