>media siding with anarchists and communists
>socialist orgs increasing their ranks exponentially
>anything right of center demonized by the entirety of msm and academia
>trump has the lowest approval rating of any president ever
>trump cucked on so many issues, i.e. attacking assad, building the wall (not going to happen), health care, "draining the swamp"
>white house in complete disarray
>faith in government at an all-time low, leading many to join anarchist or socialist groups
>many on the left no longer have any qualms about wanting to destroy the united states of america and its culture--no borders, no genders, wypipo, and on and on and on
Trump was a mistake.
Anyone else lost all hope?
don't worry, the immortal White Walkers, aka Angels of God, will save the day.
Yes, Satan the Dragon is fierce, but in the end the dragons lose.
All this chaos means change. The inaction of the past was death by stagnation and rot.
This fighting will unify us and make us come out stronger than ever before.
I have.
Trump is done, the US are lost. Totalitarian coproratocracy has come.
Europe is the last hope. Eastern Europe is safe, for now. Austria must become the first "western" Europe country to fall.
Trump wasn't a mistake the GOP was, but everything else you said is true, it's pretty bleak.
A long time ago.
The Chinese are doing eugenics, i.e. the only hope for humanity, I have some hope left.
just waiting for the nukes at this point
>Anyone else lost all hope?
Doesn't matter who the media sides with. The media sided with Clinton.
Wars killed millions and yet people kept fighting for their country and values. You're going to give up because a bunch of retards from journalism school say nasty things about us?
No, China is a socially conservative collectivist nationalist racially aware state with a utilitarian approach to things.
They are implementing eugenics right now as we speak.
The white man may or may not fall, but rest assured that the winners in the eternal struggle in this world will be the Chinese and their genetically engineered race of Ubermenschen, and they will proudly inherit the mantle of humanity and carry it forward if the white man is too weak to.
Trump still has a chance but Littlefinger gets killed by Arya in the season finale
Nope. I'm more hopeful about the future than ever. There are people on this board who hate me for simply existing. I had no choice, but they made the choice for me and decided I deserve to exterminated. But guess what. The world is on my side. Righteousness is on my side. Goodness is on my side.
Now the Nazi alt-right can walk a mile in my shoe and the shoes of all the minorities they've stomped on up until this point.
what's gonna happen to austria?
English a bit hard for you, eh achmed?
They are fighting because we are winning. Stay the course.
Sage all concern shills.
Fuck off shareblue.
im actually very happy with it, im hoping to see the govt openly name antifa and support them. this will cause chaos and jumpstart the race war. and when antifa draws blood, the govt will be forced to own up to it
From all the shilling? Not a fucking chance.
Trump/Pence 2020, motherfuckers!
Worse news for you: I'm a Progressive Dem.
You're fucking fucked. See you cultists in '18.
Keep losing hope trumptards, go kill yourselves
We always knew Trump was a 95 IQ game show host, but he said the right things and was the only person saying them.
He was really our only chance. But of course doomed from the start.
Yet another pathetic attempt at demoralization.
The higher they go the harder the fall.
I'm not going to watch any more of this. Danni worship bullshit. If the Lannisters triumph at the end of next season then I'll catch up -- but we know it's going to be sjw danni and jon.
>we are winning
What did he mean by this?
Yeah things are looking bleak
I'm not sure if what we're seeing isn't the death throes of the foul Commies Corporatists or an actual clamp on our existence.
Can't tell which way it is right now.
Except when they beat us, we win.
May the Chinese inherit civilization and finally destroy the jews in the final victory
You're forgetting that people have lost hope in the MSM as well. So really, how important is it that they've sided with the anarchists and socialists.
>expecting this to have been easy
Ever consider that you and your existence is in error? Maybe you deserve to get stomped?
You even suck at concern trolling. This is the happiest I've been in a long time. Everything is going according to plan.
They fucking fucked up the script on this
Started pretty redpill but now it's nothing but SJW bullshit
Almost makes me believe there is an actual Hollywood conspiracy to demoralize white males
>They are fighting because we are winning
>we are winning
Boston rally
>20 freedom of speech-ers
Almond status: activated
There are some bright spots. Locally, a lefty community radio station has had a bunch of infighting between the black supremacists and their white shame cuck enablers, and regular economic populist folks who like good music. The latter seem to have won.
Awan charges , Trump will harness the power of the ECLIPSE and the Democrat destruction begins ! The Dems are just making noises like the dying animal it is . 1000 more days and they will be staight jacket material . I have faith in the long con .
Don't lose face brother
We have always been the brave few.
