Why does he look so miserable all the time? It's like his eyes are asking for help.
Why does he look so miserable all the time? It's like his eyes are asking for help
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There's no escape for him. He is doomed to eternal recurrence. Keep making videos for a few shekels. Rinse and repeat.
Because you've never seen a real man.
It's OK. Your generation will pass and generation Zyklon will take over.
You won't have to worry about much once that happens.
Strap yourself in.
The shit that's going on in the world make him look like that. It's like he's given up.
He has the same look most conservatives have. These are dark times.
Real men look like they are in captivity all the time? My father looks like a real man to me and he always look like nothing can phase him. He always faces whatever with the most calm expression.
he knows life shouldn't be so horrible, and people shouldn't be so stupid
OP is such an idiot
Because he doesn't shave his head completely.
It makes you want to punch his fucking teeth out
Look at his eyes
He is really sad the left won't watch his show.
bald and ugly with a fat ugly wife
It's like he's dying inside.
He's seemed a little off lately. You guys think he's ok?
All balding men look like that.
you don't think it's sadness from how he was raised by a retarded single mother, coupled with the general trend for more people being abuised by being raised by retarded single mothers, along with the general trand of our socites turning into tyrannical authoritarian hellholes and the oppression and misery that he/we know will result? and the only way out is a revolution, which will result in many deaths and much misery?
mmm, grat bree though
White man's burden. The burden of knowledge of history and current events, as well as where the western world is headed and knowing that his children will live in that world.
Brown/almost white people also can know all of that.
Jews sometimes have beady eyes. Learned this from Evalion video.
i don't think anyone has worked as hard as he has on the information and presentation front. it must be hard for such an obviously passionate person constantly being bombarded with red and black pills and trying to get people to fucking listen. plus he's been going hard at it for like 10 years. i rarely agreed with him until he started doing race realism presentations, but he opened my eyes to a lot of great authors like bastiat.
All that he stands for, all of his ideals, are becoming impossible. He's almost become a white nationalist now, like many others, because it's the only way in hell his ideas can work. No one hates big government like the white man.
Ha. This.
>He's almost become a white nationalist now
a jewish WN
poor feller
I think we want him on our side fo the great firewall though
I don't see it. If he is an anarcho-capitalist. I don't see how people being anti-western changes anything.
>real man has to look like a flakka user
he's a bright guy and sees how blitheringly stupid most other people are with no signs of any hope for improvement... it is the look of the wise who see the world for what it is... a shitshow of idiocy sinking under its own weight.
yet seeing this what else can he do but carry on pointing out the lapses in reason he encounters hoping to impart some insight that some might benefit.
>t. never listened to a call-in show
He has to use 90% of his willpower to not ask the JQ and the race wars.
The time for arguments is over.
He's realized his life is not an argument.
He has had cancer but he told it to stop violating the NAP. If he ever stop shilling for the Owners this is how they will end him quickly. "Oh he had it before, must´ve not disappeared completely :D:D:D"
Voting patterns. At least in the U.S., the republican party is primarily supported by whites and the republicans are the only ones that ever suggest shrinking government and, now, supporting capitalism. So, the other side which is supported heavily by non-whites is for huge government and socialism/communism. Democrats, now at least, support the opposite of Western values in everything. They're opposed to everything he supports and seem poised to win... forever, with the current demographic trends.
can being the operative word here. Would you say women could also know all that?
This guy gets it.
He's trying to come to terms that all the bullshit he preached for years and years was absolute garbage. I think he actually tricked himself into believing the garbage he preached. And now he realizes, after having a child, that he has absolutely no idea how the world works and he's been living a lie.
I always have to tell Sup Forums that I'm not full white. They can never tell. Why is that?
English isn't even my first language.
molymeme is radicalised, dude. it about half a year ago. something just snapped inside him. youre right about his eyes. you can totally see the darkness behind them. i think he just couldnt take the hypocrisy & bullshit anymore. he wants to kill all muslims, its fucking obvious
Your father is probably stupid as fuck.
he is somewhat contrived. i can't tell if he's british or just an american affecting a "philosopher's accent."
You're just saying things. Real men don't look like broken people.
Because he is a sociopath
hes canadian, dumbass
If you're not miserable it's probably because you're retarded.
The truth is I'm miserable. Full of depression and anxieties.
He looked at the abyss and it looked back
the day DoomPaul Sup Forums died, all the old time Sup Forums posters died with it.
He's openly spoken about spending like... decades in psycho-therapy and all it did was turn him into a fedora with a shitty cult, but the existential angst still rages inside his heart as he wrestles with what he knows as self-evident and seen by everyone else he couldn't pull into his narcissistic delusions. He's not even a philosopher.
His crazy mother abused him and his father and brother left him to live alone with her when he was very young.
The more knowledge he gains, the angrier and more hopeless he becomes. His life is a neverending spiral into ever deepening madness.
What? I'm still here. We're not dead just massively outnumbered by newfags.
and he sees it happening to others and at an accelerating pace?
Whoa, FlowerGirl is real, real old Sup Forums
we gonna privatize the oceans?
>Why does he look so miserable all the time?
Because he is smart enough to realize we are all absolutely fucked. (((they))) will never be defeated and the shitskins hordes will be the last humanoids to roam this planet.
