What was society like before 9/11?
What was society like before 9/11?
Here's a small taste:
Imagine going to the airport, literally having to be there just a few minutes before your flight, not having to be fondled by some low IQ nigger and the screening process consisting of mostly watching for weirdos.
i heard the 80s were fucking awesome, time moved considerably slower and people had common sense and weren't retarded deformed untermensch that we are today. my 90s childhood was pretty good but i spent my adolescence in the dark times
I was 12.
before 9/11 I wanted to grow up and move TO Detroit to get one of those sweet manufacturing jobs
what more can be said?
It was awesome having your friends and family greet you right at the gate as you got off the plane, too.
A simpler time. We genuinely thought that we had gotten past our problems and that progress was being made. The cold war was over, we were starting to unfuck the environment, it truly felt like a golden age. Alas the era between 1991 and 2001 will be remembered as such and nothing will approach it again.
I don't know, I was only 6 >_
just another late summer day, picturesque really
everyone is just going about their lives then BOOM
Showing what an old fag i am:
The late 70s early 80s were a bit rough, big recession, high gas prices, but optimism was high, Reagan got in and things slowly get better through the years.
Some food for thought for you young fags:
Back then you paid through the nose for things that came from foreign counties, (mostly what consumers were interested in was Japanese electronics) there was a tariff put in place to ensure protection for American workers.
The 90s were great. 9/11 really killed the West.
there were jobs. pretty much fucked my whole generation up
>smoking a cigarette inside
Ok, now I'm jealous
it was like that everywhere senpai
every restaurant had a section
my church had ashtrays in the pews
9/11 was/is the beginning of the down slope.
Flying was a fuckton safer, easier and actually fun.
No, NAFTA and letting American companies manufacture shit overseas with no protection for American workers was really the start of downhill slope.
These. It was one of those things, that as soon as it happened, you knew life would never be the same again.
I remember going to denny's as a child and the waitstaff asking if my parents wanted smoking or no smoking seating
Oh, you had a lovely 90's, you American faggot and now a little terrorist attack is enough to have you literally shaking?
I grew up with some mudslimes who were mostly cool until their imam decided it's war time and started to rape and pillage all over Bosnia.
We barely got out of there alive and my father fought back with the army against NATO.
My mother convinces him to move to Serbia for muh opportunities and safety, and what happens? NATO bombs the shit out of us.
Grow a fucking pair. The ride has not even started.
Friendly. People actually had conversations with strangers and didnt speech out about their political views.
being served by a white person in a 7-11
I carried this knife on a flight to NC for summer camp in '94. I flipped it open and closed on the plane and nobody even looked at it twice. When I went through security, the guy said, "cool knife". I also used to walk around my neighborhood with a bb gun all day everyday hunting birds and squirrels. I did not live in the sticks, and nobody ever told me anything and everyone I saw waved.
I miss the smell of second hand smoke indoors. Sure I could smoke for real but it's more the nostalgic feeling that I enjoy.
>Both grandparent's houses had the smoky smell.
>People say it smells bad.
>In my opinion it's better than 99% of air fresheners and perfumes.
Really calming smell.
I knew a Serb guy who moved after serving in that war and he was well adjusted and had a family whose son I befriended. Chill out
Those were the days.
largely the same, the america hate hadn't started in earnest
for anyone who actually looks in to these fucking things (none of you do, there hasn't been a worthwhile 9/11 thread since 2011) you would understand that was the moment the crown proclaimed it could now perform open war on America with no consequences.
much like how, before that they proved they could replace our leaders, before that they proved they could determine who and when we went to war (the presidency move was to reinforce this sentiment), as before that they proved they could pit us against each other at their wishes, before that they proved that they owned us: despite winning the so-called revolution (i.e, masquerade) and of course before that they proved they could control a grass roots revolution when it came to the negotiating table.
for all time, america has been subservient to the one who created it, people merely confuse the concept of the power of countries with the authority to direct the power of said countries.
we're just closer to being placed in the fire than we were. never forget that america is disposable, we were built upon a foundation that was purposefully vague and purposefully open to reinterpretation by opportunistic and malevolent forces.
from what I remember it was largely focused around pokemon cards and n64.
Literally anywhere in Japan is still like this
We have this thread every day
It was like this. Always like this.
le sigh.
Every other country wanted American made goods. It was said you could use Levi Jeans (yes, they were made in America then) as currency in some countries.
