America will be a communist country and you nazi larpers will lose hardly.
America will be a communist country and you nazi larpers will lose hardly
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OP is a jew
odd word choice
Well in that case everyone loses
thank you commiechan for another great thread
No, only megalomaniacs from private companies. Ordinary working american people are living worse than an average worker in whatever country you imagine.
Nobody should doubt OP's claims because it's probably true with the direction we're headed. That doesn't mean it won't eventually fail again, though.
I find it hard to believe that a bunch of asperger ridden antifa larpers will do anything to our military/militia community. I have enough bullets to kill the entire population of my town.
You commies bastards don't have the stomach for civil war, have fun with your aids faggot.
Paramilitaries would massacre all leftists in less than a week, it's just not important at this moment.
Not sure what kind of historical blinders one has to wear to think fighting Fascism with communism is a good idea
>what's WW2
With communist revolution in UK with Corbyn and what's happening now in the States, Red Star will be the final boss. American communism will change the world for better not for the worse.
Liberals get the bullet too.
Blacks will riot as the communists create more laws and police presence to sustain their rule
Yeah, totally unbelievable.
only good commie is a not alive one
>Ordinary working american people are living worse than an average worker in whatever country you imagine.
This has to be bait.
Kill yourself by drowning in pig's blood.
Be careful what you wish for, retard.
How does it feel to know that communism has had disastrous results everywhere it was tried, that it has been responsible for the deaths of up to a 100 million human beings, and that it is an utterly defeated and irrelevant ideology that will never succeed because it goes against basic human nature?
why are you glad about that? Living in a communist country is horrible.
What's wrong with the way things are now? Everything's fine.
>lose hardly
So we won't really lose? Thanks, Comrade Cocksmoker.
>civil war
Communiggers really are a special kind of retarded.
This. These fucking retards have no idea what they're really fighting for.
Do you even know what is true communism? Do you actually swallow whatever beautified definition of communism your leftist professor has drilled into your skull as the true future of America?
To say you have little understanding is insulting the fact that a drone like you can even think for themselves.
Oh sure, you laugh and posture around, parading and taunting the "at-right nazi larpers" that they are going to lose and to accept the coming of the "USSA".
No offense to you, but think for a second. I know it's hard considering all the garbage you had your leftist teachers and comrades has stuffed in what used to be your brain. Seriously, think.
You're probably imagining a world where a multiracial society join hands as the "White Menace" threat has been throughly vanquished. Nothing remains of them. No statues, no monuments, no books, no nothing. Just one big happy paradise where everyone is equal.
My dear little sheep, you couldn't be more wrong than if you were placed in an assembly line for veal meat products.
You think yourself a freedom fighter? You think you will have a place as a "re-education teacher for whites" or a "nazi hunter"? You are nothing more than a stooge. A stooge which the left has personally groomed you be by feeding you the Disneyfied Candyland-version of communism into accepting it without even asking why.
The truth is you will lose your rights. Your beautiful home? Shared with hobos or whatever other people the government chooses to live with you. Your nice and beautiful computer/smartphone/etc which you used to get on Twitter, Facebook and this place? Confiscated if you're lucky, destroyed if you're not. The state doesn't allow individualism anymore.
And here is my favorite part. What if you try to criticie the goverment? Well, sir, everything will be bugged. Your home, your internet connection, everything. You say anything against the government and it's off to a labor camp. [cont]
And what about your rights? Your "free-speech"? Your right to assembly? Your liberties? Sorry, you just lost them the second in your mindless chimp-out frenzy decided to burn the US Constitution as "white propaganda". You lost your freedom, your rights and your liberties. All because you decided to follow the directions of those who were really in charge of your "revolution".
But don't mind me. Keep up your commie/antifa/anti-nazi virtue signalling. Keep deluding yourself the future is communism. Enjoy what few years you have let of individualism, little sheep, for if you keep obeying your masters, you will make one fine plate of Veal Parmigiana for their fat pig stomachs.
>anyone who isn't a racist like me is a communist.
dumb white trash.
sounds pretty good to me
You can count the number of communist regimes left on one hand
yet somehow America is going to become one?
America already is a communist country. (((They))) just haven't told us yet. The cultural Marxist Jews have already taken over our media and school system, so you've pretty much already won. We're just trying to take our countries back, kike.
You don't understand communism. At least read the wikipedia article
why do you cummies hate bread so much?
Good. Niggers and white scumbags who listen to rap and smoke weed will be put in gulags for not working. Meanwhile 80 years from now we'll be based like Poland or Belarus
Anything which aids survival is inherently disavowed by communists.
You mean the website that anyone, including aforementioned "masters" you blindly follow, can modify as they see fit? If you believe such information is unbiased and merely direct someone to read it, well congratulations. You have a beautiful glorious future as a tour guide who get smiles forced into their faces via plastic surgery in the "Glorious People's Democratic Republic Of America".
That means you graduate from being a mindless sheep to a provocateur who leads the mindless sheep. It still doesn't change your eventual future fate. The only ones who will truly lead in your "utopia" are those with the money and you, my friend, have none of that. Be of good cheer, though, unlike the rest who will be sent to labor camps due to dissent, you will be instead be worked until you are of no use and they toss your dead carcass into the slurry grinder to feed future generations. Now that is an honor!