>40,000 people came out to protest against no more than 20 conservatives.
Fucking kek
>40,000 people came out to protest against no more than 20 conservatives.
Fucking kek
Other urls found in this thread:
Kek'd Cheked and Respect'd
For them it was never about fighting right-wingers. It was about having the opportunity to virtue signal and bond with others.
Also here the people antifa are creating a death wall for and protesting against.
I like how the numbers keep changing. That's how you know the narrative is failing. Sage all reddit threads.
still didn't stop anything
I've never seen so many people trolled by so few
KEK be praised!
oops looks like Soros and co done fucked up
Why so much hate ...
>Leftiest mob a tiny anti gmo BLM-lite protest with American flags around it
>destroy the town and attack police with 0 Nazis present
Drumpft rekt we are winning right guise
6 million brave Americans from around the country converged on Boston to protest a single Nazi, white supremacist, KKK, alt-right fascist.
that's a bad look for the alt-left hoards. the guy inside is a Indian guy. the radicals are over reaching.
the fucking alamo
That's because those people are part of secret societies or student clubs who can easily gather places. I made a secret society myself just last week if anyone wants to join it.
Tactical nuke, incoming!
those are some real hardcore nazis
> boston PD twitter avatar practically looks like a brown bear who's depressed and wearing a blue/gold police hat
fuck you, brain.
>no gmos
And these are /ourguys/? They know that most foods are gmo and that gmos are perfectly safe right?
the alt left ladies and gentlemen. This is what does not deserve rights.
Wait. That's supposed to be a WN rally?
Spread this shit far and wide.
6 gorillion people couldn't pass up the opportunity to make a social media post showing them faking outrage in their invisible war. Don't mind the planks in their eyes, they need to show how virtuous they are.
>literally black lives matter
Wtf are they even doing?
I really hope people see this shit.
lol soros double booked his agitators.
>40,000 people protesting a poo in the loo.
I can actually get behind this.
Fucking hell, they make it apparent which side they're on.
wtf goy
>thread full of anons shitting their pants and cowering indoors kek
ya'll gonna die like dogs
we can tell who have jobs I guess
>that "rally"
why isnt this the news?
that indian guy is smart, he just won his election with this as an ad. fuckin normies hate barbarians wrecking their town. the alt-left is teeing it up for the next election.
Very very scattered, probably pointless anyway, and as always, pure satire and entertainment. Maybe someone's watching?
Something went wrong, don't know what. around 5:30 there was a sudden geargrind, not sure what happened. Percentage wrong, too few right, way too much left, and the trucks never made it. might have been a real, actual accident. Been a lot of those lately, very strange in world where there's no accidents.
Easy victory - declare victory. control message, hammer hammer hammer. Not true though, a wheel fell off in Boston and the driver is going to act like it's a feature of the car. someone or something fucked up real, real bad.
Police response was much more soft and direct then intended. Provocateurs held up, and there's some issue between the heads and the black hands. Money snarled up, crossed message, and too many drinking their own kool-aid.
No hope, probably, but good to see the executioner break his foot on the way up the stairs. There is a huge scramble in Boston right now to clean up. Minimum three caches of body armor and small arms being boxed back up, along with laughable nazi window dressing. Two rail car, one semi truck, may already be rolling. Caught with dick out and nobody to fuck.
I wonder if anybody even saw the first posts?
more from Dr. "NO GMO" man.
Dr. Ayyyyyyy
Who will win? d20 alt righters or warhammer 40k antifa?
Why does the Boston police department tweet like a cuck? Shouldn't they just say, "throw shit at us and you will be beaten and arrested"?
BAKA America i never would have thought you would be so easily led down this path.
Geronimo offers a peace pipe to the alt-left barbarians and the barbarians love weed, we have peace in our day.
Its just the kneejerk liberal reaction to any conservative action now. 5 people in trump hats could set up a card table on a street corner giving out free hugs and cookies.
Theyd be picketed by 250,000 howling brick throwing car torching liberals while CNN headlines read: "HUGS AND COOKIES THE NEW FACE OF WHITE SUPREMACY?"
>married to Fran Drescher
What the fuck is that
I don't even know what's going on anymore.
