Assange/Awan > Bannon/Antifa

Dana Rohrabacher implies Assange has Trump pardon if he disproves Russiagate. That means proving Seth Rich as source.

Imran Awan is indicted on 4 counts. Will be pressured to flip on DWS

Assange hasn't been seen at the Embassy since Oct. Last I read the surveillance van the Brits kept outside has been gone since then. Many thought Assange dead until Hannity appearance and others. Still no proof of life from the embassy however. Perhaps Assange has been in US custody since October? Fed white hats authorized his extradition? Kept on ice until The Happening? If the DNC is going down the MSM is going to fight like hell to save them. Bannon back at Breitbart and armed with the knowledge he gained via security clearance will be a needed ally in that fight. His statements post release have been rather esoteric compared to his normal plain speaking. And to the (((Weekly Standard))) of all places??? Thomas Wictor called it "trolling" by name on twitter.

I think there's a happening coming. Read what Bannon said in the Weekly Standard. Think about the truths WHanon and FBIanon have given. Think about Manafort having congressional subpeona rescinded. The throry of Mueller having flipped on the Clinton Foundation in return for clemency. I can't believe Trump fought like hell for the presidency only to incompetently let neocons co-opt it and destroy him in the process. If they did why would the MSM still be out for his head? Something is happening...

Other urls found in this thread:

Rohrbacher is a serious guy
>Chair of House Foreign Affairs Cmte
>Was the whipping boy in the GOP for all things Russia before Trump came along
You may see Trump himself tweet about Seth Rich soon kek

From what I read it wasn't a pardon, it was that Assange asked for Wikileaks to get a seat in the WH press core which would trigger the media like never before.

Also Monday this is evidently all supposed to reveal itself, which is that the DNC various factions (Bernie Bros) leaked everything themselves, and the DNC knew this but made up the whole Russia bullshit angle to save face.

Holy shit, I found the single thread on Sup Forums that isn't fucking horrible.

Something is going down for sure in the USA. I can tell because Sup Forums is back to 100% shills.

I think I counted - at one time - 7 separate threads about Trump's last tweet. Jannies have abandoned us


Good. I hope what he shared with Rohrbacher will be used as evidence in court. I'd happily trade an Assange pardon for proof the Seth Rich was murdered by the DNC.

I've been AMAZED that this is not news. MSM is burying it. Dana basically said Assange has a pardon waiting and he's taking the info Assange gave him back to Trump. And I seriously doubt Assange is even in the embassy. I think it was theater by Dana. He's sequestered somewhere here in the US. It was buried at the time, but someone caught pics of security vans leaving the embassy towards the airport they shutdown with a false flag chemical attack threat. It also timed with a plane leaving their and landing in the south east if I remember it was posted here and elsewhere, but I have no link currently.

This is what we need to Ben putting all of our autustic manpower behind. I swear I've like 2 threads on Awan in the past two day. Quit all of this white nationalist shilling, this is the scoop that has the potential to change politics as we know it.

typical MSM

they'll all fall

They dont want to report it because they dont want it to be true. It's sheer wishcasting now that the events are already in motion. We need our right wing news (cough Bannon) to come through big league when the SHTF

It's this:

Mueller isn't investigating Trump. He's going after the globalists. There have been a lot of high profile journalists hinting that the indictments/arrests of politicians will come next week. Awan was already indicted like OP said. I'd recommend everyone read this article. It does a good job of describing what the "swamp" actually is (NAFTA) and why dismantling it will create economic prosperity.

Remember Assange called Hillary a "Demon". Never has he been so acerbic towards any of the politicians he loathes. The last e-mail dump from wikileaks never came. This is Pizzagate related I'm sure. The sad thing is even if some justice is served, they'll put it all on one guy like Podesta and they won't totally destroy Hillary and the other CF criminals because of the political chaos it will cause. Though ultimately shutting down the child fuckers is all that matters I guess.

