>Twitter account "@YesYoureRacist" started a popular thread to identify the men in the Daily Progress photo.

>The solemn-faced man with a mustache was quickly identified to be Massachusetts man Matthew Colligan.

>Another woman who lived in Boston, and preferred not to be named, said she met Colligan when he was canvassing[..]
>"I always saw him as a very left-leaning and progressive person," she said.
>"We would talk and share our frustrations about people who would waste their time and energy being anti-choice and >homophobic and racist."

>His videos and messages reveal a fascination with Swastikas, and he [..] denies that the Holocaust ever happened.

>In [..]videos, Colligan baits radio talk shows – such as right-wing host Alex Jones[..] to say "Hitler did nothing wrong,"

>Colligan shared his goal to travel and explore what he calls "the Marxist psychosis gripping almost every living being in >the United States."

>Soon after Colligan was identified as a participant in the white supremacist rally, he became a target for online vigilantes.

>"I personally have received thousands and thousands of death threats against my life," Colligan says

>"And my whole family are receiving hundreds of death threats as well."

goodnight sweet prince. RIP Stachebro - the man who took too many redpills and trolled too near the sun. Will we avenge this fallen comrade Sup Forums ? or is he on his own?


Other urls found in this thread:

Reminder that if you support nazis, you are spitting in the face of every single soldier who fought and died defending your country from fascism.

>Facebook tier shitpost

good fuck america


Good. They were all putrid, demon cocksuckers for spilling the blood of their own brothers. There has never been anything more evil in all recorded history than this loathsome war.

We fought fascism and won. Guess what is the state of the west now ?

All of those people are race traitors

Communism it appears. Really looking forward to the fun camps.

Friendly reminder that the white American soldiers that died fighting Nazis weren't fighting for interracial relationships, children having sex-change ops, and gay marriage

Look! They won! Look what victory they have secured for us! Nonwhite cities with staggering murder rates, a contemptuous underclass of mud people, a Jewish controlled government, news media, academia, and entertainment class, and open borders to ensure your children will always have it worse than you do! Great job dying for that cause, ancestors! You sure made our country a better place!

>Colligan smiles through his mustache and happily recites what has become his catch phrase: “Hitler did nothing wrong.”
>As he blurts his Holocaust denial

I thought if a white nationalist believes Hitler did nothing wrong, it's because the holocaust DID happen. If Hitler didn't kill the jews he'd be doing something wrong.

Wait, he's dead?

Unironically go fuck yourself to death


>his statement video is not available in Germany

holy fuck the kikes have the whole western world under their control

t-thanks allies

It is a historical fact that the nazis were the good guys. Allied soldiers were Jew-controlled puppets who doomed their own nations to slavery, degeneracy and population replacement.

If they saw where America is today they would have fought for the other side.

Fuck em

This is old news, he's still on twitter and still doing what he wants.

Nope. Many of them actually supported Hitler and thought the real threat was the Marxist-commies that then went on to ruin the planet. They'd be our biggest cheerleaders now.

hall of cost never happened therefore no wrong doing could have been committed

They were lied to , tools and puppets of world subversion

>the Marxist psychosis gripping almost every living being

the economic determinism is just getting out of hands guise

Why join a nazi rally if you weren't prepared to face the consequences? Hes a jokster up u til e point where shit gets real. This scene is all too familiar. Privileged upbringing with no care for the fallout of their actions, joins a hate group and now has to face the music.

Oh thank god.

Of course now he'll lose all of his queer limp-wristed numale friends and their succubus handlers. His family will probably mercilessly abandon him. His job will surely fire him. His property will be vandalised and he will be isolated and alone.

We should be there for this guy. We already know his name, we should get him to set up a gofundme or something.

We also fought two wars against commies you faggot

I remember this guy.

He took over for baked Alaska after he got his shit pushed in.

He was with a group leaving the event, he was talking a lot of shit and the group he was with was screaming "nigger" at everyone who was black that was driving by.

Like most of them, he was a tough guy that day.

I wont forget what he said...

"If Nigger and other words bother you, just get the fuck over it".

The next day i see a video of this pitiful man almost in tears telling people how hes been getting death threats.


