he said they are letting antifa reveal themselves so they can clamp down on them. FBI is split between SJW types and Chad alt-right types. Apparently the Chads are winning.
i have no way of proving this to be true, you'll just have to take my word. or not.
My dad is FBI
Other urls found in this thread:
My dad is CIA. He says you won't fly so well.
Is he a big guy?
My dad is a big guy. He says it would be extremely painful
most FBI are nerdy accountant looking guys, not SJWs, not chads and certainly not alt-right.
For you.
my dad works for nintendo, he says theres a new super mario coming out.
youll just have to take my word or not.
>Chad vs SJW
>Believing Chads would ever lose this matchup
Wew lad
My dad is a Ninja-san from Japan. He said humanity will be dead in 100 years thanks to liberal scum and antifa.
Based Chad no homo
>my dad is FBI
maybe your dad should get a real job
top kek
Hi, my dad is CIA. Quite a big guy even for you
FBI here
Can confirm the details posted in OP
You were saying?
Stop it with the speed-balls ma dude.
fucking kek
>he thinks hes a chad
My dad can beat up your FBI dad
say that to my face, juden!
>west slav mixed with what appears to be south western Euro.
Same you dont have the profile of this proto mutt. Would love to see his cranium slope.
Chad Pride Worldwide
>bug-eyed pewdiepie
toppest of keks
this is why Sup Forums always loses in public. they think they're superhumans behind their computers and literal white gods, then they go out in public and get outed for the doughy nerds that they are.
granted, antifa is full of the same fat losers, but its funnier because you guys are under the impression that youre hot shit
doesn't matter because the CIA is run by SJW trannies now
why did you post a picture a typical Balkanshit clearly suffering from Downs syndrom?
Really, no more drugs for you.
You two think you're hot shit?
>le 56% face
keep em comin
is that a gurl or a boy?
>For you.
speak for yourself.
for some laughs. Here's Hbomberguy, a communist apologetic on jewtube for comparison.
My dad exepcts one of us in the wreckage brother
Commies aren't humans
My dad works for Nintendo
>yfw alphabet agencies shitpost to eachother
>Hey NED, did you see that me-me frog I posted. LOL EBIL NAZI RACIS
>Yah BOB. I gave it an ubboat and posted le epic hitler
>no way proving this to be true
common sense says that it's true.
inbred much, white trash?
how does your sister's cunt taste?
You look like one sad Chad
>so well
found a pretending hothead
Master race with a slightly elongated face
>doesn't matter because the CIA is run by SJW trannies now
we'll be glad to introduce ourselves if you like..
So he let Killary off the hook orrrr ?
Look at my youtube revenue, and keep crying bitches
Can we all admit how fuckin sweet those FBI jackets are?
I want to join the FBI so bad but you can't join if you have used any illegal drug, other than marijuana, within the ten (10) years preceding the date of the application for employment.
I tried cocaine a few times many years ago, should I try to apply anyway?
>I tried cocaine a few times many years ago, should I try to apply anyway?
don't lie or they will know.
>Strong jawline
>Blond hair, blue eyes
>Implying he's anything but a chad
>get knock at door
>open door aggressively
>some scrawny balding weakling manlet pulls out a badge and mumbles some inaudable shit about FBI or selling something or something
>slam door in his face
>easily triggered
now tits or get out
do your knuckles dragg when you walk?
a chad on the outside
beta on the inside
haven't had fun larping as (((KrautAndTea))) for some time.
At least your responses to his pic confirmed that his grandma was raped by slavs.
Holy shit go to the fucking dentist once in a while.
do these count?
>you win
If I take that Anonymous ID off, will you die?
>being THIS new
Yeah that's what I'm thinking. That means I have to wait years before I can apply though. God damn it, I've only done it a handful of times and I never would have touched it if I knew today it meant that I couldn't work there.
The 10 year window is stiff, I'm not a drug addict or drug abuser in any sense of the word. A few times in college is basically nothing, they are missing out, but rules are rules.
Do you work at the FBI? I really want to work there. I have experience in financial services, but I would also like to do other stuff if given the chance.
My Dad is mossad and he says that both Antifa and Alt-right are controlled by intel agencies.
>ITT guys with Nazi flags post pics of themselves in a thread who's subject is #FBI
you cant make this shit up
get over here, you fuck.
moon man?
Bumping for more Nazi Chad pics for my gf
>Moonman actually browses Sup Forums
>clamp down on a bunch of jobless NEETs
kek good one texas
Thanks, Malaysia
>tfw wanted to be an FBI agent since I was a little kid but know it'll never happen
OPs dad here
Can confirm the SJW / Chad situation over here
It's pretty tense at times but we're winning out
work for the ATO
Your dad isnt FBI because Americans dont use the term "Chad"
Tell your dad not to underestimate the SJW's.
They seem like weak angry morons, but they are actually devious psychopaths fuelled by pure hate.
You need to push them out of your organization or they will wind up backstabbing you and/or becoming your boss.
My dad is POTUS and he says OP is a LARPing trap fapping fag
just become a gang member, they do the exact same shit, except legally
How is the Taxation Office in any way similar to the FBI? Or did you mean ASIO? 'cause ASIO have knocked back all my applications and I bet its all because of Sup Forums.
Then move here and get to work. We need motivated people like you to help fix the problems in our country. As far as I know, you don't need to be a US native to apply. Live your dreams, user. It certainly is a large commitment, but if it's what you want to do, then do it. The longer you wait, the less likely it is to happen.
The father is British and the son is American. Ironic.
clearly you've never seen someone get audited by the ATO. they're like a particularly tyrannical version of the IRS mixed with the financial fraud part of the Secret Service.
OP's mom here
Can confirm this as well
>As far as I know, you don't need to be a US native to apply
Quickly skimming through some of the links on there it doesn't seem like you even have to be a legal immigrant either.
Will I get to be like Sam Neill in In the Mouth of Madness?
>>Will I get to be like Sam Neill in In the Mouth of Madness?
i've never seen that movie, but i can tell you that you will be able to stalk bogans and chinese illegals
K. Keep me posted.
He said Chad, not choad
You're starting to get me moist. Incidentally its a really good movie, Sam Neill plays an insurance investigator.
You just outed your dad as a leak, larper.
Damn, check out Andre the manlet
MFW your dad gets fired because he told his 16 year old son classified shit
Gayest thread in the catalog.
Wondering the same thing.
>Come here illegally
>Apply to FBI
>Get job and climb the ranks
>Ban illegals from joining
Make it happen. Believe in yourself, user.
My dad's John Podesta, he says you think you're hot shit dontcha?
It fits the current happenings pattern thanks user
>pictures of themselves
How fucking new is this guy
Is that Pete tefft? LMAO poor guy