>Assange has Trump pardon
>if he disproves Russiagate

No quid pro quo to see here

It's all about to unravel. Everything is connected. The first question the prosecutors will ask Awan is, "where did you get the money you used to commit bank fraud?" The money is all connected and everyone guilty has their fingerprints on it.



Who are you faggot? Hes going after the "globalists"


Nothing illegal about it however. Providing material information to a federal investigation isn't a personal favor just because it helps Trump. I think this has been planned for a while and now I am certain Assange hasn't been in the embassy since October. He knows about the pedophilia and I believe there was some neghotiation between him and the powers that be back in October to stop publishing and let the election run it's course. There's TONS of anecdotal evidence that the missing emails confirm pedogate. Remember the NYPD has seen them as well (from Weiner's laptop). If they go out unfiltered the shit hits the fan and there's chaos everywhere. But if some justice can be done without it going full public, that's likely what the Fed White Hats will engineer.

>Assange pardon
Pardon for what? The US has no charges against him. It was Sweden who pressed rape charges, and I think they rescinded them. I hope Assange gets to work with Trump to take down the traitors though.

>"swamp" actually is (NAFTA)

Trade agreements are as old as the U.S. itself

There's been an ongoing grand jury convened against Assange for 7 years I believe. The longest and most expensive grand jury in US history, still no charges brought

He wants that grand jury and its investigation brought to a close

Mueller is guilty of crimes he committed against his will while he was the FBI director. Most of the lawyers on his team have similar backgrounds under Clinton, Bush and Obama. They've been pardoned in exchange for helping to "drain the swamp." Have an open mind and read the article. Investigate the claims made and the biographies of the lawyers. Or just continue to be lazy and ignorant, but prepare to be surprised next week.

There is a Princeton Eggs level happening coming. No other reason for all of this posturing and assmadness breaking out all over the place. I think shes going down and taking everyone with her.

>Assange hasn't been seen at the Embassy since Oct.
Was this a hologram?

he did legit appear once at the balcony a couple months ago when sweden or switzerland or whatever dropped charges

>The new FBI Director, Christopher Wray, has his hands full; including figuring out which ‘agency superiors’ obstructed prior investigation(s) by honorable rank and file agents. To drain the swamp, Trump has to permanently separate the Uniparty (R & D’s) from their profiteering schemes, power structures and its global apparatus. To do so, requires unwinding the web of financial, corruption, terrorism, and white collar crimes. The Uniparty knows this. It is why Republicans don’t defend Trump. It’s why Democrats want to impeach him. It’s also why Trump is beating the grass to startle the snakes.
>After bowing-out of TPP and Paris Accord, the UniParty’s most prized possession is on the chopping block: NAFTA. It’s where corporate lobbyists, multinationals and the governing class, in alliance with the financial elites of its trading partners, paved the way for the decades-long neoliberal agenda of lost jobs, lower-wages and the upward redistribution of income, wealth and political power. After frontman Marco Rubio voted for the Gang of 8 bill, he received a $3 million windfall. The UniParty wants to stop Trump’s pathway of untangling NAFTA. Big business and Mega-donor influence-peddling slows if the NAFTA spigot is turned off. The NAFTA Renegotiations began August 16.
>Put all together, both parties, and their bag men, are on the brink of being neutralized. It is why the Establishment (black hats) needed Hillary to win. Billions of dollars at stake. The bread and butter of the UniParty; the wide-scale influence peddling, voter-fraud, global trade deals, inside-trading, cheap-labor and climate schemes, and the powerful Establishment apparatus are about to get exposed. Yes, add NAFTA to the list of why the UniParty is trying to obstruct and slow-down the Trump agenda.

Oh wow, I didn't even know that was a thing.

Could you imagine if Assange takes down the Russia Hoax, and Trump locks up Hillary? The liberal salt will eclipse election night, Charlottesville, AND the literal solar eclipse. I could imagine civil war at that point.

