Why are former British colonies doing so well compared to French colonies?
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The british got the better colonies with more resources.
They gave them a better system of government and better infrastructure.
I guess we're just better.
Also, we've always had a hardworking Protestant work ethic, whereas the French are lazy, apathetic Catholics who like nothing more than organising a strike and drinking wine.
I like the French, I really do, but I think there is a difference there.
Nail on the head
Because we let all the criminals reside in the UK
The french surrendered to the savages, and the savages never became civilised.
We, on the other hand despite eventually giving up our colonies, beat some civilisation into the savage hordes.
Don't believe me?
Look at how our Indians act compared to Americans Indians. Most of ours are hard working, own businesses (corner shops) and don't really bother people. Some even shit in toilets.
American indians on the other hand have turned being a victim into a profession. "You stole our land, oppressed our ancestors" bullshit. Yeah, who's stopping you from living in the woods and reclaiming all the nothing that you lost, Speaks-Teepee-Shit?... fuck right off mate, that patreon account and the dumb-ass liberals made you too comfy to go back you useless squats-without-slav.
Holy shit, the brits are gods.
Funny, all the Protestant countries are filled with degeneracy like abortion, drugs, diversity cults, and white guilt. That doesn't surprise me, Protestantism is a liberal religion after all.
The French suffered Major defeat in the carribean.
But Spain is better than both
Because in most cases English and Dutch settlers displaced the natives entirely in settler colonies, like they did here or in South Africa, or didn't attempt to at all, but French and Spaniards have the Moorish rape Gene, and thus left behind subhuman mongrel races wherever they ventured.
>implying Dutch is any good
Germany is haf Catholic
Britain tended to govern in a hands-off manner as a result of lessons learned from the American Revolution, while putting money into educating natives for the civil service and improving the local infrastructure. This allowed an indigenous political class to form that would eventually be able to take the reins of power. Also, the Brits left most of their colonies peacefully, which avoided causing the often lasting disruption of wars of independence.
The French on the other hand had this fantasy of "civilizing" the locals and ultimately integrating the colonies into the metropole. The natives opposed this, which required ever-increasing degrees of direct governance from Paris, which was often utterly incapable of understanding or working with the cultures of the empire. Finally, the French under de Gaul refused to grant most of their colonies, which resulted in them having to be dragged kicking and screaming out of Algeria and Indochina, doing a great deal of damage as they left.
*grant most of their colonies independence
I could have sworn I typed that in.
lets not even bring up ITALIAN colonies...
Because Jews
didnt france colonize like over half of africa
lets not even bring up GREEK colonies...
I take back what i said.
Their former African colonies are doing well.
>Finally, the French under de Gaul refused to grant most of their colonies, which resulted in them having to be dragged kicking and screaming out of Algeria and Indochina, doing a great deal of damage as they left.
Lmao, De Gaulle WAS the one granting independence left and right and dropping colonies like hot potatoes in the 60's, even colonies that didnt ask for anything in several instances.
Because the Bongs had the good idea of genociding the locals when they got rowdy.