Is the final redpill to gain as much power as possible?
Is the final redpill to gain as much power as possible?
no, its decentralization through pluralistic societal structures
No, it's having a diapered girlfriend.
No, Richard Spencer
Money is both key and goal to all things in this world. No ideology, no culture, no race. Just money
kys plz
The final redpill is when you realise that status quo between two major ideologies is the only -- and the best -- way for mankind to move forward.
Globalism is a yang to fundamental yin
the final redpill is that your life as an individual doesn't matter and the collective whole is literally infinitely more important. only then you can see the world with new eyes.
the final redpill is knowing that if you're not in control of your own mind you have no control over your own life.
smoke more faggot....
smoke more till the point you experience fucking hell, then you will know it is bad and you do not want to go there. Then understand you mind is the only thing that actually exists...
No it's to ascend beyond materialism and find God
ya but you have to continue to make pretend choices, stuck in reality, thus "might makes right" which is what OP is saying
No Op is not right, OP is selfish minded, if you wish for persistence you must promote it, this means allowing others the benefits. God sent to earth his army and his army are labeled a autistic's for being disconnect, got drugged ended up chemically lobotomized, some got through the net and ended up here staring into their screens thinking "man wtf is going on..."
We're winning.
hm I don't see it as selfish user I see it as natural. just be, user. grow. that's all you're supposed to do.
Money is simply stored trust. There is nothingness or there is varying degree of trust. Take your pick.
Some don't, and chose the middle way.
I am but there are people i love that must come with me...
i'm not of this world user, i have no reason to be scared.
sounds like your ego talking to me
ego is a three letter word used to silence anyone that talks with strength.
check mate
stop fapping.
Lets get antifa labeled as terrorists, official white house petition here:
For those who don't know what antifa is, it is a far-left domestic terrorist group (only considered so in 1 state, for now) that is part of the alt-left and promotes killing cops, destruction of private property, anti-white racism, open borders, islamic terrorism and the implementation of communism thru means of violent revolution.
Read more here:
> if you wish for persistence you must promote it, this means allowing others the benefits(...etc...etc. speaking for others, blaming statements, visualized madness....)We're winning.
Nahbrah. You don't speak for me. "We" know you be crazy.
no, i don't want you to stop talking and i don't mean to silence you at all. just a reminder to stay healthy and balanced, my friend.
also checked, heil hitler!
Not sure if that's THE final redpill, but definitely something you should do
The final redpill is that if you are on /pol asking about redpills like a 2-bit twat then the only pill worth anything, would be the one your mum never took.
where my noided boys at?
who here hasnt eaten since they were born lets go niggers
so it says here that you talk like a fag and your shit's retarded
and so?
i would shatter your fucking mind mate in an instant and i have to refrain from revealing my power level. I have got myself into trouble with it in the past.
You want the fucking truth it is right there in front of you, fuck Adolf Hitler fuck Islam fuck it all, its all there, in all its timeless form.
You will never see it because you're a fucking cuck, scared of everything, scared of what others may think...
Go for a long walk and view the world as its original form, water and rock devoid of any life, as a conscious person, it is never enough impossible to conceive of life on earth, yet it is the fact that we are conscious that exists at all.
and you want to bitch about my different opinion on fucking ego?
Antifa serves its purpose here. It's the extreme reaction to the use of divisive speech, such as used by those who would seek to have a group branded terrorists because they are afraid inside.
Logically, ISIS (which was created from other's fears) represents a larger threat than any other loosely decentralized groups, such as antifa groups in the US. I suppose when they start driving cars through crowds or blowing things up domestically, we might brand them rebels (some are working hard to create this Antifa probability space, but fuck them trolls I say). "Terrorist" is a more selective term here, given it usually applies to citizen attack by a state or state-like group. Antifa are just a bunch of citizens (selfs) fed up with a bunch of other selfs who are attempting to speak for them (the antifa group memebers and all other groups). They aren't terrorists until they claim alliance with a different state. (Maybe the enlightened state counts here?)
Once you figure out the objective here is to think for your own "self" and stop trying to think for others you may experience decreased suffering. Of course it remains an option to think for others, but the (current) penalty is increased suffering. Maybe you are into suffering though, so if you are I hope you suffer as much as you need to, in order to better control us.
reminder that cynicism doesn't equate to intelligence or knowledge, it's just not believing everything and being mistrustful
Top Kek
Well you could run for office?
The final redpill is to stop lurking on japanese anime image boards and to get your shit together. Stop pretending posting on that shitpost boards would change the world.
Keeping in mind "pluralistic" only means advocation or relation to two or more groups. What you may find interesting is decentralization of a central self, as a concept to taste on for size.
Notice something?
antifa please no. beside the drumpf tards we don't admire nazis so please stop meming degenerazy of diaper nazis.
Oh user your broad sight turns me on...
everything is one giant meme
> i would shatter your fucking mind mate in an instant
Actually, I don't think so. Reason why is because you are contradicting yourself here. He can't be a daft cunt AND a cuck at the same time. Cucks choose their fate from their fear of confrontation, which means they are likely simulating outcomes internally, which itself means they have the horsepower to compute probabilities of conflict.
Daftness, on the other hand, comes from believing one's powers are limited. Those that know the truth realize our powers are limitless, and timeless.
> I have got myself into trouble with it in the past.
Well, that's why you're daft.
I took the quest to show what I can learn to others.
It is difficult not to hate the average normie, but I was one once.
I post to whoever want to take it.
No, its freedom.
God I hate my fetish. I've literally had it forever.
but god damn.
The final redpill is that OP is a faggot.
Final redpill is realizing it was all just a dream :)
i am God