>Could you imagine if Assange takes down the Russia Hoax, and Trump locks up Hillary? The liberal salt will eclipse election night, Charlottesville, AND the literal solar eclipse. I could imagine civil war at that point.

It's coming, user.

Speaking of FBIanon, and other LARPs, there was a Bannon larp here a few days ago Monday is def a happening

Why do you think the shilling feels like November again?

Dismantling and destroying the DNC, one corrupt commie piece of shit at a time. What a great time to be alive.

If the war on the Clinton Foundation goes hot, it makes all the more sense for Bannon to lead a media counter offensive through Breitbart. The MSM will call it a "vast right wing conspiracy". I also think that the Health Care reform failure was planned, or at least anticipated. Trump knew they had no plan and needed Ryan and McConnell to fail. This weakens them and their ability to oppose Trump in the battles ahead. I can't believe Trump became the first man without political experience to win the Presidency and then just got stupid.

I think this explains the 4D chess really well.

Oops, forgot the happening direct link Now we all know why shills have blanketed Sup Forums this weekend

Exactly. It was planned. Bannon sent Trump his official resignation letter two weeks ago and got the Mercer family to finance the coming Breitbart blitzkrieg. As far as healthcare failing, I don't think it was planned, but the Republicucks who are still puppets of the Uniparty will be voted out of office in 2018 and 2020 for not supporting Trump's agenda. Trump isn't stupid. There's the public Trump who talks like a fifth grader and the private Trump who has a 150 IQ and is fighting a war in the shadows.

>All war is deception -Sun Tzu
Call it 4D Chess. Call it whatever you want. Trump has a strategy and everything is going according to plan.

What a load of shit. Seth is unrelated. the Dempakistanis though...

I really hope so user. I've been feeling a little worried with everything that's been happening lately and if that's being said in this thread happens it's going to be a happening that's going to be one for the history books.

>Many thought Assange dead until Hannity appearance
i have a very important info graphic regarding this i will see if i can find it

Awans connected to dcleaks after robbing gop computers and hard drives in early 2016.

Every eyes on pedogate how can you not arrest a TV personality without causing an uproar,and you think atleast one of the famous CEO's is not into this pizza shit?

FBIanon (the original thread) was one of the few which was not a Larp. Most of what he said came true, he mentioned General Flynn before anyone ever heard of him.

Okay. I fucked up. Don't know how I missed that. However I think he was away for a period of time. I mean people were begging for POL for months and he wouldn't come to the balcony.

Dempakistanis though most likely pulled the trigger. "Dr." finishes him off in hospital.

Exactly. He's the drunken master. He's the king dressed as the village idiot. He's Kaiser Soze.

There's a liberal meme spread on Colbert/SNL/media that Trump just lucked out and has no idea what he's doing. This ignores Trump's history of expertly manipulating the media, like during the whole skating rink thing he rebuilt. Every single week Trump called a press conference and gave updates to the construction, called out his opponents, made sure to say something inflammatory so the media would chase it and keep his name in the press, ect. So far Trump's presidency has been exactly Trump, firing people at will, calling out his own staff in the media to light a fire under their ass, distracting while he makes a move to crush them.

Trump calls out Mueller as "unfair" that his own AG recused himself, a few weeks later the Clinton shill on Mueller's team resigns because we all know the direction that investigation is going now. Goodbye DNC

Outstanding read. Everyone in this thread should check this out

>with everything that's been happening lately
There are so many happenings right now because they know what's coming and they're panicking. Just be patient through the weekend. If you read the articles in this thread you'll feel much better about the current state of affairs.

pic related

D.C. (R) user here, by birth mostly. Nothing Earth shattering will happen to the established here. The very final decision came down on Trump after he shit talked the Russian sanctions. The last straw. Pence will come in and some very small players(that have no safety folders) will be thrown out.
Nothing Earth shattering will happen, because it's the largest Mexican stand-off in our history. Everybody has something on someone, and they all go down if one goes down. Prepare for nothing happening. Dad said so.
Dig all you want. This is SO above Sup Forums's pay grade. Call me a shill, say 'nothing to see here,' like a massive cliche faggot, and claim I'm LARPing...
I'll find some proofs that are safe. Hold on.

