Shows that can never be made again due to the political climate
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I loved it
Married with Children
It was incredibly dumbed down, Horrifically historically inaccurate and biased as fuck towards Murica and I loved every second of it
The little rascals
"girls were girls and men were men"
Top 3 shows of all time imo
No one out of Germany is gonna know it, but Switch Reloaded would be called racist for it's use of blackface nowadays.
I love this post.
little house on the prairie. tragic really
Mail call with R Lee Ermy was also good
Been done but they black washed the characters
This show just fell off the fucking schedule. What the hell happened to it?
Yeah because the fagot on the left had to turn in his man card.
probably the best show of my childhood. better than jackass.
God Jimmy Kimmel turned into such a sellout jew cuck. Adam Carolla was the real man show.
Gunner R.Lee is fucking Ace. I love that NCO bullshit. He's a dead nice guy though.
The Cosby Show
It Ain't Half Hot Mum
Good old fashioned 70's casual racism.
Why would anyone watch that unfunny nigger?
Anything with OJ in
He chimped out, true to form as a negro icon
Gunny is still alive
Cartoons not made by tumblr college art school dykes and or cucks.
Why not? Everybody loves his BBQ sauce
Because the viewers were niggers too.
They tuned in to watch the MSM delusions of a typical black family.
Sheeeiitt! They should do reality TV about brown people. No editing.
Why doesn't his machinegun have a clip?
You never know man, I wouldn't put it past VH1 or MTV to give him show with some new white wife or some bullshit.
I do hate the guy, but Naked Gun is still funny as hell.
All in the Family? Shoulda been first one mentioned.
Happy to hear it. Old soldiers never die, they just buy some land in Colorado and keep the government at bay with automatic weapons and home made claymores.
Never mind. I just saw it up there.
You should ask him for a drink.
Don't you idiots read the news? He's being sued for fucking little kids, that's the fucking joke.
Never say never.
Midgets on a trampoline doing the weather forecast.
Or topless darts, pic related. L!VE TV was fucking great lads.
It's a new kind of invisible ultra-super-high capacity bazooka clip that you can only get if you're 'Murican you dumb bong
Family Matters.
Haha, that's awesome, I really hope you guys can save your country.
son of the beach was gold. also bay watch. any show with hot babes in bikinis.
That's clearly not a rocket launcher dude I'm not stupid
>They should do reality TV about brown people
what is the Kardashians ??
That show always makes me sad because I see my grandparents and parents in it, and how they pushed this culture war and think they won, but the further we get the more we've lost from those old generations. They made Archie look like a buffoon but he was right about the niggers, spics and jews until they made him cuck. The whole show was jew subversion anyway.
the sopranos
The Simpsons, as incredible as it seems.
White nuclear family. Church going. Middle class. Barely any minority characters. The few minorities in the show are stereotypes, which was why they were funny and is a style of humour now verboten and dead.
Can you imagine it starting now? The trans character. The black neighbours so much wiser and cooler. Lisa comes out as dyke. Smithers sues Burns into poorhouse because he can't be out at work and spends money on sex change.
Nuke it all.
Those kids are lying. They're always saying the darndest thing.
A race of aliens from Star-Trek?
I seriously wondered this when I first heard of their show.
the cosby show
liberals would call it whitewashing black culture
back when nothing was racist
Every single historic show is ruined forever pretty much, even documentaries that are non-pc are banned basically.
that's why Discovery channel started to make alium documentaries.
In the first episodes of the Simpsons Smithers was straight and black,
His subservience to Mr. Burns was because he was a servile black.
Friendly reminder that Dukat did nothing wrong
Three's Company.
Mother fucker, nice one.
>Traditional Family
>Church and prayer
>Manifest Destiny settlement in "Indian Country"
eh. Nothing was mentioned about pedoshit though I must admit I never bothered to look up the facts of the alleged case. It's funny all this shit came out after Cosby dared to tell the black community to sort themselves out.
Sanford and Son
lol Mexicans were straight pissed when whoever owned Looney Tunes tried to blackball Speedy Gonzales cartoons
you know how many Chicanos in LA have Speedy Gonzales decals on their cars?
It's long gone. The globalist Jude are firmly in control now, thank the non ironic mummy posters for that. We had a chance to elect a man who hates the EU and hates Israel but we fucked that one up royally.
