*sips tea*
*sips tea*
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the guy who makes that shit is fucking retarded
It's not wrong.
College campuses are government properties and have no legal right to limit your speech
Well Sup Forums?
Yeah let's just have a mob shout everyone down. Shit like this is the reason we have captcha.
How is the 2nd one transphobic?
That's literally the premise of a democracy, you fucking retard.
literally according to these people if you arent fully supporting trans shit with every possible means, you are transphobic
Democracy is shit desu.
yes, it is
nothing in 1A about silencing people with lynch mobs faggot
*sips violence*
MLK would truly be proud that you've adopted the practices of those who opposed him
we arent a democracy. to canada you go.
Why are there stick figures?
What do they add to any of those comics? No expression.
>democracy = mob rule
Thanks for clearing that up faggot. Now you may begin to understand why every democracy eventually collapses.
its not wrong but it does exempt the fact that democrats only apply that to the opinons of others, in their eyes they can do no wrong
Democracy has been recognized as a shit system for over 2000 years.
Mlk was a literal communist
Colleges have morality clauses. If what you say impacts their ability to find students to sit in class alongside you, they have every right to toss you out for costing them enrollment by violating those clauses.
2 kids got expelled from my public high school for saying racist shit to a prospective exchange student causing him to change where he would attend.
xkcd is the worst garbage pretentious pseudo-intellectual bullshit comic ever. Also the jokes are lame and often immature.
You're spending your time for free shitposting on a horrible internet forum. the guy that makes xkcd makes his living off of making fun comics that millions of people read and spread like in OP's post. Who's shitty at the internet again? If he's retarded, you must be a vegetable.
It's not. I've been to liberal colleges where that is a belief that seems cosmetically sound and it a bit engrained in the culture. If you tell people that you believe sexual preference is the one area in your life where your own preferences actually must be abided by then people usually understand.
Democracy has nothing to do with freedom. Democracy is a soft variant of communism, and rarely in the history of ideas has it been taken for anything else.
that's not my point, I'm making fun of his meme flag
your flow chart is about as autistic as mob rule
if someone denies you employment or housing rental purely based on them exercising your free speech how is that any different than denying them based on the color of their skin?
leftists can't have it both ways..
>doesn't shield you from criticism or consequences
Best Korea has free speech because you can freely call Kimmy a fat cunt and only have to deal with the consequences.
I make more in 1 year than Randall will make in 10. Yes he's retarded. Get over it.
Just because he shits on skinheads doesn't mean he's smart.
So the McCarthy-era Blacklist is perfectly miral and ethical. Got it.
What a weird political compass
Sips Tea, fuck that globalist bullshit belly wash
oh wow that totally hasnt been debunked and destroyed by Sup Forums the last 500 times leftyfaggots have spamed it
>America was founded to be a representative republic
>100 senators
>electoral college
Democracy is a slave to mob who is only of average intelligence when you'd rather have above average or exceptionally intelligent people lead
That kids weakness is being nurtured by those laws
I was referring to your vastly different uses of the internet. Clearly Randall is better at interfacing with the internet because you're on Sup Forums shitposting nonsense about your big fake money dick and he produces vast amounts of quality OC.
Antifa wasn't even needed to win in Boston today, regular citizens outnumber nazi trolls a thousandfold. Get over it loser and bag my goddamned groceries so I can get back to having interracial sex.
>he guy that makes xkcd makes his living off of making fun comics that millions of people read
Who the fuck still reads xkcd?
How does it feel to have a flag that looks almost exactly like the transgender flag?
I'm curious. If you ostracize or deny someone work or education opportunities because of their views, which causes them to end up in a terrible economic position, is that not some sort of violation or at least unfair treatment?
>At least its not the government censoring me
At this point I don't even care if Net Neutrality stands. Places like twitter and facebook want common carrier status and then don't act like a common carrier for the messages on it. Fuck Net Neutrality.
It's a good way to start making Nazis.
Ugly fucking dude freak.
xkdc is so boring and unfunny.
