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North African here, can i join?
when are you going to nuke satanist zioniost jew?
I went to Dubai and Abu Dhabi a few months ago and visited their museum. It was all Iranian and Indian stuff claiming it as their own. Literally saw Isfahani pottery and Persian carpets. I almost went full ree
end saudi arabia pls
hopefully never because they'll nuke us back
I do not like the IRI, but the USA and its allies are supporting MEK/PMOI//MKO/NCRI (all refers to same group) who are Marxist terrorists. Thus, I support IRI because USA and its allies are existential threat to the Iranian people*. They want to break up the country by ethnic lines to take South Pars Condensate Gas Field and more, due to petrodollar dynamics and such.
Also, check this:
Darius pls
What do you think of another Iranian Empire? We already control Syria, yeman, Iraq and Afghanistan
Gtfo, Anglo scum. Anglo-Americans and Anglos of Britain have caused more damage than Greeks, Romans, Russians, Mongols, Arabs, Turkics, and etc. peoples to Iran.
All patriotic Iranians are Anglophobic. Besides some good artists, I do not like you Anglos. You have fucked with us so much that I think you should leave this thread. Gulf Arab nations and Israel are basically your children, your creations. The Migrant Crisis was also your faults.
I honestly do not understand how the French and Germans haven't formed an alliance to kick your asses already, considering you caused all of this, Anglo scum. I hate you down all the way to your scummy Anglo-Saxon ancestors. Each time I enjoy one of your writers or thinkers, I feel a deep pang in my heart because I realize even barbarians can sometimes say something profound.
please do this. American citizens will thank you. Also, nuke D.C. for us
Yeah IRI sucks but they thrive from outside pressure because people will back the regime over a foreigner. If Iran is left alone it will sort itself out in time.
The Shahnameh will never be popular outside of Iran because it requires too much context to understand what's going on.
pic is of a statue of Arash next to the last remaining part of the ancient wall of Yazd (~2000 years old) as well as a graveyard built next to it.
You just had to give us the oil Shazhabahzabad. It was all you had to do. Instead you paid the price.
I know an Iranian,she's a christian somehow but still chill af and hates muzzies and what they have done to the country
told me many stories about her fleeing because she and her family were real refugees
Lets answer this once and for all: are Iranians white???
You worthless sandniggers need to be annihilated.
This, You got ANGLO'D son
the ones I know yes,green/hazel eyes,fairly white skin
It'll probably come in time desu. I think it's part of Iranian mentality/culture that the region should belong under a singular empire. At least the peoples from Levantines to Central Asia. The Iranian government has so many domestic issues to sort out first though. Corruption is terrible and a lot of the Islamic laws are so unpopular (mandatory hijabs, banned dancing, banned alcohol etc). The Revolutionary Guard have become a state within a state and they're the worst, but they're also the ones with the imperialist agenda right now
>You just had to give us the oil Shazhabahzabad.
We're going to give you a bullet to your heads. Not in the name of Ahura Mazda or Allah, but in the name of basic common decency, which you Anglo scum lack.
>ANGLO'D son
Not yet. You are a disgrace to the Indo-European spirit, a kike in spirit. You may appear externally White, but inwardly you are a shallow insipid, man.
Your future descendants will read the Shahnameh instead of Beowulf after we're done with you Anglo pieces of shit. Your Golden Age is coming to an end, and I wish Hitler had killed you all off.
>Muslim flag
Hello Aussie
Whiter than Anglo scum.
You need to deal with the Eternal Anglo already. They are just as bad as Jews. The real red pill is to see how Anglos, Jews, and Gulf Arabs are blur into one body.
We used to have a lot of Christians in Iran but they all left. These are mostly descendants of Georgians, Armenians and Assyrians. My dad's village had an Armenian and Assyrian community living by him but I think they all left after the Revolution. There's a lot of modern Iranians converting to Christianity (including my sister) because they're sick of the IRI. Christianity shares a lot of themes with Islam so the move from one to the other isn't so far fetched. I'm not personally religious I just don the flag because it's still my identity I guess
If you can't jam with the best you have to slam with the rest. Now Iran is a third rate power surrounded by people that loathe it instead of a beacon of prosperity and modernity. That's your eternal punishment for doing silly bullshit like kidnapping our sailors and acting North Korea-tier.
