In comparison only 20 alt righters attended the rally.
Why cant Neo nazi/alt right rallies be as big as this?
45 000 people attended the Boston protest to smash Nazi skulls
>formally organize rally to bait antifa into coming
>alt righters leave
>antifa start picking fights with cops
oh no we lost
Use your fucking brain, the left runs around with masks and bats and the cops do nothing and the media blames the people attacked. Plus it's fucking Boston.
The Pajeet here is a neo nazi apparently...... kek
>Why cant Neo nazi/alt right rallies be as big as this?
There's a better product in the market place of ideas - love.
>20 people cost some libshit city millions of dollars in police overtime and lost business
We should do this every weekend
Same as Dinesh D'Souza and Bobby Jindal. There must have been some 20th century happening in India that made their crony capitalist class flee to America. The same thing happened in Iran in the 1970s.
no. the cities will stop allowing people to hold rallies if that becomes a trend.
>implying tax money spent to protect free speech is bad
Gee, I wonder who's actually for free speech.
Kek said not to go. So we didn't.
>Stage protest in ultra-liberal city/state.
>Gee. How did this happen?
Christ, conservatives are stupid.
who are you quoting?
Better question is why do liberals care enough to protest over a handful of retarded Nazis....
h..hey guys. I'm n..n..not one of t..those r..racists. G...guys?
Your mother from last night.
they cant
wasting city budgets and costing liberal business money is good for us
This wasn't an alt left rally it was a rally of people who saw on the news that actual nazi's were showing up
Becaus the world is against them
This will secure trump the next 8 years if he plays it right
ooooohhh buuuuuuurrnnn
>source: my ass
>45,000 people got brainwashed by propaganda and are drooling idiots***
>hy cant Neo nazi/alt right rallies be as big as this?
Quit lumping neow nazis with alt right, you fucking mong.
You answered your own question, because you and the media will label you as a nazi white supremacist without evidence and you will lose your job. They are circumventing getting rid of the 1st amendment, one of their main goals.
oh wow how will i ever recover from this sick bant?
Boston is like a racist San Francisco. If you couldn't organize a white nationalist circlejerk in Boston you can't do it anywhere in New England. You have failed completely at any and all objectives you set for yourself. Stop jerking yourself off.
That's not how the United States works dumbshit.
Look people, Massachusetts isn't a police state, but it is a State with a lot of police. They're stoked they got to do a bunch of OT.
There aren't more than 100 conservatives in the Boston area, including women and the elderly.
>that undercover video is gonna be good
just wait......
Great fucking idea eventually the libs will grow tired and need naps and won't even come
50 thousand people used to live here, now it's a liberal town
This was a free speech rally. Basic bitch conservative/alt-lite rally. If anything, it evidences the collapse of the center. Pick a side.
say it.....
>Alt-righters attended
I didn't see any there, did you? Looked like a free speech rally, as advertised.
Guess the fake news media lied to you again huh
20 people were able to completely disrupt their city
How is this a loss for us?
this is potentially very useful.
If 20 of us can tie up 45k of them, thats a fuckload of power.
How do we use this though?
In a democracy, people organize themselves in public spaces to oppose or support ideas. It turns out there's very little support of dumb nazis, and lots of support for having an open society that rallies together to show its citizens they can be safe if they're black or jewish or whatever.
The cognitive dissonance in this thread is delicious. 4D chess, am I right? lmao
Former libertarian here.
This is what happens when you defend nazism, people will start seeing evil for what it is and wake up. This is only to the reactions of charlottesville and nothing more.
>Look people, Massachusetts isn't a police state
The left will either learn the hard way or die before they learn. These hard headed puppets have only one direction to go.
>Announce Alt-Right rallies
>Bait shitlibs and antifa into showing up
>Alt-Right doesn't turn up
>Shitlibs and antifa inevitably riot and make themselves hated
If they ever quit falling for the bait, the Alt-Right will just show up for real again to give reasonable pro-White speeches and record some propaganda.
Haven't seen these many corporate whores since the g20 protests!
>literally Dr. Ayy
Please stop influencing reality you guys, the magic is too powerful
beautiful lol
all the "neo nazis" mowed their lawns today.
>cops do nothing
they did do stuff.
they walked through the crowd and arrested anyone throwing stuff
You anti-Trump morons still don't fucking get it. This guy is the ANTI-Clinton, ANTI-Obama, ANTI-politic bullshit president. Obama would tweet shit like: "Happy New Year to a proud nation of diverse people and empowered women!" You know, Trudeau shit. This guy is making it clear: The days of peak cuck are over. If you stood in his way, he's going to fuck you over.
>Why the fuck to libtards have to take things so literally NO MATTER WHAT IS SAID.
This is a common debate tactic for liberals and women.
If you make a statement, and aren't ridiculously specific, they will tear it apart based on your supposedly "vague" wording. They will pretend that they can't comprehend your specific implication, or read between lines, or draw the most obvious conclusion, solely so they can argue back with something - anything.
You: "BET doesn't appeal to me."
Them: "OMG You just said black people shouldn't be in movies and music!"
This shit is really old and tired. They do it CONSTANTLY and it's one of the reasons that Trump won. They are impossible to hold conversation or debate with because they deny that they can have basic perception skills.
People are sick of it. We're all called racists, homophobes, and sexists solely because of this one tactic they use of pretending to not understand what you're saying. They know damn well what's going on, but it's the only way they can push their extremist viewpoints - by making you EQUALLY extreme .
the alt right should be doing small marches like this every day until it tires leftists down
>alt right
Haha no it was a bunch of cucked kekistanis and lolbertatians
all that overtime cost the city lots of precious shekels
also business in the area lose customers
This is a loss to you because now everybody knows that the limit of your power is you might encourage a counter-protest that most people probably had fun it. It's a nice day in Boston, I went swimming after and got to ride my bike around on my day off. You didn't disrupt my life at all, you just reinforced the notion that your bullshit will not be tolerated.
