Why can't Drumpfsters get this through their thick skulls?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Trump lost the game he wasn't even playing.
>Trump won, by a fucking landslide, the game he was playing.
Nothing to see here. Move along.
>you need 270 electoral votes to win.
too. much. logic. period.
registered voters 3.5 mil. greater than US adult pop. is another reason for:
she. cheated. and. still. lost. period.
its like saying you won golf because you got it in the hole first, but with more hits.
Illegal votes
If she won, why isn't she president?
Popular vote is a useless statistic. It's 50 state elections, not one National election.
This is only going to keep happening Britbong. As racial and political tensions grow, more and more minorities and leftists will flock to the cities so they can have their safe spaces. That'll leave middle and rural America (aka REAL America) more white and conservative. So enjoy the popular vote while republicans keep winning elections faggot. Oh and sage.
And to save Nordbro some time...
Love you, Nordbro.
literally dead people voting as well.
>All 2012331 of those are from California
This is comedy ?
He beat all odds..his own party told him to quit...they continue to backstab him...he is the greatest comeback of all time
why cant buschlites accept that their hero fucking lost?
You never complained when Obama won but not with a popular vote. Don't cry for reform when it suits you cunt.
>When I was there to sage that specific thread
Felt good, man.
In 1860 the Democratic Party also refused to accept the results of the US Presidential election.
LOL. Zen whai is she not living in ze vait haus zen, you untermensch you?
POPULAR VOTE in other words votes from imported voters. The same voters that the likes of Angela Merkel and Macron depended on to get their wins.
Why can't you morons see this?!
You don't understand. Not everyone's votes count equally in America because we value fairness and freedom in ways that your british mind cannot comprehend.
Too bad 3 million of her voters were illegal immigrants and/or nonexistent/dead people
You tried user! Better luck next time
This is false.
When you factor in illegal votes, illegal non-citizen votes, illegal multiple votes, electronic fraud, ballot stuffing, fraction magic and all other forms of documented democratic party election fraud Donald Trump easily received more votes in the 2016 United States presidential election than Hillary Clinton.
old and tired meme is old and tired
Land area does not equal people. Oh look! Those giant empty mountains voted Trump! Who cares what empty space thinks? Here's a more accurate representation of how many people actually voted for each candidate.
If the election won by popular vote Candidates would focus all their attention and policy on population dense areas ignoring the more rural areas. Took keep candidates attentive to the needs and wants of ALL Americans. the electoral college was created to give less population dense areas more voting power than population dense areas.
TL:DR she didn't win, she did the exact opposite of what she needed to do to win. She focused her attention on population dense areas, and ignored rural areas. She took the L.
Doesnt change the fact that we got more votes.
then why isnt she in office
why do you care retard nigger , i bet you voted remain too kek . its time stop literally shaking . sort yourself out bucko
If you can't even this, fuck off
Imagine being so ass blasted over a simple map that everyone can see and understand you have to create this tie-die fever dream to justify your failures.
two scoops !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>I'm a rural/suburban retard who doesn't understand science
To be fair, the electoral college system IS rigged to give Republicans a unfair advantage.
A large blue state like California has 55 electoral votes, whereas a small red state like Wyoming has 3 electoral votes. That's 18.333 times more. Now California's population is 39,144,818 while Wyoming's population is 586,107. That's 66.79 times more. Therefore, the Electoral College gives Wyoming 3.64 times more voting power than it otherwise would have. This same advantage doesn't apply to the blue states.
So, why should the votes of red states matter more than blue states? That's not democracy. As it currently stands, a vote in a place with the lowest populations like Republican Wyoming, effectively counts for 4 times the voting power, in terms of electoral votes per population represented by that electoral vote, than a place like Democratic California.
This is, obviously, massively unfair and unjust. That sort of differential simply should not exist in a fair system, but it does, as the electoral college is NOT a fair system.
All 4 times the popular vote didn't align with the electoral college it was always a democrat losing the presidency but winning the popular vote against a republican
Then why isn't she in the white house right now throwing one of her poo poo tantrums?
>1 post by this ID
Move along.
You understand that the college isn't supposed to a democratic process, right?
Majority rule isn't a good thing, nor is it fair.
Lol no she didn't, that's why Trump is president and she's not
>Still this mad
The electoral college hedges against geographic and socioeconomic disparatites which includes a multitude of factors, rather than just taking population into account as you have just done.
A single farmer in Wyoming provides the food for 1000 people living in San Fransisco. That 1 farmer lives on 1 square mile of land while those 1000 people also live on 1 square mile of land.
The farmer has vastly different political needs and experiences based on his location and socioeconomic circumstances, but if the electoral college was purely based on population density, farming states would never stand a chance to be REPRESENTED PROPERLY AS FRAMED IN THE CONSTITUTION.
You’re an idiot, the system works and is fair.
Modern Democratic values are explicitly un-American, so I'm okay with this.
thanks for admitting that largely populated areas are leftist shitholes though, Chang
>From the UK
>Actually giving a fuck what happens in the US elections
Hillary is a member of the Deep State, which wants to sell out America to a globalist government. Trump prevented this from occurring and is his greatest achievement.
were not all retarded crackbaby niggers over here my burger destroying friend . some of us are alright
>Hillary is the president
Do you understand what a president is bongy?