>British flag
hello Pakistani
brothers, is extremely angry that he got ANGLO'D.
Shall we help him out?
Ira bro,I'm polish,behind every german flag theres a non german
I hope Rouhani gets shot. He's turning you into cuckolds.
I see,can you redpill me on the IRI?
Fuck no.
Why don't you read some history, faggot? The Shah lost power because of you, assholes, and you supported Khomeini initially. I can provide sources. Also, everyone knows of Mossadegh, but what I referred to before is more unknown except only to elites during time of Shah.
You forced us to work in horrendous conditions in Anglo-Persian Oil Company, which then became BP, which most people don't know either.
Also, the real red pill is to see how Anglos, Jews, and Gulf Arabs are blur into one body. I look forward to more terrorist attacks from your Saudi "buddies" on your lands.
I know it's known that Iranians do not engage in terrorist attacks on foreign lands, but I would gladly choke you in private. I'm happy I look White too because you wouldn't see when my hands go around your neck. Stop fucking with us.
You're looking at it from the wrong perspective. Iran's population was only 10 million in 1900. Today it is 80 million and has had the fastest growing HDI in the last 30 years next to China, despite the brutal sanctions and 8 year total war against Western backed Iraq. The amount of positive change I've seen in just 10 years is amazing. It'll be a first world country given time but it still has internal rot in the system with extremely bad corruption etc
Genocide your neighbors this time.
You can't show mercy to the "people" around you.
You'll be nuked first you worthless sandnigger. Hopefully the only future Iran will have is as a pile of ash.
Shut up, IRI supporter. Khomeini got power largely due to the backing of USA and UK. Iran would have been better off with slow reforms rather than a revolution that was co-opted by religious fanatics backed by the Anglos.
You can behead the ayatollahs and all muslims on your lands after you kill the ones that cast it upon you first.
Until then just deal with it as a source of power.
Too many Arabs, Turks and Kurds.
>I look White
Don't you mean wh*Te?
Either way, you're not a fucking stealth arab.
>you don't look white
wاy do you have corruption in a theocracy? For us it's because politicians are degenerate but for you it should be imams and such no? why would they care about money.
but it's good to hear that the country is doing well brothers, wish we could say the same
Your mentality is no different than Gulf Arab and kike scum. You're going to deal with a new brand of violence if you split up Iran under pretexts. We can distinguish among Europeans, most of us knowing it's you Anglo scum behind all of this, and we are going to do some of the most horrible things to you that you cannot imagine, like scaphism and worse. You asked for this when you pushed for the Shah to lose power. Your Kissingerian realpolitik is going to be your undoing.
They were our version of fascism. They wanted to bring in a foundation of moral codes for society based on religion as well as socialistic type economics. It's not working though and the government is failing in a lot of ways. A lot of it is unelected and those positions get handed out based on loyalty to the regime and family association rather than merit and experience. A lot of our government would be in jail or homeless if living in a Western country because they're that psychotic or useless. The country would be a lot wealthier if not for the sanctions or the Iran-Iraq War but the government is also pretty useless in many regards.
Maybe 10-15% of the population who genuinely think they're doing a good job. About 50% of the population wants major reforms or get rid of the IRI entirely. The rest are concerned about Iranian sovereignty so they are easily persuaded to vote for hardliners to defend Iran against the USA etc but they still hate the IRI.
The thing is, the hardliners might be crazy but they're all very self-disciplined people and very motivated. And they have all the guns. The younger generation is lazier and undisciplined, they don't stand a chance fighting the hardliners.
