Wtf Sup Forums.
These were the nazis??? I thought antifa and liberals were AGAINST GMOs? So Antifa are FOR the birth defects of kids in the third world? For the eradication of honey bees? For DDT?
Wtf Sup Forums.
These were the nazis??? I thought antifa and liberals were AGAINST GMOs? So Antifa are FOR the birth defects of kids in the third world? For the eradication of honey bees? For DDT?
Monsanto did literally nothing wrong.
>durr GMO is bad
lmao I bet these faggots buy "organic" little do they know it's all GMO as well.
1 dude with an anti GMO sign does not prove anything
the anti gmo protesters arent the majority even in your image what the fuck
olympic mental gymnastics
The world has gotten so upside down here in the US that what was once considered "liberal" is now on the "right."
The Overton window has shifted so far left that it leap frogged straight into authoritarianism.
That anti-GMO sign is absolute genius.
The Black Lives Do Matter sign looks like overcompensating, but nobody can possibly at the GMO sign and think this is a Nazi demonstration
this guy knows whats up
there does not exist a vegetable in a first world country that isnt GM'd in some way
>a nigger thinks selective breeding is GMO
not surprising.
neonazis are evil and violence is justified against them just like the military used military to defeat nazis and terrorists
Going by Sup Forums's record when will the conspiracy theory start floating around that Monsanto funded the counter protest to shut down the free speech rally.
Someone should spread this on social media
For all future "right-wing" rallies we should all carry traditionally "left-wing" oriented signs.
Watch a bunch of heads explode.
You CAN'T prove they didn't.
Only products labeled "Certified 100% Organic" by the USDA are actually GMO free, most "organic" products just carry a generic "organic" label and are not necessarily free from genetic engineering.
I sincerely doubt these homosexual hipsters even know about this, they just read "le organic" and pay 3x for it.
people on twitter just say "Nazi are scared off by counter-protester, so these people are left behind"
well i wouldnt doubt that, they probably dont even understand nutritional labels.
Poor Shiva
>2006 - Preacher: Stem cells are bad because it's a disgrace to GOD!
Dis timeline man.
It can be prevented with fake rallies.
Decoys of right wing rallies could be made up in order to draw lefties their attention from the real rallies
>4th time I've seen this picture today
Holy shit get a job you goober
top qt
We had a televised debate where the GREEN party were arguing for removing restrictions on house building in the countryside so they could put immigrants there. The environmentalist party are more concerned with importing third worlders than preserving nature.
Agreed. I kept saying to myself the night of the tiki torch rally that they should have just not showed up on Saturday and said that they already held the rally and were done.
The lefties would have wasted a shit ton of time and money.
Would have been lovely.
We should schedule all kinds of fake rallies and try to draw them out.
Undercover pol in parking garages and whatnot to dox these assholes would be glorious.
When thoughts become crimes
>AntiFap 2017
I'm really not surprised anymore.
Maybe GMO food under the name of organic...
Not all GMOs are bad. Yet many research on it needs to be done. Russia has banned it over the concerns, which makes Russia the biggest exporter of organic food.