What did she mean by this?
What did she mean by this?
Are you stupid, OP?
>le ebil windmill
None of those racist bigot Shinto Buddhists allowed!
She's racist against Hindus
Hindu is literally the religion of aryans and I know because I'm from India.
>I am a peak-fertile female who cannot think for herself so I am placing myself firmly in what I '''''''''''think''''''''''' is the middle of the social spectrum to increase my chances at a successful impregnation of my womb, but I take birth control at the same time and in other ways refute my fertility via my social behavior, thus confusing my reproductive system and brain connection thereby creating the absolute shitstorm of a mess that I am psychologically because I don't even recognize that I am a biological replication machine so I can't even deal with it and move on and actually be socially conscious in a way I have considered even if it was ultra-liberal, because I am a fucking dumbass bitch.
I think that's it.
She's obviously okay with the annexation of austria, hungary, sudetenland, czechoslovakia, memel and poland.
Just not her city.
She Hindu nuffin...
she believes that the cities are lefty mongrel territory she believes shes won
>swastika not tilted at 45 degrees
>What did she mean by this?
National Socialism ("Nazism" for short) has been seen as an ideology of hate ever since the end of World War II(which didn't happen actually), with some countries going as far as making it illegal to openly support/preach the ideas it stands for.
The woman holding the sign has a crossed Swastika(used by Hitler as a brand logo of his Nazi regime and therefore becoming a symbol of hate, even though the Swastika existed for millennia before the Nazi movement), followed by the words "Not In Our City", therefore showing that National Socialist propaganda will, in fact, not be tolerated in her hometown.
Totally brazen about it. I don't even go in for all the full on racial stuff but whether it's culture or race or whatever, jews really are a parasite.
>responding to idpol with idpol
that's a low IQ jew desu
She means two things.
1) She hates white people and just without understanding why but as a basic human impuls wants to repalce the whites with people of her own non white race
2) She doesn't understand that the quality of lfie she has is all down to the ahrd work, inventions and ideas of white men.
She is a good of example of a)why women shouldn't be allowed to vote and b)why immigration of non-whites into the west is dangerous.
Double negative. She loves ze nazis.
she means shes a fucking retard
It's a pavement ape with 70 IQ, so what did you expect? I'm actually impressed that some special ed teacher could get her to a point where she mastered the art of block lettering on a 3rd grade level and utilize that skill to form a almost correct sentence.
I think she has problem with Buddhism and Hindu religion
amazing how they are now openly confirming all of the conspiracy theories such jew control and forced chipping
yes but think of all the NEET bucks!
only the greatest of allies could think of such a thing!
She's got to get of of my country first.
eastern religions btfo
That would explain quite a lot about the irrational way most women behave with regard to politics.
No people against nazis in our city?
Dumb and ugly
Swastikas prohibited Not In Our City.