It's mostly Assyrians and Armenians who were Christian. The Georgians that were moved to fedeyrshah became Muslims. We initially moved out of the villages to Tehran and the big cities like Isfahan and Tabriz and later immigrated here with my generation(I moved here in 2007)
>posting from Pakistan
Even the CIA had no idea that the Islamic revolution was coming, you really think Britain knew shit? Don't be autistic. Khomenei bamboozling your stupid people was one of the great tragedies of the late 20th century. The Savak was shit but it was the backwards nature of the typical Persian that led to the Revolution being co-opted, it had nothing to do with us pushing it.
>Stop fucking with us.
Stop being paranoid. Most English people prefer Iranians to Arabs, but you guys never help yourselves by professing us to be your most hated enemy. At least the disgusting Saudis can pretend to be friendly to us.
nice meme
we have corruption because jobs are handed out based on loyalty to the regime, not merit. Also nepotism is part of Iranian culture. They give jobs their retarded unemployed cousin rather than some hard working, well educated candidate. I have cousins working in the government, they grow beards and pretend to be islamic to get decent jobs but in their personal lives they drink and party
Hey, dude
As a Iranian, how do you feel about Albanians?
>we have corruption because jobs are handed out based on loyalty to the regime, not merit.
ah yes this is one of the biggest problem we have too, not sure how to fix it besides education and somehow having good leaders
>You're going to deal with a new brand of violence
CNN: ''There has been a significant increase in the amount of reported goat rapes in the British colony of Iran.''
I don't look Arab believe it or not. I look Southern Euro, like Italian or Greek.
Anyways, don't provoke me. You know very well your country and USA were responsible for Migrant Crisis, opposing Assad and supporting ISIS in order to build a pipeline opposing Russia.
You keep supporting Saudi Arabia and supporting the spread of Wahhabism, but now it has turned around and bit you in the asses as Saudi Arabia funds mosques that spread Wahhabi fanaticism, the main source of terrorism on your lands. It makes me laugh seeing how you're getting your asses beat by your own medicine.
Your realpolitik will be your undoing. Get fucked by your Saudi "friends". I sure as hell don't want to be your friend, and in fact, continue with these bantz, faggot.
>you really think Britain knew shit?
Yes, I can give sources.
More reason to genocide.
They will keep creeping in as they have throughout history. They obviously won't stop until they're castrated.
I see. I visited one of the Armenian Churches in Isfahan, it kind of looked like a mosque from the outside so I guess they used local architects to build it who didn't know how to design a church. I tried to visit a second church but it had been refurbished to become an outpost for the Revolutionary Guard and they kicked me out. Kind of disrespectful to do that to someone's holy place if you ask me but welcome to Iran
don't know enough to comment. I've never met a balkan
>I look Southern Euro, like Italian or Greek.
Yes, we know what arabs look like.
>Yes, I can give sources.
Alright. I'd like to hear them. Though as I said, I seriously doubt that bumfuck 1970s Britain, when we were at our nadir of power and influence, would be able to know shit going on around the world that the CIA weren't aware of.
>Most English people prefer Iranians to Arabs
Too bad I laugh at the deaths of Anglo-American and Anglo scum such as yourself. Get fucked by your Saudi "friends", stupid kike in spirit. You are not Indo-European, and I sincerely wish Hitler killed you all.
I love German literature, culture, and etc., but I utterly want to choke most of you Anglos, especially you.
>implying the goats weren't asking for it
>At least the disgusting Saudis
Stick with your Saudi friends and go to hell. You will not relive the memory of Alexander, Anglo-Saxon barbarian scum. Your entire culture, your entire heritage, it is shit besides just a few good writers here or there.
I hate you Anglos so much. I wish Hitler won and just razed UK to the ground.
Part 1 of 2
The USA and UK are also responsible for the Shah losing power. Let me explain why with a declassified CIA document and more.
In order to answer this question, you need to understand certain prerequisite knowledge:
The Anglo-American empire's strength is heavily tied to oil being traded in petrodollars to finance US' widening deficit. For example, check William E. Simon's deal with Saudi Arabia (KSA) in 1974. This is why the USA is allies with Saudi Arabia:
William E. Simon made a deal with KSA to "neutralize crude oil as an economic weapon and find a way to persuade a hostile kingdom to finance America’s widening deficit with its newfound petrodollar wealth... The U.S. would buy oil from Saudi Arabia and provide the kingdom military aid and equipment. In return, the Saudis would plow billions of their petrodollar revenue back into Treasuries and finance America’s spending."
