Why did you make us do this?
I just wanted to play video games
;_; They turned me into a Nazi too, user. You're not alone.
I really want to spank their asses, spit on their faces and facefuck them until they're crying.
Which might be hard to accomplish, since they'll probably like it.
Amazing what a couple aposematism-haired feminists can do.
I want them to know it's their fault. They are surely just foot soldiers in the culture war, but every day I want them to think about how they started it.
I want to see them get violently facefucked by a bbc
Is there an unbiased summary of this shit anywhere? I always see it referenced but have no idea what it is.
I want them to go on a diet.
i was a super liberal who voted for obama twice and gore now i'm a member of the trumpenreich
>White men just wanted to be left alone to their autistic hobbies
>Jews came in and ruined it with talks of inequality, subversive -isms, etc
>We must enforce a new hierarchy by uprooting the successful and replacing them with our idiotic puppets
Video games had to come down because gained cultural power. They're very effective propaganda tools if used right
The Jew Nazi cycle is as natural as gravity. You had no choice.
zoe is a trany
So which is better Sup Forums? Super Mario Bros 3 or Super Mario World? I vote for 3, with AllStars graphics.
Probably not...
But basically zoe quinn (girl on left) fucked a game journo and he then rated her game favorably.
People found out and ethics in journalism came into question
feminists then said this was a sexist attack on a woman by sexist male gamers
then shit really hit the fan and changed the face of gamergate
feminists started calling gamers and their vidya sexist due to online treatment and lack of women roles
feminists started pushing to shoehorn women into vidya
gamers said quit fucking with vidya and leave me alone
feminist persist
gamers persist
gaming journos side with feminists call gamers dead and losers
gamers fight back and stop using gaming journo sites
total shit show
vidya companies are now being more diversity inclusive and journos are now more ethical
That's about as unbiased as I can summarize it. Personally I don't like the shoehorned diversity being pushed in my vidya, but at least the ethics issue was addressed... even though the gaming journos still hate us 'gamers' and are all feminist commie leftists... It's whatever.
You should ask Chelsea/Zoe personally on Twitter. I'd love to get her thoughts on all that she's helped cause.
Fuck off shill
I find it hilarious how the cabal's scheme started its downward spiral because one of their bratty trust fund kids' damage control over a sex scandal. I wonder if the ringleaders of the anti GG movement have the self awareness to stop and realize "Shit, I started this"
They probably don't.
At least no one is forcing us to buy these "diverse" games. I assume the problem will take care of itself.
It wasn't a game, it was a single HTML file.
>Tfw you will never get a quality non Politically Correct game unless you free mankind from the Jews and decadent vagina-kin
is that the same person?
Epic gif
Honestly they did nothing wrong. Zoe slept with some game press. Everyone said it was for positive reviews but her game was fucking freeware so I will never understand why anyone gave a fuck. Anita said that many popular games misrepresented women and crowd funded a video series listing examples. Gamers took it to heart. They tied their identities to these games and if they were considered sexist it was like calling them a sexist. People who identify themselves as "gamers" are the fucking worst.
t. gamedev
sometimes I forget that most of the problems in 2017 started because of video games
Leftists tried to ruin escapism for everyone and leftism got fucked up.
As someone who owned and played both as a child, little me was much more into Super Mario Allstars then Super Mario World. 3 has all the interesting items a better world navigation system.
weve all seen the nudes
she's a roastie not a tranny
go away zoe
You want a knuckle sandwich kid?
You can still fuck someone for the exposure and press even if it doesn't have an immediate monetary gain, it could be an investment. Anita's series was also deeply flawed and she apparently conned a lot of people. But yeah, auto identified gamers are garbage too.
I still want to splatter my nut butter all over Zoe Quinn's face.
You know, in an ironic way.
Sure you were kid
nerds and women fight.
people care about stupid things.
some guys who like fucking women on the reg shrugged and did whatever.
Man, these bitches are ugly af. The one on the left looks like a cave woman who fell down some trees.