After the monkeys all starve to death or kill each other, some animals or insects might survive, so it isn't all death I guess.
>let me pretend white people are the ones with the highest IQ
Asians and jews have the highest iq. Also there are many non whites with high iq who have contributed to science. If pigskins ever get extinct, don't worry smart non-whites people will fill all the places. The most important mathematician right now now is a brown asian.
Asians are insects, Jewish is not a race but most are shitskins and the Ashkenazi are white.
Manchild, calling asians insects won't change the fact they're are one of the most important people throughout history.
Whites aren't the highest AVERAGE IQ, but our male distribution has a high variance, so we end up with more retards per capita, but also way more geniuses than the insect like dog torturing then eating races, and the evil parasite enslaving race
Chinese were important but they don't exist anymore.
He was raised in England and moved to Canada.
The "insects" have many geniuses in the field of mathematics
It's called Acting OP. He's a failed actor.
2? 2 geniuses? out of a pop of how many?
are they using our science developed by OUR geniuses?
do they steal our IP any chance they get?
He knows he created this doomed reality because he rejected Jesus Christ. This is all his fault and now he know.
It doesn't mean there are only two because I just because I linked two. You can just google "asian mathematicians" and you'll see more.
But those two are the BIGGEST names right now.
You don't get it. Terrence Tao is the BIGGEST name right now. He is like the Gauss of our times. He is versatile in many areas of mathematics.
ok, they have some good mathematicians? that doesn't challenge my claim that we have more geniuses per capita than the tortured dos eaters
try again
Its called life you wet behind the ears noob.
He knows he needs to get down on his knees and beg Jesus Christ for forgiveness but he's too proud and vain to do it.
not enough fiber.
You are worse than militant atheists in their prime.
he is an over dramatic fucking faggot who litterally thinks he has the answers to humanities problems...
Calls him self a fucking philosopher.
He is pretty much the biggest fucking cock sucking self aggrandizing arrogant faggot on the internet.
He makes videos on good topics but i really struggle to listen to him due to the facts listed above.
I feel very confused and shocked that people can actually be fans and FOLLOW this faggot.
Also he breaks families up and when questioned about this scumbag behavior he lies.
He is a true cuck to the core. Whenever a female caller speaks to him he loses his shit and starts acting like a proper fucking beta poof.
He cannot handle losing an argument and will constantly take litte digs at his male callers unless they willingly submit to him.
He is no where near as intelligent as he trys to convince himself that he is but his entire sense of self is based on him believing so. Therefore whenever his "intelligence" is in question he becomes HIGHLY defensive.
He is one of the biggest faggot dogs to ever put himself on the internet and i cannot wait for the day when he fucks up and is exposed for the scum he truly is.
He is in the same tier as this faggot
>pic related
It's genetics. The outward of his eyes are slightly down pointing.
this is funny because I think I once tweeted exactly that phrase to him ...
Srsly watch his eyes when this black pastor talks about the power of forgiving your parents.
He's made an entire career out of convincing people to abandon their parents.
He finally realizes this is all [partly] his fault.
I'm in the same boat. It's been a long road back from atheistic punk rock nihilism but I forgave my parents. Stefan doesn't know his father and still rejects his mother
He thought there could be a peaceful resolution to the upcoming conflict through reason and evidence. He now knows that the time for arguments has past. The final argument is the fist.
Yet almost all top mathematicians are white (or Jewish) with the exception of Terence Tao.
Shinichi Mochizuki
Andrew wiles relied on this:
You guys are just lazy. Just gooel a little bit and see how dumb you sound.
he is prolly bankrupt by now, that's why
He's a 50 year old man who talks to a camera everyday pretending he is a 'philospher' despite having only a Masters and minimal if not zero academic work in journals.
A picture where Molyneux is happy is the rarest Molyneux
He's Canadian
The man survived cancer only to witness the world become cancer.
Woah OP I read your entire TLDR Reddit spaced post yet there wasn't an argument to be found!
wtf are you talking about. That's not OP. I'm OP
if you are the real OP then this picture will not affect you at all
It's reddit culture where they call the poster they're replying to the OP instead of the thread creator which is certified chan culture.
Stef detected
: )
>academic work
Fuck off you fucking elitist cunt. You are the problem, pray that in other timelines your mother died as a child. Say what you will about molymeme, I cant fucking stand elitist academics and their worshipers who think its 1902 and 80% of us are illiterate plebs begging for their guidance.
There's other qualities besides IQ that make for success or failure of a race. White races seem to be better at living in trust-based cohesive societies that lead to stable, peaceful progression. That we brought technology and civilization to light skinned asians (may have fought among themselves too much to progress) and Jews. (may have leeched from their host countries too extensively to progress)
Russia stabilized a few beats after mainland Europe did and they started making deep contributions to science and art, and now many parts of Asia contribute, which is nice.
Haha, I just realised that the 'fasces' is literally a faggot.
Fascists BTFO
>White races seem to be better at living in trust-based cohesive societies that lead to stable, peaceful progression
Otherwise, this altruistic aspect just turns us into welcome mats.
Agreed. Most of my post is talking of the centuries leading to modern society.
People still bring up UPB.