Many people grossly underestimate how critical the petrodollar is to the survival of America as we know it, and by extension much of the global economic system. Its entire economic structure; everything it does is now dependent on it. The main support for the value of the USD is the demand for it created by the petrodollar system, which allows money-printing and deficit-spending on an insane scale, without which the entire US empire would vaporise. The entire system is hopelessly dependent on debt and new debt can be created without acute effects on the value of the currency because most countries are spending huge amounts of it on oil and many other transactions. With that in mind, it's easier and cheaper to spend trillions on wars that flatten problematic strategically-important nations than abandon the system, which would also allow others to take over.
Part 2 of 2
The Shah did not agree to this deal, and this began his distancing from being a puppet for the USA. The USA and UK however started disliking how sovereign he was starting to become and supported Khomeini taking over Iran (e.g., Carter called Khomeini a saint, BBC gave him a large platform to preach his views).
It is fairly clear from the linked document and several other declassified papers that elements of the US government were actively conspiring against the Shah from the mid 1970s until his fall. The Shah was not afraid to criticise the actions and economic performance of Western nations, particularly the UK, an in doing so it seems the late king may have forgotten that it was the British who put him in power in 1941 after ousting his father, and who claimed of him "if unsuitable, [could] be got rid of later".
What if we archive it
>theguardian com/world/2016/jun/10/ayatollah-khomeini-jimmy-carter-administration-iran-revolution
>nytimes com/interactive/2012/04/07/world/middleeast/iran-timeline.html
you are an idiot. Let me guess you're an Iranian in Los Angeles?
>Yes, we know what arabs look like.
Look at how tall Mozart, Beethoven, and Nietzsche were. Mozart and Beethoven were 5'4'', and Nietzsche was 5'8''. I am 5'8'' and my physiognomy is like a European, except for my nose.
Iranians have nothing against European culture as a whole, but we absolutely detest Anglo scum. You've fucked with us too much. I hope we never become friends and a big massive, bloody war occurs. Fuck you, Anglo scum. Fuck you to hell.
I laugh each time a Sunni fanatic that's Wahhabi influenced kills you stupid motherfuckers.
What a load of bollocks.
Britain in 1979 was having power cuts, a three day working week, mass-strikes and the entire world was laughing at us. Britain didn't have the ability to help overthrow the Shah even if they'd wanted to.
You're massively overestimating the importance of the oil industry in the wake of the 1973 oil crisis and the Yom Kippur war.
Look at part 2 of my answer, and no I don't live in LA. You're a bigger idiot if you think the Revolution was entirely the doing of Iranians. We were manipulated as part 2 answered:
Shut up Roach.
>I am 5'8''
so this is where the butt hurt comes from.
>angry, manlet, shitskin
I've been to that place too when I was a kid when We went to Isfahan for vacation. If it was vank it was built by shah Abbas I think when he moved the Armenians from Nakhichevan to Isfahan and the surrounding regions.
Shah was trying to become ringleader of OPEC.
The Shah kept pushing for oil price hikes at a time of economic weakness in the West, and just after the US domestic oil production peaked. With that revenue he was embarking upon ambitious development programmes, but his megalomania grew with his country; he wanted to make his country great again and to win the admiration and respect of the world as in the time of the ancient Persian Empire (interestingly, the current Iranian regime essentially shares the same desires for recognition, despite going to extreme lengths in rhetoric to distance itself from the Shah). Eventually, the US managed to get Saudi Arabia to undercut the official OPEC oil price and therefore undercut the Shah, which spelt disaster for the his grand plans. Revolution came shortly afterwards.