>fascism is ebil meme

the victors have done well defending their citizens with "democracy"

Right wingers =/= nazi you dumb cunt

jewish puppets.

Actions speak louder than thoughts or words...

Sadly enough I agree. I would only bother with this if I was retired or money wasn't an issue. Frankly I could not give a shit if I am a social outcast in the eyes of a bunch of randoms I never met and even people I have met.

The ONLY singular reason I hide my so called power level is because I have bills to pay and people to support and career to advance.

> I knew what every soldier's purpose was for fighting the war

kill yourself

>"If Nigger and other words bother you, just get the fuck over it".

But he's not wrong...

An insult and a credible death threat are nowhere near comparible.

By the way you're anonymous here, there's no need to virtue signal. You don't get the likes and retweets and brownie points.

these people didn't break any laws besides exercise their first amendment right

he deleted his twitter and has been silent for almost a week since the statement in OP

does he have a new account or made additional statements? i would assume he is hiding with his family - I think FBI said some of the threads were "credible" - ANTIFI has a large organization/brand in Boston where he lives

Hey nigger, i hope you realize that our men fought and died in that war aswell, you disrespectful fucking twat.

>Reminder that if you support nazis,
the nazis are dead you hysterical cunt

wasn't there a draft back then?
if so, isn't that essentially enslaving people to go kill and die for causes they don't believe in?

just curious, ww2 history isn't my forte

He will maybe see this thread so a quick message for him:
I've watched your videos since hwndu so thanks for the laughs. Sadly your vids aren't available in my country anymore but you did the good fight that everyone is afraid to do. Slow down on the redpill for your own health and stay safe. Still waiting for your Polish trip boi.

>muh based greatest generation

Thanks for all the niggers. They're worse than the fucking boomers.

>he was talking a lot of shit and the group he was with was screaming "nigger" at everyone who was black that was driving by.

Link to vid?

No one wants to 'face the consequences'. Look at the whining of inauguration day mobsters or even Durham mobsters. They all just wanted to have some fun and then go home for dinner.

You should have listened

Well, that right was given to them by slave owners. They soon won't have that right after the new constitutional convention subsequent to the coup takes place.

>the nazis are dead
I've been thinking about this.

What are the Left going to use an excuse in 200 years? Hysterical over-the-top fearmongering about Nazis won't exactly have the same weight to it at that point.

It would be like if Americans in 2017 based their entire culture around opposing the tyrannical British monarchy.

Reminder that most Americans during WWII didn't want to get involved with the war in Europe and only wanted to fight Japan for what was pushed as Japanese aggression by FDR and his kike masters (even though the U.S. broke neutrality by not continuing trade as normal and cutting off Japan's supplies)

this, I've also started following this guy after HWNDU and love his videos, wish him the best and hopefully he'll come back and continue making videos to remind us that uncle Adolf did nothing wrong.

>What are the Left going to use an excuse in 200 years?

He shaved his mustasch off

he tweeted like 15 minutes ago, what the fuck are you talking about?

I don't care, you don't think I'd spit in my grandfather's face if he stood in front of me and said that he'd rather fight to the death to defend cultural marxists and anti-white globalists instead of side with his white brothers and children? Race traitors deserve to walk into their own graves whilst people mock and laugh at them, that's what they're asking their fellow men and children to do after all.

play stupid games win stupid prizes

>there are people so far-gone and so fucking brainwashed by Sup Forums that they are starting to loath their ancestors who fought the Nazis

Nothing good came of that war and if you're trying to justify any side of the West shedding the blood of innocent men and civilians for the sake of your sad delusional cult of personality for an autistic jumped-up Austrian then fucking kill yourselves because you've just exceeded your usefulness.

Like any poor fuck slogging it out on that continent knew the kind of Europe that their POLITICAL CLASS had in store for them, you fucking morons, seriously.

When people drag out their statement and take unnecessarially long pauses, It comes of as fake.
If I were him, my statement would be a 5 second summary:
>lad's eye are fucked
>gave fbi death threats you;ve sent me
>i own a 2nd ammendement commie-stopper

It doesn't really have the same weight to it as "muh 600 trillion" though.

Hitler didnt attack united states, you poo!

Bruh, I already knew his name. This is like the 5th time he's been doxxed. His info was already out there. He was on hwndu

Who is hating their ancestors? I've seen one American blame FDR but that's about it.