>drops some real shit
>the arguing continues
Then why isn't she president? Why can't shitleries get this through their thick skulls?
the world would be a lot better if Gore won.
the day of the rake draws near faggotleaf
pic related
u fucking retarded
people voted illegally
The Electoral College has done exactly what it was designed to do: stop a few large, densely populated urban areas from lording over the entire country.
Without it, every election would be decided by what people in New York City, California, and Florida want.
>trying to reason with a postmodern brainlet
Dont expect a reply to this.
>Wikileaks OUTS 6 Republicans Bribed by Clinton to ‘Destroy Trump’
You anti-Trump morons still don't fucking get it. This guy is the ANTI-Clinton, ANTI-Obama, ANTI-politic bullshit president. Obama would tweet shit like: "Happy New Year to a proud nation of diverse people and empowered women!" You know, Trudeau shit. This guy is making it clear: The days of peak cuck are over. If you stood in his way, he's going to fuck you over.
>Why the fuck to libtards have to take things so literally NO MATTER WHAT IS SAID.
This is a common debate tactic for liberals and women.
If you make a statement, and aren't ridiculously specific, they will tear it apart based on your supposedly "vague" wording. They will pretend that they can't comprehend your specific implication, or read between lines, or draw the most obvious conclusion, solely so they can argue back with something - anything.
You: "BET doesn't appeal to me."
Them: "OMG You just said black people shouldn't be in movies and music!"
This shit is really old and tired. They do it CONSTANTLY and it's one of the reasons that Trump won. They are impossible to hold conversation or debate with because they deny that they can have basic perception skills.
People are sick of it. We're all called racists, homophobes, and sexists solely because of this one tactic they use of pretending to not understand what you're saying. They know damn well what's going on, but it's the only way they can push their extremist viewpoints - by making you EQUALLY extreme.
Why are you so upset at Trump for winning when you could be upset at podesta for running a losing campaign in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania?
Stay mad, sweetie, and don't forget to volunteer a shift at the Canadian Border Camps helping all the poor Haitian refugee Hillary supporters coming north for a better life
Sanders won popular vote against Clinton. What's your point? Is your point that the popular vote matters only when it suits you?
She will be sworn in by October
But how could she have won if Russia hacked the election?
Yeah, she won. She won a participation trophy. That's what she won.
The funny thing is that Bill Clinton warned Hillary that she needed to win over working class whites, but the millennial hipsters on her staff ignored him and decided to focus on urban minorities. You know: a demographic that was already guaranteed to vote for Clinton.
She won, but she won the wrong contest. Therefore, it matters not. Blame your political system and the electoral college.
>popular vote
You mean the vote that only about half of eligible Americans participated in?
Electoral college is a legit and superior process. It represents the people better than dysfunctional popular voting process. Objectively, this is the truth. Get over it.
If Hillary won, then why is Trump president?
Have you considered calling police?
No she didn't. She should be behind bars.
saged thanks
Delusional and violent go away
If I checkmate you in chess, you don't get to say you won because you have more pieces left.
If I beat you at football, you don't get to say you won because you advanced the ball more yards than I did.
If I'm Zerg and I beat your Protoss army in Starcraft, you don't get to say you won because my side lost more units.
If I beat you at poker with three-of-a-kind 2s, you don't get to say you won because you had a pair of aces.
Yes, we know you are on your period, love.
You made that quite clear.
What percentage of that 39 million are illegal/undocumented individuals? People not legally there shouldn't be counted.
i love this meme.
>Trump say playing by chess rules is dumb and unfair
>fuck you trump we are not playing checkers!
>Trump checkmates Hillary
>if this was checkers she would have won!
you can't make this shit up.
>Change the rules
That's Trump right now
why do you care so much? your not a american. isnt your intermittent NHS budget debates and acid attacks enough stimulation for you bong?
you as bad as leafs bitching about our guns. im beginning to think none of you can be trusted
Oh yeah. The way we score baseball is to see which side got more total bases through out the game. Or even if it isn't, surely baseball managers would make all the same decisions in that game as they do in the game we play now.
Trump got the most seat in the house of commons and the senate, as a Canadian we don't have presidential elections and it seems pretty fucking absurd if the president was a democrat and rest had republicans in power.
"Winning" a metric that isn't part of the contest isn't winning anything. Why is this so hard for Leftists?
Their entire strategy the whole race was towards that singular goal. If it had been for popular vote they would have spent 99% of their time in 3 states. How retarded are you? So sick of these retard posts.
No, she lost.
>Why can't Drumpfsters get this through their thick skulls?
Yeah ... She fucking won twice !!!
Suicide yourself you fucking vegetable .
I wish she won, trump is good for nothing, is the most useless president in history
Popular vote does not decide the election in the U.S., no matter how many time you fucking retards post this shit.
Get the fuck over it, and move on.
She. Fucking. Lost. And she no longer has periods.
Why can't you idiots get this through your thick skulls....America is not a democracy.
Democracy = mob rule
America is a constitutional republic. Here even the little guy can win....like trump supporters.
>To be fair, the electoral college system IS rigged to give Republicans a unfair advantage.
So its been rigged for the Republicans for over 200 years?
Get the fuck out of here, you damn foreigner, deal with your own shitty country.
He is president not PM. Obama in his later years as President had lost both houses of Congress, so it's not uncommon.