This. Thank you.



>Everybody has something on someone
Nobody has anything on Trump, which is why the entire establishment has been sent into an autistic rage.


>I'll find some proofs that are safe. Hold on.
like ten minutes. have to slip away from din-din

One thing I'm concerned about for 2018 is the Federal Reserve accelerating balance sheet normalization. This is going to spike Bond and Mortgage rates. In the long term this is necessary and good. Pop Housing Bubble 2.0 and the stock bubble while helping state pension funds by raising the return on their investments. But in the short term, the MSM will use the crash against Trump. Have no idea what the counter offensive will be, but it better be fierce.

Is ANYONE in your infernal town aware that their machinations are ripping the country apart at the seams. Is there even a glimmer of awareness?

Fuuuuuck THaT!
She's bluffing you and herself about how big and bad she is

In another thread tonight someone claiming to be US Marshal-user said to watch the upcoming Phoenix rally (which the shills are screamingly adamant should be avoided), that key investigations have been reopened, and that two van loads of documents have been taken from the FBI.
Stand by the Lion.

>Nobody has anything on Trump
SOHO! Look it up. And not all, but most of the dossier is accurate. A fantastic intel job. The best I've ever seen honestly. The incorrect elements are clearly stated as unsourced/suspect, but most of it is verifiable. Even the public learns more and more every week. Things that can be checked against the dossier. There was a Fed in the SOHO deals, dipshit.

>where did you get the money to commit bank fraud

Uh, from the bank

>Trump fought like hell for the presidency only to incompetently let neocons co-opt it and destroy him
I think this is the truth. The stark brutal truth, but still the truth. God bless you user, it's just the only reasonable conclusion at this point.

Soros also made a hedge fund bet against the economy recently, further lending credence to this theory that there's a deep state conspiracy to try and crash the economy with no survivors as their last attempt to stump Trump since literally nothing stuck, no Russia conspiracy, Sex assault conspiracy, Nazi conspiracy all

They think they are diffusing it. Getting us all back on the same page, incrementally.

Rohrabacher is a Putin stooge

I can't wait to see what bullshit falls out of this

Will Assange have to sacrifice wikileaks in order to prove Seth Rich? They've never revealed their sources before and it would be quite a precedent to set.

By the way, Assange gave a speech from the balcony of the embassy after his rape charges were dropped, so he's still there

I like this wictor's idea

>they're actually going to do the Pence power play

I dare them.

Are you being serious?
DC collectively thinks they are making things better?
Can you be more concrete here about what you mean by "diffuse"?

The Fed is truly the toughest obstacle. Once Reagan became redpilled, he decided not to take them on. It's pretty easy for those pulling the financial levers to crash the economy in the time span of a couple weeks. I honestly won't panic if that happens because then Trump will truly go all in and order the Treasury Department to start printing our currency. That's exactly how Hitler helped skyrocket Germany out of the Great Depression. Central Bank enslaving the country with debt? k we're not using deutsche marks anymore.

Business deals that were technically legal but were morally questionable isn't going to get him in any trouble. He's not a pedophile and he's never been involved in the usury that most politicians, Wall Street and corporate America have.

DWS paid his family upwards of $4M to provide "IT support" on the hill. He ended up creating an offsite personal intelligence agency that was spying on half of Congress.

>Getting us all back on the same page, incrementally.

So fucking dissonant it's crazy.

Do they just sniff their own farts all day long?

>during the whole skating rink thing he rebuilt.

1986: "...there's always that office that buys coffee pots for the Pentagon"

One counter to a Fed induced crash would be to go Ron Paul radical and End the Fed. The biggest issue in a deflationary crash is keeping a lending window open to businesses and maintaining bank liquidity. The Treasury can and should be a lender of last resort in this case. Charter a national bank and issue debt free money to keep the wheels moving. Basically what we should have done in 2008. Kennedy tried and got the bullet for his troubles.

