KEK be praised!
I've never seen SO MANY people being triggered by SO FEW!!!!
KEK be praised!
I've never seen SO MANY people being triggered by SO FEW!!!!
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It's amazing.
wow, prospective. kek guide me.
Why do commies hate free speach?
Can you feel the energy?
because fascism is one of the two teats of communism, together with theft.
Why not a non communist fascist regime?
The right praises the left. Never thought I'd see the day.
Very brave
participating from the exact same shit, fascism and theft usually come together
they just apply to different levels
fascism is, by definition, all about valuing groups more than the individuals they're made of
it negates people essence
theft is about negating that part of people's lives, they spent it earning what's theirs
it negates their existence
sure, you can have more of one, or more of the other
doesn't change much
it still is about the same exact shit
lol white supremacists
I dont understand how fascism has any relation to theft.
bump for the glory of KEK
It literally wasnt but a couple years ago all the leftists said GMO is good, and progressive, and that we where backward for being opposed. Now they all hate it, wtf is wrong with these people? How can they change positions so easily like damn cattle.
they descend from the same source
that which is about destroying the most natural and imprescriptible Human rights: "liberty, property, security and resistance to oppression"
that which is about destroying individualism, itself being that which defines Humanity
For real though, is one of these free speech rallies ever going to happen somewhere that isn't a liberal hive?
I do!
I'm sorry but what exactly is happening?
How is that a bad thing? Right wing fascism destroys these liberal tumors and unites the people to one goal, 1 party ruling them. No internal struggle and everything is regulated by the state.
You still get your property, security and individualism within reason.
The entire USA and parts of western Europe went insane after the alleged actions of 19 individuals 15 years ago and haven't stopped bombing the Middle East since.
kek what a pair of goobers
only you guys would turn a major defeat into something good.
You are out numbered, America hates you.
Go home.
What's his name Sup Forums?
both of you might want to review what fascism is.
it's not property when it's the state deciding what I can own, and under which conditions
the only acceptable criterion to deciding what I can own is when I didn't bugger others natural rights to get what I get
if a state can't accept that, fuck it
it'll fail anyway, like errything going against nature fails
Belegar Ironhammer
If you think you know it then just say it. Otherwise google it.
the definition of fascism is as I wrote it: valuing groups more than the individuals they're made of
it's in the fucking name, doofus
from fasces, the symbol of... fascism
the Roman lictor's statutory axe, whose handle was made of joined twigs, to symbolize strength of the group in spite of individual weakness
whatever you dust the ideology with, it's peripheral and insignificant next to this core defining concept.
You have no idea of what really happened, don't you?
You can still rent state owned houses and after a certain amount is paid the state transfers ownership to you.
Theres no problem in this.
Heres an OC pic I took from the air from another angle
Are the people in the pagoda thing even nazis? I thought they were some kind of libertarian/regular right wing group
What the fuck is going on?
yes there is
the scheme you propose is just a mafia telling you that if you pay for protection (mostly, from said mafia) long enough, they maybe will someday leave you be
jeez, what a deal!
It is Santa Claus, and someone is on the naughty list.
I am home nigger lips. Which means I need to defend it against those who seek to harm it and, the people in my home.
we need to keep holding these events as big as possible around the country. make entire cities shut down for protesting basic bitch libertarian and conservative principles like freedom of speech and honoring the founding fathers. lord knows i'm not getting off my ass though
All of you racist cunts hid in your basement as usual. Fucking losers.
A state where the moment a foreigner enters or the moment he gets his citizenship is allowed to buy property just like that, is a failed one.
If youre not contributing to the state, you should not own property.
then, I guess you can only win
who would willingly go to Buggeria?
You would be amazed how many brits actually come here to retire.
Your food tastes so bad that you have to cover it with all kind of spices, right?
might just as well be nobodies, or niggers, or any such thing
I haven't been in here the whole day, can someone give a quick rundown?
It is truly amazing how MSM propaganda can brainwash so many people in such short time to think there are armies of Nazis marching in their city and they should organize into herd to counter them.
Theyre pretty cool, old ones are much better than younger ones.
this reminds me for the first unsegregated schools.
manlet + wizard powers
It's uncanny, really. History is about to repeat. Does "third times the charm" work on world wars?
Sad, racists are sad. Your rally fails to produce numbers, now it's all about we trolled you. Instead of admitting that you are all too scared to go out today. All you did was show yourselves for the cockroaches you are.
jew media got 15,000 goy to surround and yell non sense at 25 goy. let that sink in.
start calling them alt-left goy
And THIS is what they were protesting against
>nazi rally
>pajeet speaker
>anti gmo
>Kekistanis actually think this reflects beneficially on them
2 neo nazis and like maybe 5 trump supporters organize a "protest" and do nothing but hang out and talk shit maybe. 20,000 triggered leftist rioters show up and throw bottles of piss at police like animals.
>All you did was show yourselves for the cockroaches you are.
Cockroaches can survive atomic blasts, unlike you.
What the fuck dude, these are just conservatives just talking, fucking commies
are we just going to ignore this?
Falstad Wildhammer
Thank you for your time
>Does "third times the charm" work on world wars?
Yes it does. China will be unleashing the results of their biological program soon. And those people say the Chinese are not creative.
Did anything special happen at this thing?