Nobody in the world sees you as an underdog today. They see you as pathetic, disorganized, uneducated and unwilling to risk public exposure for your ideas. The entire city of Boston, including BPD now knows that there is virtually no public support of dumb nazi shit, in a city that used to have more skinheads than anywhere else besides North Adams in Massachusetts.
there are far more leftists than alt rightits and we are much more dedicated
we didn't get into politics because of fucking video games
Exactly. It's called "accelerationism".
Can half of these people even vote?
Attending rally like that is risky.
>tires leftists down
we dont want it to
it costs (((them))) money
So half the 20 marchers were Pals for Pajeet...
>Why cant Neo nazi/alt right rallies be as big as this?
Unlike the left, we don't live on welfare. We have to be at our jobs.
how does it feel knowing you will never be "one of the good whites" because the only good white is a dead one according to your "(((allies)))"?
That was the response to the terrorist attack that occurred at the Boston Marathon. They killed one terrorist and captured the other in like two days. There can never be a nazi uprising in this city so grow up and stop being racist.
You got into politics because your media bosses brainwashed you to shill for corporate america and their open borders obsession
there is no real fire behind your beliefs, you just want to be seen as a good goy
A trump rally brings a larger crowd. These useful idiots mindlessly protested against a free speech rally populated by women and black people.
get gassed commie faggot
>You didn't disrupt my life at all
if you had a business in the area good luck getting customers
also I guarantee they fucked up traffic
your parents and/or the government cut you off.
wat do?
>>You got into politics because your media bosses brainwashed you to shill for corporate america and their open borders obsession
haha I want to live in right wing fantasy world where this the case, where the anti-capitalist movement is actually shilling for capitalism
become a dealer lmao
>They killed one terrorist and captured the other in like two days.
>having to shut down your city for 2 days looking for two retards with pressure cookers
we will bury you
6 gorrilion counter protesters oy vey
That's the faggiest thing I've ever read here
They lose nothing by showin up and they get to virtue signal while pro free speech people risk their lives and carrera by possibly associeting with nazis
I was hanging out with a Trump supporter at the bar the other night and when a girl said he was being creepy to her he shouted the word, "liberal!" at her as she walked away. Most people, and especially today in Boston consider the political right to be a bunch of idiots that have difficulties relating to social situations and people of other races and cultures. I've met plenty of kids in college that get too sucked into their lefty echo-chambers, but people grow out of that after working for a few years.
>we didn't get into politics because of fucking video games
You're right, it was cartoons and television.
did they get a zog helo yet? pussies!
follow your leader
>where the anti-capitalist movement is actually shilling for capitalism
literally what is happening
that is why "antifa" disrupts the meetings of even politically neutral anti-open borders activists like NumbersUSA
You commies are litterally useful idiots of the Jewish Upper Class
Because whites and most other people not stupid enough to be led around by this garbage actually have jobs to go to.
Ew. Take your cringy pick up lines to OkCupid or something.
follow your leader and get poisoned by the jewish bosses you sucked the dick of when you were not useful to them anymore
The boston bombing was a hoax, nigger
Boston is not anything like SF u dick smoking fagtard.
We hustle for what we need just like any other survivors. The alt-right couldn't even scrounge together a rally that was a few hundred deep and they had weeks of propaganda out about it. Also I believe statistically more alt-right losers are unemployed and living with the parents and have partially completed bullshit STEM degrees. Isn't being a bunch of unemployed cucks that are disenfranchised with society why you turned to the easy way out of being responsible for your destiny, racism?
I wouldn't mind living in Argentina actually.
No it wasn't. I was there, faggot.
>frothing at the mouth about jews
>expecting to be taken seriously
There is obviously going to be FBI subversion within the movement but that doesn't mean 99.9% of the people involved aren't legitimate
nice job, that was almost coherent anger. too bad you couldn't organize that to any magnitude at all today in Boston.
>the easy way out of being responsible for your destiny
why this only somehow applies to whites?
Jews, Japanese people, muslims, blacks, everyone is literally racist, but if whites are then they are psychological ill?
Stop buying jewish propaganda
Were you or a friend actually injured?
Did you even see brains splattered?
K then.
>Gee, how did this happen?
Said literally nobody
45k people come out against free speech how progressive of them
> posting under NOT REAL COMMUNISM flag
> has a room temp iq
contain your memes
>45 000 people
>americans in charge of protesting
We have a million people in the streets every year, git gud burgers
organize what?
the whole idea is to repeat this kind of small marches often enough just to make leftists lose time and money and be a general ass to businesses and police of the area
A local win in any sense of the word
that is literally what happened to Stalin
it is not like the doctor's plot is some hidden secret
Man, i'm just looking at the whole thing and i cant imagine how you can fucking trick 45 k people.
Some faggots wanted a free speech rally, the media twisted it into becoming a nazi gathering.
I swear to God i'm moving to America only to fucking trick and steal your shit if you're such easily misguided people.
say jew some more I bet people will start taking you seriously then
Pretty sure you're making shit up. The truth is you'd be a moron to go to any right rally. Good way to get assaulted or your car broken
Yeah, the 45,000 people, many of which came from Western and Central Mass to buy food and drinks, park cars at meters and seek out lodging for the evening were a total nightmare for small business owners. If you couldn't make money hustling this crowd today you shouldn't be in business, this is the type of day that we pay taxes for.
Isn't being a bunch of unemployed cucks that are disenfranchised with society why you turned to the easy way out of being responsible for your destiny, blaming whitey and muh patriarchy?
See how that works?
Pic related: (you).