>These people fought and died for somali trash and BASED mexicans

They can kiss my ballsack

I don't support the nazis but the people who went to war to fight against them for the sake of their power hungry elite deserved a fool's death and that's what most of them got. Those cunts that harassed men for not getting involved in that shameless war deserved to be raped by communist russians like what happened to the German people.

>Nothing good came of that war

what is anime and waifus?

Sup Forums wouldn't exist if the allies didn't win.

What is a formal declaration of war?

You sound like such a cunt.


I would like you to die.

>yfw feminists preemptively ban sexbots and android waifus

They had little choice and most were young and naive enough to believe they were fighting for good. You would have more than likely have acted no differently.

Good bait have another reply.

Colligan is a spook. Boston is literally the second biggest spook recruiting ground in the US. Idk why anyone would trust someone who was close to Baked Alaska but a lot of you guys are redditors and underage, it's not your fault.

it's just sad that these agent provocateurs will stoop to this low. It's a goddamned shame.

Delete fucking facebook and other social media sites or remove photos of yourself. Who gives a fuck about some dipshits wack spaghetti dinner anyway? Jesus christ. If you're over 15 and still have pics of your dumbass on social media you should be ashamed of yourselves.

Hahahahahahahaha fag

The people calling every single person on the alt-right "controlled opposition" are spooks. Divide and conquer is a classic trick.

Absolutely shocked the boston globe is jumping onto that. Someone nearby should offer to take him and his senpai in, im not even joking. We always bang on about looking out for the white race, how about we actually demonstrate it

Everybody is a fuckin' spook to you people.

thanks stacheman


We should just start executing the antifa nazis in public one-by-one until they're extinct.

United we stand, divided we fall.

Not 1 single american gave a flying fuck about Hitler until the Japs bombed pearl harbor out of nowhere. Then it was boots on the ground fuck your shit up american style. No one even knew about the jews until after the war. It was more about fucking commie and jap scum up the ass.

It sounded like someone who new him from real life outed him, not his other social media.

Reported to FBI

Better watch what you say buddy...



Well, thats a different story and quite weak.

Fuck off, you stupid shabbos goyim. WW2 was a disgusting brother war that was imposed upon Americans by kikes and gutless traitors in the upper echelons of the power structure. The majority of Americans opposed entering the war before a massive propaganda campaign and the bombing of Pearl Harbor, which the government buried advanced warning of as to maximize both loss of American lives and the resulting outrage. Our predecessors were blinded by a barrage of propaganda from the only sources of information available to them, but we are not. We have the benefit of hindsight, historical perspective, and access to numerous accounts from primary sources at our fingertips, and yet you fucking cattle choose to go along with idiot-tier propaganda from entertainment, fake news, and well-funded, easily-accessible sources that spoon-feed you lies. If our predecessors that fought in World War 2 and were lucky enough to pass on before these resulting dark times could see what's happening today before they shipped out, they never would have gone. The only thing the war accomplished was destroying Europe and enslaving all of Western civilization to the Jews. You dishonor all of our ancestors for playing along with this sick song and dance about a disgusting brother war because it feels good. Shape up or kill yourself, degenerates.

FBI aren't going to do shit, faggot. They're too busy crying about muh Russia. Fuck you as well, anti-white GRIDS patient.

He took a hit for all of us. May he be part of the right wing death squads to come. Can only push a person so far before you create the monster you sought to destroy.

Are you the olive oil guy?
I always figured you were a leaf.

The FBI are quietly enabling antifa.

Notice anything about the guy in the top right of the photo?

>It was more about fucking commie
we were allies with ths USSR you absolute idiot. fucking hate moron americans like you that give us a bad name

Fucking well said nigger.

I have no idea what the fuck you're referring to.

Well, well, well... wtf is this?

only if hitler was actually the bad goy and uor govs weren't acting dishinestly and responsible for all the death

Neither of granddads technically fought so who cares.

I thought you were the satan that posts his awful food on /ck/ and deep fries everything in olive oil
Guess I was wrong, sorry m8

I don't mind white nationalism, but if you reject Anglo superiority and choose the Hun there's something wrong with you.