See >End the Fed
If the Fed induced a financial crisis that's exactly what Trump would do.

>Business deals that were technically legal but were morally questionable isn't going to get him in any trouble. He's not a pedophile
Kekekekekek. Dude, Epstein isn't even the worst of Trump's associates, but none of that pedo shit matters. They all know they are known. 3-4 state actors have shit on all of them, and the Soho "Luv Boat" oligarch, THAT HAS FUCKING DISAPPEARED!
You're out of your element, Donny.



Even if there's a way to prove that Trump committed a crime(s) as a civilian, and I don't doubt that a good lawyer could convince (or pay) a judge to convict him for it, a President can't be impeached for something he did before he was in office.

>President can't be impeached for something he did before he was in office.
Fuck me.

>offsite personal intelligence agency that was spying on half of Congress.

Like these morons, whose systems the Awans had acess to (reposting from other threads because the pravda is too busy pushing Russia & white supremacists to care about the AwanS at all):

-Cedric Richmond - Committee on Homeland Security, ranking member on Terrorism and Cybersecurity subcommittee;
-Andre Carson, House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, ranking member on Emerging Threats Subcommittee which is responsible for counterterrorism oversight, member of the Department of Defense Intelligence and Overhead Architecture Subcommittee;
-Ted Lieu subcommittee on National Security
-Mark Takano, Committee on Science, Space, and Technology;
-Jackie Speier - intelligence committee.
-Tammy Duckworth, Subcommittee on Tactical Air and Land Forces of the Armed Services Committee before becoming senator;
-Gwen Graham, who had also been on the Armed Services Committee and Tactical Air and Land Forces subcommittee...

Holy shit this would be amazing, two birds with one stone.

Aaron Rich got paid by Wikileaks too. that's why he's so sketchy with the whole investigation. family knows too.

I doubt ol' Julian couldn't get off the plane at JFK and check into his Mariott within 72 hours.

So are you going to provide evidence, or are you just going to an absolutely worthless shill?

You said proofs would be coming???

Right, but after he was kicked off the Hill, he could still remotely access the Congressional networks from his house. That's why DWS kept him on her payroll.

This is a larp.

You have been misled, by the best. He's a fucking rock star. I SO FUCKING HOPE he has ambitions.

hold on, I was just getting into the convo, widdle guys. I need to turn some shit off and on. Not on my own machine or network. Fuck

Have you heard? Lord Rothschild has warned his stockholders to expect an imminent crash in his annual report.

You're douchebag tone is screaming LARP. FBIanon dropped the slang incrementally, made him believable. When you turn the dial to 11 it screams LARP.

I didn't hear that but I'm honestly not surprised at all. I was expecting them to crash it right after the inauguration. I think they decided not to because they weren't afraid of him then.

meh, it keeps the thread bumped

Bump. This is all that matters. All these protests are a distraction.

Nah, Deutschebank drops first.

That was always the plan, still is.

Rothschilds, Soros, all of them know. The Fed is screaming to all that will listen. They are normalizing the balance sheet. That means bonds rolling off their sheet will not be refinanced. When those bonds and MBS hit the market, higher yields are a given. That raises the cost of borrowing and will trigger a run to the exits from this over bought and over valued stock market. The correction is coming. Everyone knows it, they just aren't talking about it. The "little people" will he shocked.

Wrong. Our trade policies used to be protectionist as fuck.

assange appeared on the balcony and has given numerous proof of lifes

anyone who tries to cast doubt on Assange is either an idiot or straight up shilling, this is no longer a contention,

sage shit threads

fucking finally. A real thread now that the shills have gotten off work.

That's not Jules.

What doubt was cast on Assange? On his location, yes. But not him. He's about to do the Lord's Work if he gives the goods that crush the DNC.