Lets be honest. You americans literally deserve everything thats happening in america. It's karma for what you did to us in WWII. Enjoy being a jewish colony for the rest of your shitty existense. Tell me does it hurt ? Trump and the bannon faction was your only chance at an america for americans but they LOST it was all for nothing (((they))) won once again. (((They))) won and deep inside you know it, you know that there is absolutely nothing you can do to change it. The jews will rule your country for the next 100 years. It will be a dull and miserable state for americans with nothing but stagnation and despair. You made your grave america and you must sleep in it.
Lets be honest. You americans literally deserve everything thats happening in america...
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Don't be racist Hans, show respect to your liberators!
Please, Germany, can we somehow arrange some initiative to relocate large percenteges of our gypsies to the United States?
They were 200 k in 1940s, now they are around 1 million at least.
If we would have won the war, the gypsy question would not even exist!
That's why I do not regret when seeing gypsies assault France, Italy and Spain. They never fought seriously for the Axis.
What could have been...
Simple stupid farmers cannot be held responsable for thier banker overlords. Forgive them lord for the dont know what they do.
Oh look. Another thread title with the word "literally" in it. Kill yourself you worthless kraut.
Why couldn't you just win instead of maki'g dumb decisions.
Hitler was great at screaming but Goebbels was the most "intellectual"
Don't remind me, Hans. Churchill, FDR and Hitler all bear some responsibility. Churchill for being too stubborn and lacking foresight, Hitler for being too aggressive and not listening to his generals, and FDR was just a cocksucking weasel.
You're right, but I wasn't the one to invite the Jews to live here.
You're right but I can't stay mad at em. Just at the overlords pulling the strings.
It has. They did.
He had a doctorate in Literature, after all.
>There was a time when the humanities weren't full of left-wing degnerates wasting everybody's time and money
Can someone change the flags to Antifa flags?!
Jewish "Culture":
It's true. America has been dying since the 50's when globalist kikes took over. Just down end up a multicultural cesspool like us.
Nigger, we wouldn't even have them as a problem if you retards took care of them 8 centuries ago.
>there is absolutely nothing you can do to change it.
You should know better than to give me challenges.
Did you not learn from last time?
>be honest
= spam. Every single time.
I don't want this.
I didn't ask for this.
I just want to be left alone.
It's sad but other nations are watching closely and will learn from their mistakes. The end of America is not the end of the world.
His Doctoral Thesis was on a lesser known early Romanticist poet.
His Doctoral Dissertation Supervisor was Jewish.
I'm going to agree with you hans, only because Germany wanted to be allies before everything kicked off. We shouldn't say anything more though.
What a shame, Aquila.
Americans are not Germans. Now head on to your tolerance camp Hans. You have terro- refugees to take care of.
Goebbels speaks against Liberal Marxism before it had reached the United States.
this, the only answer which murica has is a radical one, anarchism
1. USSR would had win anyway
2. Hitler was an autist
Not a chance. If the US stayed neutral the Axis powers would of took a big fat dump on the USSR.
>Hitler was an autist
says the commie nigger
Correct. Do you expect us to disagree? We should have fought with you- not against you.
Was Goebbels a genius? I can only wish to be half the man as he was.
bumping this b*tch