So awesome. So blissfully unawares. The worst thing we had a president who couldn't help but smash pussy.
Most of the people here are nostalgiafags 90s kids. Reality is the 90s were good because no one cared about terrorism and there was a euphoria from the end of the cold year. Economy wise it wasn't much or any better than today. Our current economy is booming and jobs are everywhere. Politics wise, PC wasn't as bad in the past but it was still an issue e.g. Married with Children.
>the country that has a smoking patrol to stop people smoking on busy streets
Yeah, nah. You're probably thinking of pre-90s Japan
I just came back from being stationed over there for 4 years dude.
I smoked in every bar and ALMOST every restaurant. The shinkansen has smoking rooms, as do most public buildings. I smoked while walking down the street.
i'm an old fag 53 to be exact;
myself and friends/colleagues always joke how things all got worse after 9/11..
No one ever seems to point out how terrible movies became afterwards; theres been what, 10 "good" ones in 16 years?
Kinda hopeful still but very much underwhelmed as you can see in your picture
Little did we know things weren't going to advance much. Our expectations were high waiting for the "new millennium". I mean if you were some type of asshole and as it turns out a woman (they never used mobile phones) then technology moved along as if it were tailored to you
*pic related* + botox.
So 2000 came and nothing happened, it was the continuation of the 90's pretty much. Things went along as normal until 9/11.. then everything got real shitty
>I smoked in every bar and ALMOST every restaurant. The shinkansen has smoking rooms, as do most public buildings. I smoked while walking down the street.
Absolutely disgusting. I am so happy they banned smoking cigarettes in public places. Nothing worse than getting a migraine from 2nd hand smoke.
think you're hardcore? I lit up a cheeky durrie in an aussie cancer ward.
i slightly remember, we had to scratch bars of soap on ridged metal, and sit around a camp fire
Almost everyone who drinks at bars in Japan smokes as well. There's cigarettes vending machines on the corner.
The smoking in restaurants is in a section separate from non smoking. The bullet train smoking rooms are closed off and ventilated.
If you really care that much about the "effects" of "second hand smoek" then wear a mask you fucking pussy
could buy over an ounce of gold every week
working a summer job as a kid.
i think kids today might have to work 4-10 weeks to do the same now.
you kids have it easy with your smart phones.
>If you really care that much about the "effects" of "second hand smoek" then wear a mask you fucking pussy
why the fuck should I have to wear a mask? You're smoking ass is infringing on my right to not feel queasy. You are the problem.
It's a good thing your rights don't mean shit in Japan lol. Go to japan, to any bar or any restaurant with people smoking, and tell them to stop smoking because it hurts your feelings and infringes your rights. They'll tell you to fuck right off.
>It's a good thing your rights don't mean shit in Japan lol. Go to japan, to any bar or any restaurant with people smoking, and tell them to stop smoking because it hurts your feelings and infringes your rights. They'll tell you to fuck right off.
That's why I don't live in Japan. I don't care what some panty sniffing tentacle porn loving slant eyes think. I live in America where I have the right to not have your nasty ass 2nd hand smoke in my face.
according to the NAP the first one to blink should be blown away by a hail of fully automatic gunfire.
hail mises.
I remember dad smoking in the 1992 dodge caravan (only 1 slider door) with All the windows up. No seat belts unless you were in the front was the rules then. White from New England. Hating niggers And Jews was pretty much mainstream, bullies still existed and people would call you out if you were being a faggot. I don't understand how or when shit turned and got to where we are today but I want the 90s back
>Panty sniffing tentacle porn loving slant eye
Oh I didn't realize I was speaking to a retard
I remember my grandmother told me that, back in the day, it was only the stupid and school losers that became lawyers.
The same, some jews blowing up some towers mean nothing to me.
Hey my local 7-11 guy is still white.
Of course he is an alcoholic former methhead with the DT shakes.
Yup I remember being 8 bumming cigs of grand mama
Drugs were cheaper
>Oh I didn't realize I was speaking to a retard
t's okay man, we can't all have a 140+ IQ like me.
Mostly an extension of the 90s
9/11 is the event that thrusted the world out of the adolescent phase it had lapsed into during the previous two decades, and into adulthood.
>What was society like before 9/11?
pretty sweet, there were no terrorists and you could just go to america if you wanted
now they just want to stick fingers up your anus so pass
Pansy ass faggot
>early SE Endura with the red scales
Nice, user. Nice.
