*sips tea*
*sips tea*
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The police aren't even doing anything though.
lol that caption is something a child would come up with.
>wants more fiat moni debt
>creates isisrael
>large portion of which are anarchists
>want more government
Are you inbreds even trying?
*Reddit fag*
Remember to sage
>wanting genocide is just a difference of opinion bro
You post about muh big gubament with a Nazi flag and most antifa are anarchists. Are you fucking retarded?
>a statue is an opinion
>want to increase taxes for the rich
>don't want those taxes to go to police
That was hard.
why dont antifa fags move to somalia thats a place with no government
That's not an argument. It's on the same tier, actually, as "hot take".
>I don't know what anarchism is
You really showed me
Do you have comebacks that Ben Garrison didn't come up with for you?
You're on the wrong side my collectivist brother.
you don't know what anarchy is
i guess i did
But aren't you an anarchist? How would anarchists have taxes without a state? Moreover, why? Statistics show that rich people pay about the same amount as or more than the amount of income they make nationwide. Are you just salty that they make more than you through investments (often risky so they lose a decent amount of their annual income when a recession comes around) or because their work is considered more valuable by the economy (nobody is just willy nilly giving them their money)?
You can't stop a state from forming if you just remove it completely and any force you need to produce those results. You're just pulling humanity back to square one and allowing monarchism, fascism, and tribalism to take root in the most horrific and savage ways possible. You are a fucking retard.
>Sees a fact
>Doesn't refute it.
Is it time for namecalling yet?
Chug crypto-feudal dick, class cuck
>I don't know the difference between anarchism and anarchy
Read a book. You can even keep your skull flag, ours have fun words on them
The government is nothing but the bodyguards of the private rich ruling class families, to protect them from the poor masses.
Where's your fact? Use your own words, I'll have to tell the dean if you plagiarize
>That cop I'm attacking is totally a nazi
Why is the left so retarded?
>class cuck
>implying I am poor
Got to love commies
>having to tie your self worth to materials this hard
Sorry buddy, you're not one of the 8 people who hold half all wealth so sounds like you're sucking someone off
Most people who have any sort of real influence (think most influential billionaires outside Trump/ Mark Zuckerberg, dead Steve jobs, Warren Buffet, Oprah etc.) aren't apart of a dynasty and we're self made. Police matter little to them; they have their own security. Most victims of violence or whatever aren't exceptionally rich anyways. Property rights and the protection of those rights are most important to the poor (alllows them to move out). Most people don't live in permanent poverty and as long as they graduate high school, get a job, and don't have kids out of wedlock move out of poverty.
That last stat is attributed to the left leaning Brookings Institute.
I never have to work a day in my life you retarded commie. Why would i care about the eight richest people poorfag
My value system crumbles before your superior inheritance
>Why would I, an """anarchist,""" be concerned with this hierarchy?
Should have said that most of the last part of this are US based stats.
Government, laws, police are there to protect the private ruling class who sunbathe by their poor sipping tea all day. The politicians including the president are their puppets.
Without the government and laws, they won't be rich for much longer. They have their own security you say? Doesn't matter. The people could form their own army using whatever weapon they could find - guns, pitchforks - and simply invade the ruling class' mansions.
Put yourself in the shoes of the ruling class. If you're one of them, you'd want peace and order.
Or at least you want the people to be divided and fight amongst each other. Black vs White. Men vs feminists, Christians vs Islam, Alt right vs Alt left. That's what benefits the ruling class. The last thing they want to see is Them vs the People.
So what they do is control both sides, make them hate each other. Alt right vs Alt left. So while you're busy fighting each other, they can freely enjoy stealing more wealth from you without you noticing.
antidrumpf btfo
*sunbathe by their pool
>being somewhat proud for getting free money from someone else
kys capitalist pig
Stop LARPing like you've ever worked a hard day's labor in your life faggot
>Against exclusive ownership and private property
good meme
Here I made this for you since you won't actually read theory
Yes, wanting to have historical statues up is equivalent to genocide. Here's your trophy.
That was written in the 1950s: mises.org
This comes from the 1970s, a full twenty years after, when his theory was more developed: mises.org
>confused old man who was never very good at thinking to begin with changes mind
How much more obvious can this raid get?
Literally name me ONE prominent figure that the alt-right supports, that is for the killing of people, let alone genocide.
I just don't understand why your lot gets so upset about us using the word anarchist. We know that our ideologies are completely different and come from completely different ideological backgrounds, so why do you get so upset?
Literally the only people I've seen calling for genocide have been the fucking left.