Nothing makes sense.
fucking Alt-Left
CNN: Alt-left peacefully attack violent radical free speech racist.
A hardcore white supremacist/nazi.
The freedom fighters (Antifa) made sure these nazis' voices were not heard.
This must be the greatest troll of all time.
Assuming that the average protester was engaged for 2 hours that means:
40000/20 = 2000
2000*2 hours = 4000
4000/24 = 166.66
Each conservative protester can claim to have wasted approximately 167 days of leftist time.
>mfw Based Bannon will drop a massive nuke tomorrow now that he has free reign to do what he wants again.
Today's a Saturday you dumb Canuck.
Goddamnit, if you're saving images when mobilefagging, at least open the image in new tab and remove the "m" in the url before saving.
And in case of png image, remove the m.jpg part and change it to .png
Now I understand why some images are so shit quality
Why does the chick in blue look like she doesn't belong there? I know I'm probably going to get white women memes but it just seems odd when you look at everyone else.
I can see your mom raised you on a healthy 100% GMO diet.
Dumb cunts, without GMOs, the stupid people term for Transgenic crops, there would be no food surplus right now.
You claim to care about people, but would keep golden rice out of China and Africa.
How can you claim to love science, and be this retarded? Please come here, so I can kill you in self defense.
Is this timeline actually real?
pale black woman
Seriously, people should just file for permits with "white nationalist" as its header. Show up with 2 people next to the police then go home.
>morons destroy their city and piss off the police more
Thats what the skinheads used to do in the 80's actually. They even prompted niggers in chicagos bronx to torn a block of thier own apartments once.
So GMOs are what's causing overpopulation by allowing people that can't feed themselves to breed out of control? Ban GMOs.
Is that illegal?
Look at our crowds. How do you think this ends well for you at all? Personally I hope they pull the cops out and let us end the situation and save tax dollars doing it.
Do americans have nothing better to do?
Yes, and what about Vancouver? >
How much longer until the feds shut down FNNs studios Diddy style for inciting violence?
Who's going to arrest Antifa if the cops go home?
Looks like we rustled some jimmies
We need to do this as much as possible. Every week we need 3 or 4 "planned" rallys. Keep them on their toes
everything is going according to plan
>sheev 4 senate
it's treason then
Repeat this in every major liberal city on a single day and we will have a proper civil war.
Good Goy! Continue eating our ZOG cattle feed
Was married to Fran.
Wait, wait. Antifa has accidentally mobbed a BLM/Anti GMO platform?
That's fucking hilarious
Things have stopped making sense for a while now, but it seems like things have been really ramping up lately.
>that indian guy is smart, he just won his election with this as an ad. fuckin normies hate barbarians wrecking their town. the alt-left is teeing it up for the next election.
True. The poo is actually a decent guy.
You just lost in the court of public opinion in an extremely epic way. Your shit will never be taken for serious on the whole of the northeast, and the opposition's mission was a total fucking success on all fronts.
But no, you really got a good troll in man, great job. I'll bet you were the guy that said he'd meet me to fight in Boston Common on a thread the other day.
are any of you niggers going to help spread meme magic on the normies???
Noone wants to be labeled white supremacist so we'll just hide ourselves when it comes time to vote for trump again.
operation cherletonVille failed
Why would it be?
>p-please guys don't throw piss at us.
Fucking cucks.
>pool's open
Proof conservatism is dead. The Alt-Right is the only way.
Kek why would that be illegal
>sheev ayyyyy
I'd vote for him.
And it was planned a long time ago. Funny shit. At least they'll go back to their motels and circlejerk. Fruitful meet up.
Yes satan
40,000 protest free speech rally...Do they even get it..Do they????
This is one of the post cuck posts I have ever seen,
do these people have jobs or any other obligations? my god how pathetic
>>JoeySalads as a lead.
I'm going to go ahead and say I don't need to even look at Sup Forums anymore. It's clear that a few more demonstrations like today and nobody will even take you people seriously to the extent that we need to bother protesting. You promised nazis and failed at being nazis, which is the easiest shit you can do.
>Wow it took that many of you to beat us
Yeah, it was a total success demonstrated by the violent clashing with BPD. Fucking retard
Yeah. They're professional agitators paid by Soros.
...it's a saturday, my dude