It used to be a cool place, I thought so anyway. It's where I wanted to go before it became a white meme. None of you fags would ever talk about it, weebs didn't exist
I was broke in those days and never made the trip. I have no intention of going now
C'mon man, you're making the rest of us look bad
It was more like the head injury that bashed the developing modern culture into a drooling retarded mess on the flaw.
> Look at my Tyrone. "I be smokin all the 2nd hand smoke. I'm a straight thug ya heard." "shit nigga u crazy."
nigger logic
This to an extent, there wasn't so many happenings. You'd get maybe two a year. Now I get delirious from all the happenings that happen all the time.
My parents were more mature than me in the 60s and 70s, and I was by far more mature than the kids today at the same age.
Truth be told I have fallen on degeneracy but at 23 I was a man with a man's attitude.
Really the extension of childhood into the late 20s has been the biggest underlying change I've noticed.
Wow, good one. You really showed him.
going to america?
let me see your asshole
ffs it's better to go to russia, it's cheap there and they don't wan't to see your assholr. Murmansk is pretty sweet desu
Just before? Much like now, but the lite version.
After the cold war ended the postwar consensus began to fragment, small differences were magnified, mistrust of the government was everywhere, from the X-Files to Oklahoma City.
Post-9/11 unity was a dead cat bounce, and now the old problems have reemerged, only worse.
Why is the faggot in this thread obsessed with assholes and fingers going into them?
Memes aside St.Petersburg is pretty nice,it's not just the cheap booze there
You could smoke on airplanes. You could also bring a briefcase with money on an airplane. And it was so much cash. My mother had so much cash that she had to put it in drawers, all over the place. She eventually opened a bankbox and it was like that scene in Scarface where they carry bags of money. You could go out eating, only wearing a furcoat, and you could smoke a cigar inside. A movie was inspired by her and her friends.
Adulthood? More like mass paranoia
It's 1,000,000X worse than the tail end of the cold war which I got a taste of.
The one thing I wish existed prior is this BLM movement. It was a necessity back then, it should have been I mean. Cops were straight up out of the closet KKK members, total psychopaths. Now they're kind of holding back because someone might be filming them
Why are Canadians fascinated with the 90's
>no one is talking about VR anymore
What went wrong
wtf is wrong with these turbovirgin gamer betamales?
I mean, I play videogames, but I look at this "contraption" and wonder if it really is that hard to put a book under that thing or something, why in the fuck would you sit there bending over like an autist retard?
fucking americucks
>Really the extension of childhood into the late 20s has been the biggest underlying change I've noticed.
This is unironically the biggest issue with modern society. I think Hollywood culture is root cause. It prays on people's teenage insecurities and promotes a vapid lifestyle focused on being popular.. It seems that it takes most people until age ~25 and often even longer to realize this is emotionally unfulfilling and realize they have the mental capacity to focus on long-term goals.
this is one thing that is 1000% better now.
you'll never now how "awesome" it was to go out on a weekend, then no matter where you went... wake up the next morning and have your room, your clothes, your skin, your hair... everything smell like cigarette smoke... your throat is dry... you're hacking up black flem... even though you don't smoke.
you could still call a spade a spade and a nigger too
That's a virtual boy from like 1993, they failed within 6 months
Also I beat up a nigger today, he was trying to go to people places here
I think he was a somali, but I am not sure
he was all japping on his cellphone and I attacked him, he went like "excuse me" and I snapped then
I hit him pretty bad and told him to go back to oslo
he was all dats raysis and I told him he was not welcome here
I expected him to put up a fight, but he didn't kinda lame, i feel like an asshole
did it fail because americans didn't figure out how to use it without having their frail bodies break?
Look how relaxed we were. I remember that, and even better before that. In the 80's things were pretty good but Reagan was busy undermining our economic prosperity, setting up for manifestation of problems to come. There was maybe even a bit of frantic denial going on then -- or maybe I was just unusually doomy.
excuse me?
>he was all japping on his cellphone
He was taking upskirt pictures of teenage girls on the train?
no, because it made you go blind in an excruciatingly painful way
Not that much different aside from being able to go through the airport more quickly.
pell deg hjem!
>excuse me?
A month or two after 9/11 I was doing some work in Korea and was in a hurry and forgot I still had my Leatherman attached to my belt when I got to the airport. I went through security just fine and noticed it on my hip when I sat down on the airplane. I was a little freaked.
NOICE, so it's like euthanasia for gamers
where can I fund this, nipanon?