Am I White pol?
Am I White pol?
>strage nose
You don't look like it. Possible Mediterranean though.
>brown skin
>brown eyes
>black hair
Le 56% face
You look very Italian.
Aren't Mediterraneans white?
You are american white
lol are you fucking joking? Hell no!
white enuf for me
Italians are white
Have you been called a Nazi?
If yes, you're white.
If no, say some Nazi shit. If you get called a Nazi, you're white, if ppl agree with you, you're not white.
you look like a typical fat mexican
"white" American yes
>those lips
>that nose
Sorry, no.
>never been in balkans
u are wrong faggit
you look like a spic
I'm not Mexican see
persian or afghani?
The good news is that nobody outside of the retards of Sup Forums give a fuck
Even if you are genetically white, you are hereby cast out of the white race until you learn to groom yourself.
you're a stupid head
>>brown skin
>>brown eyes
>>black hair
you are not italian
no. saged and reported
I am though on both sides
Barely. They are not black, but not white either.
Italians don't hav negro lips, try again larper.
You almost white as me haha try to born again nigger
final guess
1/8 black
1/8 chinese
1/8 poo
1/8 arab
1/8 italian
1/8 anglo
1/8 native american
1/8 iberian
If you need to ask, you aren't.
Make me a taco.
You're an average American.
If you ask a black person I imagine they would say yes. You look mixed to me.
about 56% white
hm your skin color look like mine,so yeah you white,dont care about what burgers tell you.
now that you mention it he is definitely ashkenazi
Doesn't matter you're a faggot.
Why would you wanna be white
Yes. Who cares? And sadly, your beard is better than mine.
Good job using the most drug-addled Macaulay Culkin in that comparison.
looks like your mom got GIMLI'D
No you're a fucking Jew. The beady eyes make it too obvious.
no faggot gtfo here
If you kill a minority, you will be referred to as such.
Here is me without the beard
Still no.
Jesus christ you are a literal neckbeard.
I bet if you tried even the most basic grooming and self-care you could get a lot of girls, if that's your thing
Trim those scraggle hairs up and groom your hair you fucking autist, and go get some pussy while you're young.
Nope I was wrong
You better stay inside with anime waifu
I don't watch anime
post one with a big bright smile