Just wondering what it's like being a white minority.
What's it like being a White man in America?
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None of your business
I wouldn't know. My town and county is 98% white.
It's fine 2bh when you live in the suburbs.
Being cucked by jews?
I live around lots of mexicans. It's ok. They're just ugly.
Why are you abusing me dad?
Sauce that shit faggot
just come see for yourself, i live in the countryside of california and i'm not even bullshitting you, my town used to be a big KKK area in the 1960s. Infact most of the population here are White and if any colored people, they're well civilized and rich, since this area is rich too.
is there any way to hire her to fart in my face
It's not too bad. We got the Doobie Brothers.
dang i always click :(
Wouldn't know, I don't fuck slants or condone degeneracy
You just stay around with the good people, and avoid the shit areas.
I fucking love Gothic fashion. That leather thong is sexy but can't be comfortable to wear.
excellent BRAP thread my BRAP brothers
is this a fart fetish? if so why you need a woman,i can fart in your face and put you in a coma
feels good. last we were a minority in north america we took the whole thing
Worry about your own country faggot.
I live in a small town that is almost all white people so idk
Looks like she's sitting on two skinheads.
I'm rock hard now.
Nofap nofap NOFAAAAP!!!!!
pretty much this
just hide the damn post no fap is too easy
I am white and live in CA. My city of 1 million+ people is only 20% white. To answer your question, it depends on how you look at life.
The racism against white people here is real and powerful. Whites here live in small rich areas. If you're a white person who doesn't have money your life is hell, you have to live in areas full of people who hate your race and target your home for burglaries because you're outside of their tribe. Many areas of my city are spanish speaking meaning if you're white and english speaking, its basically a no-go zone.
If you live your life in a way where you constantly apologize to everyone for being white, then you can get by okay. Brown and black girls are far easier to get than white girls, so pussy is never a problem if you're okay with non-white girls.
Overall it's a lost cause of whites here, even if you're rich and live in a small white community. You have to pay insane prices to live hidden away from the very people your high taxes are paying to breed.
You can really never say much about anything without being called a racist. You must pretend to be a happy cuck in public. Only when you are alone with your trusted white friends can you speak your mind.
It's like living in a alternate reality where the truth is wrongthink and irrationality is praised and glorified.
Was at a rap show last night. absolutly terrible. Litteral rammblings of "bitch suck my dick" "I'mma nut and leave muh fucka". All the white hipsters bobing their heads pretending to love it in order to virtue signal to eachother. The threat of being called a racists is paralyzing to reason.
The best whites one the planet.
Seconded by the Australians.
Our ability to break away from filthy idiot Europe & all the Eastern European, South European & Jew subbies allowed us to form an entire national colony of Northern Europeans.
And being that we landed on New Worlds, only inhabited by nature, animals & a few spear-throwers, we were able to architect an entire nation from scratch; forcing a strong drive of ingenuity & creativity which allowed us to develop new cultures.
While the Europeans were hanging around getting drunk and being dumb & ugly degenerates, we were out laboring in the fields, hauling logs and splitting them to build houses.
Our constant hard work & ingenuity shifted our entire collective consciousness.
And it was all going so well until the filthy Europeans & mudpeople started pouring in.
I have forfeited American history. Im not materialistic either, I just keep to myself
You literally sound like a fucking cuck. Too scared to speak your mind, hanging out at rap concerts. Sort yourself out.
If you're a blue pilled normie, great.
You work your shit job, get home, smoke weed, listen to niggers speaking over someone else's music, watch Game of Thrones, share an anti-Trump post on facebook, go to bed and do it all over again. Nothing ever crosses your mind and you never worry about anything because your brain lacks the capacity to.
Otherwise it's fucking hellish
It happened to be at a bar I was at.
It was you dad! I learned it by watching you!
if you ignore the shitty jew propaganda,the girly negro,and the dragon whore,got is quite good,i just watch it for the violence,shame they are downgrading it too,less and less gore and more faggotry by the week
That is damn near hwyte. Sounds comfy AF.
I'm on my first day of no fap. I feel kinda weird.
not really all it's cracked up to be unless you're a chad
>not going to clubhouses
just dont think of anything sexual and always keep yourself busy, it's really easy
I don't know.
I'd really enjoy it if she'd sit on my face tbqhwu desu senpai famalama ding dong.
Ass implants are gross.
Not that whites becoming a minority isn't a concern, but you understand that white people are still the dominant minority, right?
You also know that black and hispanics fucking hate eachother, right?
I live in a white state, in the middle of whiteness, there are nogs here but it's a city, outside of the city there are no non whites besides a few mexicunts
it all depends on how much money you have. if you have enough to live in a white area, you're more likely to be a lefty because you don't have to deal with browns and blacks constantly attacking you for your race and you dont how to see how scummy non-whites live.
if youre white and not rich, you're 100% either extremely anti-brown/black, or completely submit to them and become a tattooed race mixing anti-racist subhuman druggy who simply has white skin.
like this
Pretty much like this
Middle Southern MO. The only non whites are chinese families that own chinese food shops, and a few mexicans that run mexican places. There are 2 black families around, they are farmers and basically might as well be white.
yep. In the city its shitty.