>when you are expressing you're views, exercising freedom of speech
>and get shot in the face by antifa, it doesn't mean that they violated you're freedom of speech, it just means that they are disagreeing with you.
>mfw outbreeding depression lead to complete infertility in a dozen generation in primate.
You can't comprehend my smugness.
Wait, I HAVE to accept a transgender woman as any other woman, regardless of their 'equipment;, no questions ask?
Because, if you don't want to put it in, you're racist/transphobic/homophobic/sexist.
And will soon be jailed for life for refusing to suck her aids girlcock tm.
>The right to live means the government can't kill you. I can kill you.
Get out. You have a mental disorder
>It doesn't mean anyone has to listen to your bullshit or host you
So we can start beating the shit out of trannies and kicking those degenerates out of our towns then? I'm 100% behind this hag if both sides are allowed to do the same thing. See how quickly the left's mentally ill asses get booted.
Just remember this street goes both ways. We can also fire and boycott. How are your hollywood movies doing? Not so good.
How is SJW Marvel doing? Not so good.
Also, lefty memes are pure cringe. You have no creativity or sense of humor.
>quality OC
>strawman stick figures
get off his nuts boyo
Of course this only applies to Right-wing opinions. When snowflakes get their feelings hurt, they demand that the government cracks down on hate speech.
Fuck it. Let's have a war. Then we can show Randall "to the door" of a gas chamber.
What door? The door to what? I don't understand.
You think that you holding up a sign is going to stop me from saying what I want?
The government has to protect free speech as per the first amendment. The police are obligated to protect the speakers from violence. Suppressing someone's right to free speech is a serious crime, and you will be arrested.
You would not be saying the same thing if a bunch of KKK descended upon BLM with weapons
Who cares if it is? Trans is a mental disorder, and these deviants think they can make up terms to pathologize normal people reacting to it in a bad way. Tell them to piss off and get right. Straight outta patience.
You're transphobic if you don't actively want to FUCK a man dressed as a woman, wow, do fags really think like this ?
according to their stated legislation plans, if you get mad at finding out the pussy you just slid your dick in to is full of hair and scabs, you're the bad guy and just committed a hate crime punishable by prison time and "re-education". I'm not exaggerating.
>The police are obligated to protect the speakers from violence. Suppressing someone's right to free speech is a serious crime, and you will be arrested.
obviously not anymore lol
You know what I think that's absolutely true. Which is why all these millennial F-U-C-K-W-I-T-S are so religiously devout to their favourite """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""brands"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""".
Fucking pathetic.
I now consider myself a Christian. Fuck it, I'm a Christian. I believe that the teachings of Jesus Christ have built the Western world, they've built everything we have, and we wouldn't exist without Christianity. It provides a whole host of lessons on life which humans have accrued over CENTURIES. It's a source of community and kinship with other people, and people don't make fucking money off me for believing what I do (even if I went to church and paid into the collection plate, that's just for the purpose of maintaining the church - it's not for-profit).
Left-wing millennials are so fucking stupid and I hope every single one of them burns in hell.
lol whatever that is has confused a shirt/top with a dress. literally wearing it wrong.
That's how you get civil war. If you can't have open dialogue the "other side" will resort to violence.
Turn their logic around by claiming that similarly a white man need not accept niggers into his business and see them meltdown and a space-time continuum rift appear, swallowing the whole Earth.
Also, curious how these same people claim you can do what you want as long as the government cant arrest you, but are quick to call for the jailing of right-wing "thought criminals". Leftism is a philosophy of hypocrisy and weakness. By their logic, you should be allowed to refuse niggers on your premises, but of course being dumb leftists they are, they don't understand the implications of their thoughts.
In this context, the right to free speech means that you also can't be threatened for exercising your rights in a public place. People attempting to silence you infringe on your rights and are subject to being acted upon by the law.
In that scenario, the concept is that they were directly threatening that exchange student with their speech, thus they were justified in expulsion.
An organized rally on public property is not the same.