We are here to fight for a dream we may never see
But a dream worth fighting for
Heil Hitler
Stormweenies can't open their mouths in public or show their faces at their pathetic LARP rallies without being shunned. It's the free market at work, people. Social isolation and unemployment will keep bootlickers sidelined, and the government doesn't even have to lift a finger.
...Now just think about how bad it's going to be when the backlash causes a Democratic supermajority and president! Thanks, Drumpfies!
>Trump loses in 2020
>Armed onflict in Europe starts over the future of the contintent, immigration, Islam
>Eastern Europe holding its own against Western Europe
>Freshly elected mulatta president sends US forces in to crush Eastern Europe
>All white nations forced to undergo mass immigration
>Armed revolt in US, Midwest and southern whites vs everyone else
>Chinese and Western Europe send forces in to help put the rebellion down
>It's all over white boi
that actor is going to be in a pretty redpilled prison white supremacist movie. where he becomes a nazi gang member because the niggers and spics will attack whites for being white. kind of like politics today. its why I'm on Sup Forums basically.
It has to get much worse before it can get better.
We were never going to fix this situation gradually. We need everything to get very bad very quickly to force normal white people to side with their race just out of basic self-preservation.
Not gonna lie, the blackpill is really hitting lately.
Just realizing how FAR society has fallen, how few any sane intelligent people are left with any understanding of history, and not brainwashed. The neo-communists have almost complete control of this country, and have their herd of nigger cattle who are massive and active. Trump is just a guy and he has barely any backup, and he is prone to cucking. White conservatives are mostly cowards, they won't do shit. They won't even come to the defense of the alt right or sometimes even their right to free speech.
Says the nigger who is monolingual.
Fuck you yellow fever cucks, unless your Chinese stop putting them up on a pedestal. Fight for your own people! instead of giving up and letting the chink win.
>losing hope
The justifiably enraged masses don't fucking matter, taking to the streets is a leftist tactic, stop adopting their tactics.
When they arrest the king, and they will when they piously announce they have defeated his base in the streets.
That is when we hit them, we take out their cities one by one, we execute their priests and burn their churches to the ground, and we don't stop until they capitulate, we strike them when we have nothing left to lose, we stand to win everything.
If you can't make it through the struggle then you don't deserve anything at all
What kind of answer are you expecting. Do you ever consider that all your actions are wrong? Not interested in pathetic ugly trolls.
People unironically thought Trump was going to get in and fix USA?
>you thought socialists that voted for Trump were useful idiots to you
>turns out you were useful idiots to socialists
I'm not worried. I already know the final outcome of all this chaos. It's pretty simple. Might makes right. What is the mightiest of all? Nature. This isn't a fight between "the left' and "the right". This is Nature doing what Nature does.
As one user pu it, the show's early seasons were unintenitonally red pilled. All the writers including the author are sjw faggots so I'm not surprised.
Dropped until proven otherwise.
>The world is on my side. Righteousness is on my side. Goodness is on my side.
And AIDS is in your butt.
Leave The psyops to people who have a brain
Speak for yourself, I can't wait to rule what's left of this country after it tears itself apart. We're on the road to becoming a true ancap paradise.
What you see are the strings being pulled. When you need to do, however, is listen to the song that's being played.
No. I was kind of blackpilled after the Charlottesville thing, but I'm motivated as fuck right now.
>all this chaos means change
You dumb cunt, change is not the same as a positive outcome. Have fun pretending communism creeping back into society is just "change"
There's something you should understand KIKE: Trump isn't *our* last chance, he's yours.
>sane intelligent people
>nazi flair
>"nigger cattle"
>muh neo-communists
>muh trump
senpai I don't know how to break this to you but you don't seem to be very intelligent
Eh, not really, there's gonna be a pendulum effect.
The more obvious and the more forcefully they push their message, the more hard the kickback is going to be and the more they legitimize the existence of a force opposing them.
What I'm more afraid really is that neither side will know when to stop and it'll descend into a spiral of violence where the extremism of both sides will feed the growth of the other until one side collapses.
>Not interested in pathetic ugly trolls.
But how do you know that I'm any of those things? LIke I said, think logically instead of with your female-compromised brain.
If the Season 8 leaks are to be believed, Dany, Jon, and a whole host of others end up dying and Euron takes the Iron Throne at the end. Also, Sansa and Gendry get together.
collapse is good
it will set you free
find your people now
>2 posts by this id
>"im on your side, but boy we sure are demoralized huh?"
