Well Sup Forums? Are the wrong?
Well Sup Forums? Are the wrong?
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Tell me about antifa! Why do they wear the mask?
Nah they're seeking violence through violence
Weeeeeeeeew Lad
------>FAKE NEWS
"peace through violence"
REALLY makes me think
>white supremacists
>everyone in picture is white
Antifa is a white supremacist organization
This timeline
kek pls be real
>seeking peace through violence
I guess when everyone who disagrees with you is executed yeah, violence might lower
>peace through violence
>anti-racism through blatant racism
>anti-facist through facist means
The double think doesn't get much richer.
>Well Sup Forums? Are the wrong?
This is bullshit.
ANTIFA group charged with attempted murder of police.
Now. Their main goal is to disturb democracy. Paid shills under the guise of socialism. Btw...kys now please
antifa in action
antifa was hoppians all along. =O
ANTIFA in action.
It is.
I'm watching it right now.
It is real. Really easy to confirm.
ANTIFA gives a woman a brutal beating.
Antifa are useful idiots at best, funded by massive international capitalists (lmao) to commit acts of violence against whoever happens to be the bad guy of the week or threatens established power structures.
Funny that these "anarchist, anti-fascists" are actually government and NGO funded. Really flim-flams my cocka-doodle-doo.
Well...every violent political groups seeks peace through violence.
Their main objective is spreading communism via silencing critics of policies that would help with that.
Antifa celebrates Steve Scalise shooting
Reminder antifa are scumbags
More antifa folly
>cnn covering for communist agitators
Fake News will go to any length if it means taking a shot at Trump.
The "news" report stated that they were fighting against capitalism. They're communists. They're using capitalism to destroy their own platform. Something is going to give very soon.
Look up the word "dox", Cletus. Dumb fuck.
No. It's beyond fake news, now it's straight up propaganda.
no, no, no, it's peaceful violence.
They are very wrong. I've personally known Antifa people in the past. They'll use a fucking football riot as an excuse to go out and light shit on fire. Nothing political or well-intentioned about it. They just want to fuck shit up.
Sounds like faggoty hippie bullshit
the last 70 years have really given the juden some confidence eh?
hope they dont get expelled from any countries anytime soon
>wanting peace
holy shit they probably just took the description verbatim from some antifa "representative"
seeking peace through violence
>seeking peace through violence
How did this even get through lmao?
antifa threaten to murder traditional family supporter
>not getting the joke
Damn you're dumb as fuck faggot
No. They are commies and only call themselves anti fascist because they lost to fascist. Fuck off by the way.
Wasn't there a rise in sales of 1984 earlier this year? It seems as they took it as an instruction manual.
Some bitch they have in an elaborate discussion just mentioned impeachment because of the Russian investigation.
She's also mentioning the "polls".
This is a joke! Sad!
>seeking peace through violence
and. here. we. go.
Explain this.
Cant we all live in pieces?
Just so everyone knows, antifa posters keep using a photoshopped versions of pictures to try and discredit everything.
No its not, then why are they attacked police as well and throwing molotov cocktail at them. They are a left-wing revolutionary group that just wants to start violence for any excuse and "nazis" are just one of them. That was a peaceful protest and Milo talking was freedom of speech, and then they show up and start destroying things and attacking people, on film as well. These people are scum. Antifa is part of the Alt-left which means University style socialism.
so one jewish psyop providing cover for another.
so not the case here. go get em girlz!
Hmm Violence? why didn't you say so. GET THE GUNS
Don't liberals also get the bullet according to antifa
Well then.
I fucking hate the media
They're fascists
You should beat'em up
here is another way to bring peace through violence
>wear their uniform
>march amongst them
>when they start hitting people with clubs
>you stab them in the kidneys from behind
>a small blade concealed by your sleave
>3-5 rapid stabs per anitifa while they are busy hurting others
>they won't even feel it right away do to their violence fueled adrenaline
>you melt away in the crowd and blend in with another group of the rats
Sure did
My reply disappeared so I'll write it again.