>mfw she's 100% right
>Hello. We're from the church of Nabisco. Would you like to hear a diverse, moral and deliciously cream-filled message from our saviour, Oreo Cookie?
*unless you want your gay wedding catered
We democratically decide on our leaders and policies, but this is constitutional stuff. In public, blocking others rights to free speech is an infringement.
I'm in the clear with "I think transgender people suffer from a mental illness and require professional help"?
The Right to Free Speech is unalienable and inherent in every person. The First Amendment is the governmental recognition of such.
Well, exactly, it's fucking depressing isn't it? Like, HOW THE FUCK CAN THESE MILLENNIAL FUCKS BE SO PATHETIC
friendly reminder that xkcd is garbage and the guy who makes them is a faggot
Rioting and assaulting people is not "boycotting"
When I was a child I looked up to liberals like XKCD. I thought they were the good guys.
Now I'm an adult who's entered the work place and pays taxes, I think liberals are complete and utter faggots.
Funny how that works.
this is why I will always hate xkcd. no le nerdy and random pseudo-intellectual starter pack is complete without it
and all the comics are the same
funny how these are the same people that push for laws saying you cannot fire women/faggots/niggers
>Social Pressure can prevent popular ideas from being tested.
If they were popular, why would social pressure be against them?
>Bad ideas are not killed off
Yeah, that's what people are bitching about. Bad ideas aren't being killed off when they should be
>and society forgets why the good ideas are right.
I'm more worried about the dregs of society forgetting what the good ideas were in the first place.
>If you don't want your ideas to be tested, then your opinion is probably worthless
Right wing retards are actually looking at their test results? Doesn't seem like it.
>So you should grow a pair, or go back to your hugbox
You heard the stick figure, Nazis. Grow a pair and accept that your ideas have been tested and found to be retarded or fuck off to your hugbox.
> grab poster person is holding
> push them down
> tear it up
"Live by your own rules for 1 minute and find out why you're wrong you dumb bitch."
Expect he's right. Tv shows, social media, newspapers and so on are under no obligation to publish whatever things you say to them.
Very well let them boycott and assault me until my only sensible option is to join a right wing terrorist group that bombs lefties that blacklisted me from a job. Lesson learned, by immature communist scum. May you forever be retarded and restrict what would otherwise be civil political discourse. You will meet many enemies.
Democracy means 51 people can vote to have the other 49 put in a gas chamber. This gets worse with voter apathy and low turnout rates.
LOL no. The government can not suppress free speech. They are not obligated to make everything someone says heard.
Democracy is the shittiest form of government, except for all the others.
And they're showing they aren't fucking Americans either. The left would instantly die if they tried to remove the first amendment, so i'd honestly like to see them try.
xkcd is actually pretty funny. But whenever Munroe starts his political posturing, I just cringe. If you want reassurance watch his TED talk, he looks like a huge queer and is also a beta white knight. Pretty sure the real Megan is a fag bitch who left him.
Kek. That's retarded. Ideas are not tested by talking about them.
Enlightened absolutism is superior.
Except America's system is better than democracy.
>t. Winston Churchill
But the top left is literally true.
Hell, even transsexuals agree with that statement - why do you think they get so upset about conflating sex and gender?
>The police are obligated to protect the speakers from violence.
No. No they are not. Cops aren't the military. They don't have to place themselves in harm's way if they don't want to. Cops are obligated to keep the peace only to the point where they themselves are not in danger.
>Suppressing someone's right to free speech is a serious crime, and you will be arrested.
Suppression of speech isn't a crime. Assaults a crime. Assaulting someone to shut them up isn't any different from regular old assault though.
>You would not be saying the same thing if a bunch of KKK descended upon BLM with weapons
The KKK didn't have weapons in Charlottesville?
*sips tea*
Don't cuss, friend.
You don't think because ideas can be argued that a good result will come of a successful argument?
You can argue with historical evidence too. Many ideas have already been tested.
What are you talking about id fuck that
Oh hey hans