I used to be a very brainwashed idiot.
But these bitches made me question shit, I told my friends about it and we've all become borderline nazi.
Our teachers hate us (/public uni/), our parents think we're weird, rumors keep spreading and people in our town are getting afraid of us.
But I've never felt so fucking good. They're afraid of us because they think that we are bad people, once we prove to them that we're not, it's so easy to redpill them.
Slowly but surely this is becoming our town.
I'm not LARPing.
We should thank these feminist sluts, they inadvertently red-pilled allot of people.
Frankly, what happened isn't really important. What's important was that a lot of young men were fighting in the trenches, experiencing first-hand every single happening detail down to the minute, and so for the first time in most of their lives, they were given a front-row seat to every single way the media surrounding GG slanted, distorted, misrepresented and poisoned the well, and just how far away from the truth they were willing to diverge in order to push their social justice agenda. Once you see the way media lying in a concerted and overwhelming fashion even over something comparatively minor like video games, you start seeing it elsewhere, and it's not very long at all before you start asking some serious questions.
In short, this was the redpill that started this whole ball rolling.
t. Not involved in GG, thought it was dumb, still kind of do.
who are these guys?
>Be me
>chilling at home
>going to work
>normie shit
>one night walking home from work
>normal nice quiet night, nice neighbourhood, no real danger
>except 2 months prior Somalians moved in
>They are sitting on their porch and working in their garage
>see me
>"Hey sexy, come say hi,we have a drink here for you".
>I wave good night and politely decline
>they get up and intercept me, 2 more guys come out of the garage
>oh fuck I'm surrounded
>one guy grabs arm another put his around the back of my neck
>"you don't like drinking?"
>I say no and try and try to walk away.
>another guy grabs my ass and then takes my bag
>he gives it back after taking my last $5
>they leave me alone and never talk to me again
I just wanted to live a nice normie life, now I want to kill every black I see.
Call me a newfag all you want but i dont get it.
How did gamergate lead to trump winning?
I had to study for finals when gamergate happened, i basically missed it because i was burying my head in my books for 4 months straight. When i got my life back after finals, i couldnt really find a good neutral basic gestalt and i was too lazy to read all the archived threads so i basically just ignored it.
Can someone please help me understand how a pseudo gamer tranny led to autists running over commies?
Will reward with tits
Kinda a very good analogy, thanks user.
Why does my dick like this?I wanna brutally fuck her
GamerGate unleashed a zeitgeist of calling out everyone on their bullshit. It was amazing. Thanks to GG all these alt right bandwagoners are able to monetize their shit
charlatans who beg for money from radical feminists without a clue
You guys give them way too much credit.
Same. Republicans didn't make me go from liberal to Trump. Game journalists, the mass media, and open borders did it for me. Will vote for Trump again, liberals are detached from reality and conductin witch hunts in the name of anti facism.
No, there's more to it. There's a generation that wants to have laws in America similar to Europe. Fuck off, we don't.
...or attention, for that matter. And as such, you faggits are part of the problem.
What is the logic behind saying someone can't identify as a "gamer" if they play video games? It's a nonsensical restriction. I rarely used to call myself a gamer, but after GG if I was asked now I would certainly say yes. The industry refers to everyone who plays games as gamers.
slut on the left looks like it is 10 years past its expiration date
>In short, this was the redpill that started this whole ball rolling.
It's true. I was just a cuckservative watching Space Dandy when GG kicked off and I realised that there was something very wrong going on here.
> gamedev
Ah, so you're a lefty cuck.
Me too. Wtf happened to me?
Because it's a marketing term for video game hyper consumers. The type of people who buy endless "gaming" schlock like Dewritos, finglerless gloves, and ricer PC cases. People who buy gamer apparel. Dull ass mother fuckers so socially inept that they gotta advertise their what they're into. People with nothing else to talk about but video games. They don't have any friends so they just play video games. To the point where they have become video games. It encompasses all they exist as. They are the games. They are gamers. And when you call the games sexist you're calling them sexist.
