It has a point
Well Sup Forums?
>Putting your dick in a puss filled open wound where an inside out penis used to be
It starts off with the premise that being trans is not a choice, which it is
>be kid
>grow up
>be adult
Is not the same as
>be a man
>get a fake pussy
>pretend to be a woman
>still be a man
>not only fucking pre-op traps
The logic is sound, but the premise is false, ergo nonsense
If they could actually change a persons sex then a lot of stuff that's stupid would make sense. Surgical mutation plus drug treatment just helps you larp.
Gender is a permanent state while childhood is a temporary one
What did they mean by this?
Still a man in that case.
Trans aren't men. They don't have a dick and balls. They aren't women either but they definitely aren't men.
> Replacing a penis with a wound makes you a woman
> Women are not a finely tuned product of hundreds of thousands of years of evolution.
> The experiences of childhood, teenage years and young adulthood both as and around biological women count for nothing.
Leftism is nothing but delusion. These people put awkward truths aside so that they can always feel superior.
when did grays start getting dating profiles
False equivalence.
Everyone was a child once. Natural biology took its course and matured those who are now adults. They weren't surgically altered from children into adults.
>Having sex with mentally ill men
it has a penis
>Sup Forums falls for the same tired bot thread every week.
That dude is still a dude.
a trans woman is not a woman, just a mutilated man
>It has a point
No it doesn't
>Child grows up and factually becomes a real adult
>man takes hormones and has surgery and pretends to be a woman but is still actually a man
Also, any faggot who would be willing to go anywhere near the literal pus-filled gaping wound that is a fake tranny vagina is heaps grosser than your average poopoo eating faggot.
pls gib sauce
>that pic.
One results in being safe in a auto accident. The other two results in possible death.
Then again, Dutch and people from Amsterdam ride bikes and don't understand autos.
They're from an aero.. ahem, AIRplane, Hank. You know, those things you occasionally see overhead when you're going between Walmart and your truck.