Other urls found in this thread:
>tfw I wanted to be an astronaut and they didn't blast me into orbit
>2017 : some kid wants to be a girl so they chop of his benis
bullshit, kids these days get everything.
>it's not a mental illness, people are born that way
>number of trans increase with progressive """education"""
Both can't be correct
>tfw I wanted to be an astronaut and they didn't blast me into orbit
>tfw some kid now wants to be blasted in the ass and they let him take the benis
>trans people are born that way and there's a biological cause that is provable through brain scans
>there is no biological difference between male and female brains and if you say there are and that could effect what they enjoy doing you are a bigot
>tfw I want to blast some kid with my benis into orbit
you xpect me to bne outraged at what some fags do?
fuck outta here cunts
whats wrong with kids finally being able to be who they really are? violence against trans people have been constant throughout history and these kids are incredibly brave. You should try to fill your heart with love instead of hate, it feels so much better :)
Sluta slösa tid av ditt liv på den här sidan
vad annars ska man göra
Destroy the transgenders
pls no
>the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence
Sure they will explain is as - "kids are just becoming more in touch with them self so more just accept that they were always x or y." Dont underestimate their ability to justify it, it is after all Academia who are pushing this
Soon Sweden will allow me my right to pedophilia, it's next in the agenda after the child trans acceptance movement! This is a glorious future.
Stay cucked nordcucks.
They are not yet old enough or wise enough to know for sure. These things take time. Some may even be brainwashed by their parents to do so. A fine balance is needed for something this delicate of a subject.
These kids are 99% likely to just be tomboys and sissies, and should never under their formative years be raised as anything but the gender they are born with regardless of some traits that are more in line with the opposite sex.
There's nothing wrong with that.
I applaud those kids and I wish I had a fraction of their bravery.
I love how you guys call regular news fake news, but then swallow literal Russian state sponsored propaganda.
Yup there is nothing wrong with that aswell, hopefully we can invite our fellow human beings to take part in this beautiful act in the only REAL free nation on this planet! :)
The scary thing that the (((psychologists))) aren't telling anyone, and men fear to admit out loud, is that all males want to be female. It's called womb envy. Now, formerly, these feelings of wanting to be a woman needed to be conquered in the process to becoming a man. Now, they tell them they should transition.
Why aren't we standing up and saying anything? Personally, I think it's because we are subconsciously cheering them on for breaking the matrix. If we can't be women, then we can live vicariously through the stories of those who do "become women".
i wonder which gender switches the most?
my bet is on male to female.
>Mfw parents nowadays switch their kids genders on their whim and I still don't have a Dreamcast
Spoiled brats
>their feminized fathers basically tell them that men will be second class citizens
>surprised when boys want to be girls
>surprised when girls want to be boys, but in doing so adopt an even more oppressed status on purpose
Thanks bong,im happy ive seen this thread like 20 times already,but one more time is never enough!
most white males today are faggots,might as well switch.
sorry for being a leftist shill, sometimes when the depression hits the hardest this is what i do to stay sane for some reason.
start working out you faggot
probably according to their hiracy system then they go from the most privileged to a less privileged position.
Trans people are far more likely to kill themselves than they are to be murdered by someone else...
i already do 5 times a week, its the only hour of the day im not depressed.
We should nuke it from orbit.
It is the only way to be sure.
Being trans is a cool thing to be with kids now.
They'll be a blacklash in 20 years when these people become adults and realise they were abused.
This is what liberalism does to a country.
Yes, make these kids part of the 45%!
Support them every one of them is an hero!
Any identity change, either with clothing or surgery performed on minors should be illegal. Identity is consolidated at around 25 years old. Surgeries should only be made at 30.
This is a crime. Parents should be fucking arrested and Im even quite liberal on this.
That grin, it's like they are raising the child of the devil himself.
its funny every time you hear "gender neutral" you know the kid is going to be feminine just like this gem vice documentary.
>guess the country
Maybe go outside and meet women? Do puzzles, read a book, write comp programs, do cocaine. Whatever.
these r fucking freaks. all 3 need to be executed
>tfw never got to wear dresses as a kid
>no, you're a boy user
>don't be silly user, that's for girls
What went wrong with your country?
Nice gains, pepe!
I am convinced that Sweden is giant social experiment, a lab on country scale. Every new degenerate fad is first tested in Sweden and then shipped of to the rest of the world.
>number of children wanting to become opposite sex
wanna bet they're overwhelmingly male
nice, that's already a first step. now what if the child consent tho?
Nice gains, Pepe!
Dude grow up, you can't fix the world, the best you can do is lead your life in a way you'd want other's to emulate. Focus inwardly.
Snakke norsk Sven
Tenk at jeg flytta til dette landet. t. Nordmann.
From 0.1 to 0.2 to 0.4, that would count.
