Shiva, Shiva, Shiva
Protesters, MSM, and democratic party BTFO
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Can you just sum it up
they're going to feel really dumb when they find out who they fucked with
no nazis at the free speech rally in boston. just an indian guy and some hippies
spread the video you pol fags
o...i'm sorry Sup Forums...i didn't realize you worked for (((them)))
based poo
i'll take a based poo over 40,000 commies any day
also you can't bump your own thread newfriend
new jooo
indian guy running for senate 2018 calls Hillary racist and thousands of angry liberals show up
sounds like the beginnings of a good meme to me
I don't get it. Is this real. This guy is really posting on Twitter that he was part of the rally.
Fake "alt right" demonstration was aa thickly vieled lecture of the dangers of GMOs and the importance of Vegan interpretive dance.
Antifa got baited into sending 15k protesters.
yes you dumb nog. he was one of the speakers that 40.000 SJW's showed up and screamed "racist" and "nazi" at
He's /our democrat/ it was a big ruse.
I bet I'm not the only dumb nog who is just figuring this out. This is going to make the msm and sjws look so fucking stupid. Why is this not all over breitbart and fox news yet?
it's on breitbart but msm is trying to bury it. and lets be honest, no non-right winger is going to see this on breitbart. its up to US to spread this shittt
he's our /republican apoo/
Shiva Ayylmao for senate
Doing my work as a moderate leftist.
THIS is our leftist
one more...