I never said "positive outcome". People are going to die. It's going to get really really messy.
oy vey, antifa, blackpilling the nazi goyim?
At least I have a brain to think with
pretty much this
it's been over since that nigger lover roosevelt
Well... that's more like it :) It's possible, because the fat fuck would class that as a shocking and unhappy ending kek
What factors does one consider when shopping for the perfect cock ring?
Where is the wall? huh?
In paradise there are no gays.
I have faith in the chinks removing the jews from our planet. Based chinks.
comfort, thats a no brainer like most of you.
what factors do you consider when you decide who deserves life and who deserves to die.
what factors do you consider when the world shuns you for the pathetic losers you are?
what factors do you consider when you have no bright future and that hate is all you have and all you will ever have?
To me it shows just how desparte the Democrats and their allies in the mainstream media have become. Now they even need to ally with anarchists.
But becoming more authoritarian will make things only worse for them, because it will alienate their normal non-partisan consumer eventually.
Americans are proud of their free market. So let it take its course.
Should I just read this post aloud to the sex shop guy? Seems kind of all over the place tbqh
You mean wilson
so you were born into hell? what a shocker you ended up there
>when the world shuns you for the pathetic losers you are?
>thinking this world won't end up in the hand of either us, muslims, or chinese
>thinking the aforementioned won't wipe your coterie out
You sound early teens. Sort yourself out.
We are coming for you and all you stand for.
It's the fucking media man. That Jew machine is running 24/7 to fuck with your head.
The average American doesn't tolerate shit from these leftist cunts. If the left keeps doing what they're doing, the right will just get more and more powerful.
I don't know if I have any reason to trust in Trump, but I still do. I was never very interested in Trump's platform, I just liked the guy.
So says the 1 posting greentextposter. Prove you are more intelligent by posting something worthwhile loser.
Defeatist will change their PoV and become depressed
Optimist will go out and answer violence with violence
Nihilist will wait patiently for death
fuck off faggot, you've been shilling all day, you have your shekels, now die.
pol is in its full denial
dont need advice from a pathetic troll keep it for yourself
>Prove you are more intelligent by posting something worthwhile loser.
waste of time, you'll just call anyone you don't like a cuck because you're so """""intelligent""""".
keep fighting the good fight in your racist echochamber, I'm off to a bbq :-)
Something to think about: we truly DON'T know what's going to happen.
I was just reading about the Civil War yesterday. In the interim between Lincoln's election (Nov 1960) and his inauguration (March 1861), Southern states started to secede, but almost NO ONE thought there would be a war.
I mean almost no one on the southern side, or on the northern side, thought it would come to war.
We really don't know what's going to happen. And it's really pretty rare that things do work out like what one expects.
That's why in the case of Trump, you just have to accept that there's going to be ups and downs. Things are never smooth.
As much as a debacle as the Obama era seems from my perspective, the fact is that the perspective from people on the left is that the Obama presidency was, by and large, a missed opportunity.
As for some of your specifics:
>anything right of center demonized by the entirety of msm and academia
Well, that happened before the election, and yet Trump got elected. I mean, I'm not thrilled with this, but it's the reality we're living in.
>trump has the lowest approval rating of any president ever
I don't trust the polls, and the empirical evidence of Trump's election is a pretty good reason *not* to trust any polling.
The next legitimate "poll" on Trump will be the election of 2018.
>trump cucked on so many issues, i.e. attacking assad, building the wall (not going to happen), health care, "draining the swamp"
Well, that's politics; that's what I was referring to above.
There are some disappointing things, but the reality is that the President cannot just snap his fingers and get stuff done; he has to work through the political process.
That said, the fact that (i) Trump was elected instead of Hillary, (ii) Trump killed TPP, and (iii) Trump appointed Gorsuch to the Supreme Court, are three HUGE pluses to result from the election.
The Left/Shareblue etc WANT to demoralize you. Don't let them do it. Just say no.
No shit the Jews had 60-year headstart, 60 years of subverting society, taking control of the media and letting in footsoldiers from the third world. You brillant leaders couldn't wait one year before they came out waving Nazi flags. You had poor strategy.
>Implying chaos isn't the true goal
history is your greatest ally in not losing hope tbqh, society has collapsed like this many times before, it will again, and from the ashes better will arise just like in the past.
Some day historians will do the same "if only the American Empire hadn't have collapsed we'd be 200 years more advanced than we are" that we do about Rome today.
There were similar collapses back in like 900 BC as well.
Back in your cave Sup Forums. Migrating here just because you want to justify having fantasies about your sister or because you want someone else to talk about your shitty show. Go away.