Knowing Sweden, though, more like 2% to 4% to 8%.
this, the most important thing in our lives is ourselves, if we dont take care of ourselves then we cant do anything because we end up sick or dead
>being able to be who they really are
This whole attitude is bullshit. Identity isn't some static concept that exists isolated within you. It's something you develop as you mature and interact with the world, and ultimately negotiate yourself towards something that both you and the rest of society can agree to recognize. Look at furries: They're told they can be anyone they want, so they decide to identify themselves as animals, as the rest of society just looks on them in confusion. This kind of "identity" is completely meaningless, it lacks all the utility of an actual social utility and just becomes a practice in narcissistic masturbation.
But even furries are not quite that dumb, on some level they understand that they need an identity can relate to society, so they leave their furry identity with their furry friends and adopt another identity that they can use to actually function in society.
So basically, no you can't just decide to be "who you really are".
The discrepant anomalies have become too large. It's time to gas the kikes.
Thats a load of shit.I'm a post op tranny for 18 yrs.It's a waste of life.Unmarried women go SOUR .The ones who have children flourish.Women have a biological clock.Unless you can change the chromasomes then no sex change has occured! Being a "woman" isn't about lookin purty with makeup and nylons! A woman has a biological clock and is built to reproduce.She is PRETTY to attract the right genes.Tits are there to feed the baby.Dressin up don't make you a woman,nor does getting plastic surgery on your crotch.It's a delusion!
Escape weakness... The woman is also pretty for her baby because to the baby she is the most beautiful face in the world.Get real. The skeletons and skulls are different too! It's a trance. There is NO SUCH THING AS A TRANSSEXUAL. It's pure perversion. F 2 M get a squezzebladder in their psuedo cock to inflate their psuedo penis LMMFAO! It's joke.
I'm over Sweden Yes threads anyway. Leave the poor fucks alone. Most of us aren't in any better shape ourselves.
And this is why Islam is good for Europe.
Blö Blö burka burka
I can into Sweden now
This, most Muslims here are actually good sports, unlike degenerate christcucks like poles or irish
'I'm among the first Swedes with a microchip
They say eventually we will all be chipped unless w throw these prix off.
Swedes have been at it for 3 years and yea they are dumfux but I wonder if the chips have something to do with it
Are you a Muslim?
How do I know you're not lying? Lemme see your ID
Whiever it is that wants this to happen is happy that its such an issue, before anybody gave a shit about trans people this wasnt happening. Modern life is joyless and alienating and willingly becoming an oppressed person validates these kids existences, literally the only thing to stop this is to just stop caring whatsoever. Teenagers are that simple.
Just let it multiply until the entire country is transgenders and then can no longer breed, resulting in the country becoming 100% muslim, and the us invading it and killing them all. Problem solved.
Nice gains, Pepe!
Try antidepressants, they worked wonders for me.
I am a post op tranny! 18 yrs. in 2 days three guys hit on me. I "look" OK But looks are shit.After these operations you don't have a libido.Last thing in the world I wanna see now is a mans puffed up sausage and a loded smelly nutsack.
I was looking at the pervs on craigslist in casual encounters.They all show a pic of their stpid meat all excited .I was looking at craigslist just seeing how depraved society has become.It's pretty depraved.
I'm really sorry about what I did but I was bruised from early feminism and toxic culture ...I was bullied but eventually I ended up hiring some of the bullies as a boss.
I realize now they were just normies.They were jealous of me.In time I adjusted till my GF left me for a prison dyke.Then I was so wrecked I went tranny.It's euphoric or something for a while.Especially back then so few did. What a load of shit it was.Reality hits you a few months after the op.It's so sad to see our enemies coaxing them to an empty unproductive lifechoice.It solves nothing,and makes more problems that make the ld ones look miniscule.I do OK I "look" Ok but it means 0 .I just spend the years researching and studyung now play music.I envy my neighbor who has a house full of (gleefully) screaming kids and a wife.But a good woman is hard to find.Transsexualism isn't real folks.
Here's your (you)
Looney Tunes! I said that kind of shite ONCE UPON A TIME
My heart is filled with love of the hatred of trans.
I agree with the suggestion for an antidepressant. Usually I'm all about doing things the natural way but if you're lifting 5 days a week and you're only getting relief for an hour at a time then you probably meds. Keep lifting though.
>Want to move to Sweden for unlimited boipussy
>Too dangerous to move there because of Muhammad's
It's boys wanting to become girls because their society hates men. Our society does too and now that this is becoming normalized, you'll see this skyrocketing here too.
Yep and they want us all to have miserable lives and go tto McEuthania's National Brand Euthanasia! This Ad About Euthanasia Is Sad and Poignant and … Wait, Funny?
Is brand euthanasia around the corner in 2017?
Corporations LOVE IT
I never said it about children though! You should be all growed up ...actually not because it sucks! But I once spewed this trash the preops say! It's insanity.
jews happened
don't let children change their ''sex''. they are still kids they don't know what they are doing. just because you are feeling a bit feminine even though you are a boy doesn't mean you are a girl. i am not the most masculine man, but hat doesn't make me less of a man. if transgender was a thing when i was young god knows what kind of attack helicopter i would have been now.
Is that Lactasia?
Everybody is born the wrong gender!