Yep me too. Red pills were swallowed when feminiss started trying to censor and control my hobby and then try to force us to accept women working in tech when we all knew when we were 16 or 18 how they all laughed at us for liking math and comp science and then aged 38 they just want to magically be given a top role because they are women.
All those chads had bowed down to teh feminsits - proud it's us basement dwellers who pushed back.
>tfw ywn have them bound and gagged in your personal rape dungeon
why even live
You deserve every bad thing that happens to you for allowing them to enter in the first place. Enjoy your diversity and cultural enrichment.
>"Shit, I started this"
They got help from the idiots that tried to Flim Flam the Zim Zam, but it was when the gamers discovered the rabbit hole that weaponized autism was born.
No shit. That's really how it started. They just couldn't leave us the fuck alone and let us enjoy our little bit of escapism from the world.
>No shit. That's really how it started.
It was the last bastion, so the progressives was bound to go for it.
What nobody expected was to meet resistance.
GamerGate accomplished nothing you fucks.
its a meme
I can smell those dirty thots from here.
Super Mario World > SMB3
Here's my take. I don't give a fuck if some fat cunt wants to make a game about fucking depression.
Just leave OUR games THE FUCK alone.
>As someone who owned and played both as a child
just like literally everyone here?
At least you weren't raped
I don't think Jews are to blame for this, this time. Just women. Ugly women who want money and do nude shoots for Suicide Girls.
I would still facefuck them if they were crying.
Someone tweet her that pic with her face and ask her
the Armenian? She was kind of cute, in that she was a healthy, fertile young woman who isn't ugly. But she looks terrible in that gif.
actually, it evangelized Sup Forums to Sup Forums pretty well. (not sure if that was a good thing)
I didn't know wahmen browsed Sup Forums
Kill yourself
this is the better answer
It doesn't, The shit show just parades on.
See how bad mass effect Andromeda was? That's only because your a racist sexist misogynist bigot, user, tge game is actually great - YOU are the problem.
cringey af
>jews not to blame
>conflict started because of media groups acting like jews
You have a lot to learn.
They sneak them in though
For example, I enjoyed Watch Dogs, so I assumed I would enjoy Watch Dogs 2. Except that Watch Dogs was the story of a cool hacker guy, and Watch Dogs 2 is the story of a few whiny SJWs teaming with a Tranny politician to take down a big bad Republican politician. I wish I was joking.
My name is jeff
Glad i never bought it then
Its a shame Because i enjoyed the First one too
>games media covers up scandal
>gamers call bullshit
>gaming media proceeds to lie even more
>gamers continue to call bullshit
>games media quadruples down
>gamers notice the rest of the media is doing the same shit
>gamers notice media lying about trump
>gamers are spiteful teabagging motherfuckers
>now Trump is in office
You're welcome.
>Sup Forums is just white men
Why were you carrying a bag with your money in it Jeff? That sounds like a purse. Do leafs carry purses, Jeff?
This is the most accurate explanation of what happened.
He's probably a tranny fagget in Toronto, the men in Toronto are feminine enough to attract niggers for sex.
>Feminist game dev named Zoe Quinn makes a shitty little text game called "Depression Quest".
>Her game gets reviewed favorably on major game sites.
>It is later revealed that Zoe is a slut who cheated on her boyfriend with writers at those game sites.
>Boyfriend angrily raves about it on his blog
>Internet accuses the game sites of unethical conduct for not disclosing that the creator of the game literally fucked them
Gaming press is a joke and the story would have ended here if the game sites had simply ignored the whole thing and continued as normal. Instead:
>Game sites decide to rally behind Zoe
>Game sites accuse the internet of being sexist and claim the whole thing is an attack on women in gaming.
>Internet suddenly realizes the extent of media collusion, gets a lesson on "Fake News" before Trump was a thing
>Internet fights itself in a huge clusterfuck
>Public opinion turns against SJWs
>Internet mobilizes itself for the coming Meme War
All because of one slut game dev.