A brief summary of his actions against the West - became ringleader of OPEC and pushed for oil price hikes at a time of economic turmoil in the West, despite the Ford Administration's virtually begging him to stop - bad idea - was irreverent towards the imperial powers who put him on the throne - he allowed his megalomania to blind himself to the reality that he was supposed to be a puppet - another bad idea - issued an implicit threat that he could switch to alternative suppliers for military hardware (i.e. the USSR) - a very big no-no during the Cold War - generally pushing for autonomy, wanted to dominate the Persian Gulf (c.f. IRI regime) to the exclusion of foreign military forces, gradually came to resist meddling in and criticism of his country's affairs and complained noisily about it - such is the lot of the puppet king - like it or... be overthrown
When will they unite?
How do we stop him from dropping the bomb on Iran?
Blah blah, keep up with the bantz, but you know very well Iran's current state is due largely to Anglos. I am hoping that Germans, French, and Swedes join together and finally fuck you Anglo scum over. The Islamic revolution in Iran was pushed by you guys, and THE MIGRANT CRISIS WAS LARGELY YOUR FAULT,
>country is "I ran"
Not far or fast enough faggot.
kek you got no idea what the fuck you are talking about. The Shiite clerics had a long reputation of 'quietism' which means they generally wanted no role in politics and kept to the mosque. Khomeini wanted to revive Sheikh Nouri's goals, who was a cleric who tried to bring Islamic laws into the constitutional reforms in 1906 but he was hanged as a traitor and the clerics called him a pariah. Khomeini was an outlier within the Shiite clergy and people trusted him because they were used to the clergy being quietists as I said. So the communist factions (tudeh party), the social democrats, etc fucking everyone made Khomeini a central point to be behind because they thought he represented the total population who were unhappy with the Shah. And Khomeini always said he didn't want power for himself and people believed it because as I said they were used to the Quietists.
When Khomeini took power he ousted all the Quietists and revolutionized the clergy itself with his old brand, did things like naming Sheikh Noori a national hero who was once a pariah even among Shiites.
Khomeini won it through cunning deceptions. It wasn't America's doing, he had huge support from even non-muslims because people trusted him. He was an unknown person because he spent most of his time in exile and the only stuff people knew of him was from his tapes and letters he was sending into Iran.
Pan Iranism is a delusional ideology that will never work. Pan Persianism is the way to go.
A lot of that is true, but mostly an attempt to knock the Shah back into place, not to outright depose him and replace him with a shitty Islamic revolution. Your people did that all by themselves.
angry, manlet roach: ''Britain pls no, stop being mean. I can't take it any more! Western Europe pls hurt UK, they were mean to us''
>you are a child, and the height of one too
yes that's correct. Most of the Armenians in that area were brought over by the Safavid Dynasty. I believe the ones near my father's village came to Iran to escape the Ottoman genocide.
Egypt needs a Duterte.
what a retarded flag
You were mean to Western Europeans too by supporting ISIS in order to topple Assad and then indirectly leading to Migrant Crisis. You keep leading to chaos by supporting Islamists that support your economic interests. IRI was initially backed by you guys before it went rogue,
Those are pan Iranians, not national socialists.
my friend, just stay mad at israel.
Not sure whether I want you to wreck them, cause then it's just you we have to deal with.
Just keep fucking with them and getting hostile.
>be a good eternal enemy now
>not to outright depose him and replace him with a shitty Islamic revolution
Your realpolitik method basically involves supporting Islamist regimes when they support your shitty petrodollar system, which gives USD its worth. Khomeini was initially backed by Carter and portrayed as benevolent by UK;s propaganda outlet BBC before he went rogue.
Nope, USA and UK had a huge role in causing IRI revolution. I even gave a declassified CIA document that express dissatisfaction with Shah. I have to go now. I honestly hope European nations join together and kick your asses. There would be no migrant crisis if it weren't for you dumbfucks opposing Assad also.
Don't worry bro, now they're getting culturally enriched by their migrants.
Eternal Anglo is no different than International Jewry and Gulf Arab Islamism.
I am not your friend. I sympathize with Germans and Swedes, not you.
>Germans and Swedes
The places you roaches are currently taking over.
So basically, ''I sympathise with my own people''.
>good one