Antifa are a left-wing revolutionary group that just wants to cause violence and destruction, they'll use any excuse they can get and "nazis" is just one of them. They throw molotov cocktails at police and killed a police horse. That was a peaceful protest and Milo was exercising his free of speech before Antifa came in and started destroying things and attacking people. They are the alt-left or University-style socialists that Trump was talking about. These people are scum.
It seems it took a while to appear.
>american media promoting violent commies
who won the cold war again?
not helping
>Peace through violence
Isn't that literally fucking Ingsoc?
>peace through violence
Really dunks the almonds in water.
>war is peace
yep, we /1984/ now
Check this image out. Peacefully resisting. CNN would never lie.
Fucking dipshit, fuck off reddit
Not us.
My favorite part about this is that if antifa truly got what they wanted, a true communist utopia...they would literally be the first ones executed by their new communist government.
>peace through violence
>peace through violence
>peace through violence
>peace through violence
So, does CNN think they know what they are doing, or are they just retarded? I think both are terrifying.
They're showing a pro-BLM psa now. They have an actress on the show who's giving her opinion, which does not matter, but they're parading it on their show.
You are like that annoying kid in every school trying to pick a fight with everyone.
You are gonna get your fight and you will regret it
This is quite clever.
Luis V on the right
guys, remember that antifa was established by the german communist party in 1932 as their brownshirts. They are communist hatchetmen who beat the shit out of non communist, that is why they were created. Dont let them fool normies into supporting them. Call them out as the communist they are if you see this happeneing. I've noticed threads on Sup Forums and on my facebook doing this and they got REALLY pissed when I pointed this out
This should honestly be a legit thing
They know exactly what they're doing.
They're attempting to condition normal people into thinking that hurting and/or killing people who don't agree with you is the right thing to do.
One person there has an accurate sign.
cnn has to know that New Jersey has designated antifa domestic terrorists. So I blame Republicans for not calling them out on this.
truly post-irony at this point
bump for justice
use their anonymity against them
Ha, the joke is, the democrats are stoking antfa and blm, to topple trump. The dumb Fuck can't wait 4 years. But then it's pay back time. They forgot the lesson of Louis 14, he did the same to the British.
You can't get peace by asking for it.
If somebody wants a fight, then give them one they will not like.
fucking newfag get
Why does she spell her name like a retard? It's Haley, not HAYLEY. That's a stupid spelling.
I like to compare Antifa to Al-qaeda and the leftists are the Taliban. Antifa will influence the leftits into playing the useful idiots but I doubt any actual antifa heads ever get arrested for commiting violence. They are just there to try and normalize it.
>Are they wrong?
When it comes to an unorganized, allegedly anarchist group, I don't think you can really nail down what their "main goal" is, and I don't buy that they are interested in any form of peace. As a collective, they have also disrupted groups who are clearly not white supremacists or nazis.
So yes, I'd say that CNN is wrong. More accurately, and I feel very objectively, this should read:
>Antifa is short for anti-fascists. They disrupt neo-nazis, white supremacists, free speech advocates, sharia law protesters, trump supporters, and many other conservative groups using violence.
>show up after the rally when there's only stragglers left
Yeah guys we totally won and showed those fascists who's who.
They look like violent yobs though. I don't trust them
Using violence to keep peace is so dumb i should know am british
Antifa is the beginning. Black block comes next.
This is a watershed moment in American history. This is the most dangerous and evil thing ever published by a modern news organization.
If the Right wasn't full of idiots and retards they would run with this. If this was posted by a conservative media outlet the lefties would have a field day. This is proof of the ultimate failure of the right and their politics. They have no conviction.
The author who wrote "peace through violence" should be put on trial for sedition.
>you can do anything you want so long as you label your victims "nazis"
really compels cognition
I'm currently having one of those moments. You know what I am talking about. When you realize that our civilization is, indeed, lost. Europe will become islamic, while in the USA the media and millions of people are blatantly shilling for communism and ordinary people are buying even the most obvious propaganda. how can you convince yourself of such double think like this headline? It really boggles my mind. There won't be an end to this. This is the mindset of a bolshevik politkommisar. Well, at least the left in europe will eventually bring upon their own demise, because the muslims won't have their shit anymore once they are the majority. maybe then they will reconsider.
antifa protesting on the street demanding george to pay them up.
someone forget to pay the bill