Because it's false? No actual sect of anarchism supports hierarchies. Just call yourselves neo-feudalists, maybe you can even start the YouTube channel to popularize it, think of all the ad reveneux :^)
boring bible thumper agenda
We only use the word anarcho- for the sake of convenience, because most people think it means being against government.
>feudalism = capitalism
Even Marx noted the difference
Richard "peaceful ethnic cleansing" Spencer.
He never said anything along the lines of advocating killing and explicitly stated hundreds of time that he doesn't support the killing of anyone.
All he advocates is white people living in an ethostate akin to Israel or Japan. Something I am not particularly fond of or care about, but which is a perfectly reasonable opinion to have.
>sake of convenience
Ok cool so you understand you aren't anarchists and Rothbard's earlier words were correct, you're just attempting to co-opt the reputation of something other people built
>It's not sefdom, it's shiny, new and improved, wage-based-serfdom
Why is "alt-left" just the militant left? Is there really only Hillary's left?
Free speech faggot, this country was founded on it. Say what you want but obey the laws and don't be violent or you will be put in your place.
You don't understand feudalism, it operates completely differently than capitalism. Serfs are guaranteed subsistence and lodging in exchange for fealty.
Yeah no shit, I'm well aware, I'm drawing parallels to the massive control over laborers a feudal lord and an employer would have in capitalism with no regulatory bodies. This is an extremely common criticism of "an"caps
You do realize that Shareblue has copyrighted "*sips tea*" ?
Please cease and desist.
Stop spreading fake news. Pic is a shoop. If you have to shoop your proof it indicates you have no real proof and seriously undercut your own position. This pic was taken by a Reuters photographer in 2009 during protests in Greece. Check it out; American cops don't wear white full face motorcycle helmets and American streets don't feature street signs written in Greek. You. Are. Fake. Fucking. News. Faggot.
pic related. It's the uncropped, unshooped original.
this, stop spreading fake news please
You're so fucking retarded its painful.
Hi res
this pic is from the same riot. Notice the little red flags, same as in the fake news pic.
Would any of this have happened if Hillary "Big Gubment" Clinton won? Me thinks not.
remember this asshole? same riot.
communists literally work for hedge-fund kikes in the upper 0.00001% or richest people on earth, who made fortunes exploiting war and currencies to this day.
you are their willing pets.
Greek protesters do not fuck around. They understand that one of the easiest ways to break line formations is with fire.
>Still using insults instead of making an actual argument
You've lost again, faggot.
Except we don't want genocide so I don't know which orifice you're pulling that from
wow totally wasn't the racist alt left attacking the police. really set the record straight for me rabbi.
It's entirely your side trying to commit genocide against whites. You're offense, we're defense. You're immoral, we're moral.
>be doggo
>"these stupid human. I'm outta here."
citation needed
So which word don't you understand, "peaceful" or "genocide"?
That is, you realise that someone calling for a "peaceful" process is NECESSARILY not calling for genocide, right? Since genocide is, of course, by definition, not peaceful.
that's why the nomenklatura lived luxurious lives while the propes worked shitty factory jobs, commiecuck?
>Implying >95% white places don't already exist all over the country
Idiot the idea is to just not jam even more third worlders into places they don't belong.
true story
European antifa aren't libcucks like American antifa.
But that's wrong, you fucking retard
Genocide extends beyond nigger tier mass murder
spicy meme lad
No it doesn't. Spencer doesn't advocate for genocide, idiot.
They are actually anarchists.
>Amerishart flag whining about the ruling class of another country living better than the common people
At least they had jobs and healthcare in Soviet Union. :^)
Yeah Anarcho-Communism is barely tenable in a kindergarten classroom, it's a meme ideology. We know the left is happy to lie about their intentions, so I would assume they are just as statist as the "communist" piece would suggest.
Either way your meme image doesn't make sense
So fucking retards then. Day of the challenger when?
>commiecuck upset his ideology had a ruling class that lived in luxury while proles labored shitty jobs
At least the capitalists aren't exploiting you, right retard?
Kek. "We pretend to work, they pretend to pay us." It was literally illegall to be "unemployed" in the soviet union, you'd go to prison if you did not have a job and workm That's why official stats were at zero percent.
Lmao the USSR life expectancy was much worse than any western capitalist country retard. You did not have better care.
Good luck getting the health commissioner to pay for your estrogen pills.
I'm not OP, newfriend, check ID's
But the point was the 'anarcho' and 'communist' don't work together, because communism inherently requires a massive state to function, because the state is the economy in that scenario.
Yeah ancoms and authoritarian "communists" have definitely never gone to war with each other, they're all the same
The Zapatistas are just kindergarteners and there's no free software running anything
Are you saying that a bunch of rebellious Indios are using a computer program to govern themselves? What happens if someone doesn't obey what the program says?