Throw Highway to Heaven in there as well. Schmaltzy as fuck ya, but I remember watching that with my mom and even under my idiotic teenage cynicism realizing what was on this show and LHOTP was true. Family first. Hard work. Honesty. Integrity.
Dead ideals
>Shit talks the 9mm
Fucking GOlden
It was such a good show.
Sam flew too close to the sun. rip in peace
Jack would never have to tell Mr. Roper he was a homosexual in order to live with his platonic women friends in today's politics climate.
Ermey is a national treasure
Amos and Andy
if you aint seen it its a fucking riot
I was following it for awhile, he's guilty as fuck. Just another famous nig that people liked and got away with it.
DESU, they started pushing all manner of faggotry on TV by making fun of it at first, just to get people used to the idea of even seeing or talking about "teh Gayz". Mash had Klinger the cross-dresser, Three's Co had Jack pretend to be gay, Bosom Buddies was Tom Hank's first big role and he dressed up as a woman to get a job. There were others, as well as movies like Tootsie, but the whole plot went from mocking queers to acceptance. We should have never let them get away with it.
Have you seen the Looney Tunes Golden Collection box sets? They were ok until Vol 4 or 5 when Whoopi Goldberg actually did a PSA at the start of each DVD reminding people that these beloved classic cartoons were in fact racist and offensive. That was 2005-8 era I believe? Probably be totally bowdlerized today. Or not even released. I regret buying them and have not watched since.
Fuck yeah man, I remember that show as well. Just a good show with good values, nothing crazy or over the top. I was younger watching it, just a kid.
>Every single historic show is ruined forever pretty much, even documentaries that are non-pc are banned basically.
blame tumblr
Its what man is suppose to be. Strong, Loud, Clear, and Manly. Manly being the forefront of his personality. But now America has shunned from this. Why America? Why?
Exactly, they normalized it. Make it funny, at first, get you used to it, make them quirky and fun, hide their true nature. Too bad AIDS didn't take care of them back then.
You'll never see a movie like Trading Places again, funny as hell too which is sad. At least we don't have to worry about some crap reboot that ruins it.
Fuck, I should shut up, I can see an amti-white version of it.
Mr Roper was the shit though.
Too bad it went from cheesy camp everyone could laugh at, to such extreme lack of humour. Look at old school queens like Charles Nelson Reilly and Paul Lynde. Laughed at themselves. Total sashaying fags, and probably still more manly than male SJWs today. They'd be ashamed by the gay rights fascism. Fuck we've fallen so far.
those epic fat jokes
"how dare you say that to my face!"
"i'd say it to your back but my car only has half a tank of gas!"
Kek they should give Cantwell a show like this.
Fat housewife: I'm looking for some shoes.
Al: The blacksmith's around the corner.
SJWs would burn down Fox studios today.
>They wanna be like white women. They will always be Tahitians.
There are so damn many, I honestly think it would be easier to list the ones that might pass the Racist Sexist Phobia test. I don't think they could make any of the best shows now. It's just as well. As I get older I realize how manipulative it all was anyway.
>Bersa Thunder
My man.
Hot damn!
King Fud spreading fud.
Witnessed. Funny thing is, guess who plays reruns of All in the Family and Married with Children? LOGO. The fucking gay cable TV channel.
Heil Honey, I'm Home!
Dukes of hazzard
The car was a charger named General Lee with a dixie flag on the roof
> muh brainless assertion that "all in the family" couldnt be made today
are you unaware that this shit show was produced by LEFTISTS to lampoon "dem ebil kunserbatibs" and their "intolerance"?
every episode, rob reiner and sally struthers help archie bunker learn a valuable lesson about the glorious future of multi-kulti assimilation
it was lefty propaganda, made by lefties starring lefties, and written to reassure lefties that their views are superior to fat lazy ignorant conservatives.
all in the family was a flop outside the urban cores of the northeast and west coasts
it could be produced today, but the left is trying to be smarter about their propaganda so they produce shit like "modern family" to insinuate their bullshit into the minds of middle america.
it was a good show. don't be such a dick about it. Their are some fucking gets ITT
Christ, MacGuffey's reader. My parents taught me to read with that shit.
I rewatched some honeymooners episodes recently, Alice's nipples were always erect.
well that's most british comedy from the 60s onwards
fun fact, mind your language was popular in india and they even made their own ripoff version
Benny Hill