I live in a city that's 25% white. I hate it. I'm always envious when I see those in Europe or in other parts of the U.S who don't have a non-white for miles. I need to get the fuck out of here. Is Europe full? Can I seriously make it over there?
idk my county is 94% White
bro me too, its fucking terrible. I just took a trip around europe and I shed a tear once I got back home and it went from all whites to all browns.
I'm about 5 hours into my first day of no fap and don't think I'm going to make it. First I fucked up by glancing at my bottle of Ms. Butterworth and now I made the mistake of opening this thread.
>haha b-based Texas
>First I fucked up by glancing at my bottle of Ms. Butterworth
keep sending more faggot,saving all.
comfy, if you are middle or upper class. lots of pussy.
getting slightly more annoying these days but fighting against your inferiors can be exhilarating
>Just wondering what it's like being a white minority.
I'm not American but I can tell you what is like being a white minority in Argentina:
>You wake up and you deal with all the minorities around you being low time preference retards that don't follow the simplest social norma, even simple stuff like throwing trash inside trash cans or stopping at red lights.
>Everything they own is in a state of disrepair, they don't do maintenance, they don't fix their side walks or their gardens. Everything that's done is done with the minimum amount of effort.
>They have no concept of noise, they'll play the most awful music at whatever time at whatever volume in their houses and in their cars.
>You see many people you know, white people, good people, being to fall into apathy over the years, stop caring for their property, stop caring for their neighborhoods.
>Then you'll see gangs of their children roaming around, occasionally stealing something small and meaningless from here or there just because, they don't really need it. Or maybe yank a a phone from some distracted girl's hand.
>At night they may throw rocks at windows, smash a car's side mirror, maybe spray paint a wall and other minor damage. Occasionally they'll attack an older gentleman and rob him, maybe hit him.
You know, people always rant and rave against immigration "because rape gangs" or "because terrorism" but the reality is most people won't be affected by any of those things even indirectly.
The real tragedy is that you now cannot leave anything in your lawn, you have to tie in your bicycle even if you are going inside the store just for a minute, you have to see your neighborhood slowly degenerate into a state of general disrepair and filth. And occasionally, when you are arriving home late at night your heart might freeze when you hear a dozen little feet speeding up towards your general direction as a gang of children yank your shit away from your pockets or your hands.
Masturbating er haram, kære Achmed.
But there are so many nice girls out there user
is that a twink?
White nationalism my dude
>based texas
said no one. once the whites die off (within 30 years) theres no new whites to replace them. its over.
Fucking hnggh. >tfw you will never have a wife like this
I went to an all white school were we had a token black kid. It was awesome. My kid will have it the same. Racial politics isn't important, but he will enjoy a nice white life with a dad. He will learn leftists are weird af because he will have a normal life. He can choose whatever sport he wants but not his gender. I've lived a nice privileges life and so will he. He will never have white guilt cause he will know hard work and how hard I worked and his forefathers worked. Be a good parent for the future OP. I will.
It sucks. I hate it. Thanks for asking.
so,just like brazil.
You have to go back, Schlomo.
who is this semen demon, my dude
Pretty chill desu. Illiterate gypsies provide a ton of meme material
what's it like being a brit bong?
What's it like having the sharia steamroller incident every year
what's it like being surrounded by mudshits
>Just wondering what it's like being a white minority.
Sounds exactly like the US if you happen to live around them. They really are the same anywhere...
>white minority
>63-64% of america is white
Nice try jamal
Pretty much.
Saddest thing is, I'm not that old, and as a child I remember how we would sleep with the doors unlocked (now we have a few break in attempts a year in our house or our neighbor's), toys all over the lawn (last time I forgot a football it was stolen within a few hours, I would ride my bicycle everywhere and just leave it lying there (now it wouldn't last a minute).
But the thing that breaks your heart the most is see the people around you, who used to be very involved, clean and orderly simply stop caring and give up.
Let you in a little secret, our blacks are mostly part white.
keep ignoring reality you fucking idiot. whites dont come out of thin air, they have to be born or imported. the only "people" being born in texas AND imported to texas are browns.
We've had two in 12 years user, how many shootings have you said this week?
Unless you live in the middle of nowhere, whites are a minority in basically every city.
What sane white person lives in a city?
If you truly think whites are the minority in most of the US, you are quite mistaken.
Quit letting the urbanites define everything.
holy shit,so it is the same,i remember in the 90s we don't even had padlocks in our house,thing sure change,our neighbourhood was mostly white,now is filled with filthy.
Where do you live?
>small town of 6000
>~85% white, 14% black, 1% hispanic
>all the niggers keep to their own streets and the section 8 apartments
>most of the population is retired white people
>no crime, everyone gets along for the most part, the only problems I have at my job are the occasional feral negro wanting free shit because they're black
>I'm treated with respect everywhere I go
>can get weed anywhere
Its great.