Ivanka just BTFO of Sup Forums

What do you think of free speech now?

Ivanka supports ANTIFA.

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I would not she'd a tear if something bad happened to her and Jared.

Liberals are fucking scum

>Caring what women think
Only women have female enemies

Did she accidentally post this on her fathers twitter first




wait so trump is cool with antifa now? damn it only took 24 hours of no bannon

Trump was the one that made her opinion worth something

Now that Bannon is done pointing his gun sights at her from across the room, expect her to turn daddy Trump into a Romney-teir cuck

>I will be the law and order candidate

Donald Trump supports his own family. He is playing both sides of this divide. The globalist "left wing" side through his daughter, and the nationalist "right wing" side through his sons.

It's all a game with the only goal being power.

Is she supporting the counter protesters to a free speech rally?

Fucking ivanka. Kushner needs to man up, but he may be the one spreading these lies to ivanka

Ivanka is Horus Lupercal. She will betray her father.

Honestly I think its sarcasm

Reminder that Ivanka has done globalists' personal favors to get her foot in the door to participate in (((their))) plans

Reminder that Ivanka has cucked her husband multiple times through doing these "favors" for the (((globalists))) and worse.

that's a new one
you delusional fucks will come up with anything to avoid admitting Trump is cucking

She's a kike though, who cares?

If Trumps the god emperor which are the orks niggers or the alt-left

what im not a racist i dont even hate jews. im just an occasional poster on a Non Competitive Teeshirt Folding board. Why should i be mad?

Im just glad that the left is finally proud of their president.

Sup Forums got played like a fiddle by a bunch of Jews

Ivanka is ethnically Jewish, go look at her pics before she had plastic surgery

with Jews you lose, can't wait until daddy Trump shuts down all "anti-semitism" on the internet

Do pretend Juden like her get the oven too

As if you are capable of tears. Hate and anger is all you will ever know in this world. Pathetic.

orks are unironically /ourguys/ though. I love reading about their lore and the WAAAGH

>Im just glad that the left is finally proud of their president
No leftist will saying anything good about ANY tweet from the White House people

In all honesty, I can't blame Trump for cucking out. There's too much pressure from every side to push this narrative. Media, academia, big corporations, celebrities, even his own daugther.
He did as much as he could, much more than all of /Sup Forums/ right-wingers combined for sure.


I have major dirt on Jared....there was a big scandal with him at Frisch.

Is this supposed to be an insult? Crying is for pussies

give me details Sven

Orkz battle for the bantz and lulz though.
They're Sup Forums incarnate.

>It was beautiful to see thousands come together to destroy morals, demand communism, and destroy Christianity and proclaim satanism as the state religion.

I'll hold back details until I can use it for max effect but it was about a classmate's younger close relation in a most inappropriately predatory way.

That black pill is looking mighty tasty these days.

whatever, you're full of shit

She fucking twatted exactly what her Dolan twatted

Ivanka might as well be open about her being a democrat at this point.

You wouldn't listen..

They're only doing this because Hillary is getting locked up on Tuesday. They have to unite everyone after the fallout.

The balls on this man

Why pander to the left when they absolutely despise you? 40000 protest free speech because they are slaves looking for masters not citizens of a free republic.

Perfect timing. You know. Right around the meme eclipse and sept 23 and everything else
>arresting the candidate with the most votes
Excellent country

Actions matter, not words. I can't believe this still has to be pointed out.

>twatting is done by manatees in a tank with various thought balls they select and parse together

Lol her grovelling is not going to save her, she will be executed alongside her father by the sjw's if they continue to cuck out.

WTF I love antifa now?!

Does Ivanka even know what side she's actually lauding?

it's hilarious that ivanka thinks she will be able to run in the future.

ive been suspecting for a while shes a leftist bitch

even worse trump listens to her,or maybe shes playing the long game for 2025?

This. If you are a National Socialist, they will call you a Nazi. If you openly wear a MAGA hat, they will punch you and call you a Nazi. If you are a White male who doesn't constantly self-flagellate yourself for being white, they will call you a Nazi. IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT YOU DO. Grovelling will not help you. You might as well be brave, steadfast, and hold your beliefs 100% instead of being a grovelling capitulating cuck who'll get BTFO anyway. You are white and they hate you for it because they are brainwashed zombies. You cannot reason with them.

Speaking is also an action, especially these days.

who cares. she likes le weed man and got a hillary hair cut. shes a liberal. she isnt president. she will never be president

elizibeth warren wont be president. hillary wont be president. oprah wont be president. you seeing a pattern here. at best maybe 2 decades before we get a female president and thats just because all the boomers and half the genXers die out and their faggotry dies with them

That kike MILF whore will never beat me and piss on me after I lick and suck her thousand dollar Louboutin stilettos.

Feels bad, man.

Melania will never peg my obedient boipussy after I drink her piss.

Even worse.


pro tip, she wasn't talking about the people protesting free speech.

>t. what did she mean by this

Lets get antifa labeled as terrorists, official white house petition here:

For those who don't know what antifa is, it is a far-left domestic terrorist group (only considered so in 1 state, for now) that is part of the alt-left and promotes killing cops, destruction of private property, anti-white racism, open borders, islamic terrorism and the implementation of communism thru means of violent revolution.

Read more here: farleftwatch.com/2017/07/26/far-left-militia-training-for-guerrilla-warfare/

Don't hate liberals. Hate the Jews. Jews aren't liberal behind closed doors. But yeah I agree. Ivanka and Jared control the fucking white house. So obvious.

Damn. Trump almost had it...

If it looks like a duck, and walks like a duck and even sounds like a duck. Everyone knows its a duck so let it continue to believe its not a duck.

We will have Sweden tier "hate speech" restrictions by the end of Trump's term.

these (((alt-right)))

dumbasses were warned

not to go out and start

shit. We already have the

white house, there is nothing to

be gained by creating photo

opportunities for Soros goons

Of course she would shoehorn this in. Fucking bitch.

Trump's greatest downfall is Ivanka. She should never have been brought into the White House along with Kushner. It is fucking bullshit. No idea why most Trump supporters let it slide. They do not support his views and it is very nepotistic.

Ivanka and Kushner are really no better than most of the other pozzed fags. What else could you expect from urbane cosmopolitan Jews?

Ivanka is a dumb piece of shit

She's a race traitor.
How is this even a question.

I wish they would both horribly die, Jewish people deserve the ultimate death and Hitler was right a million times about that.

God bless you Hitler for understanding the true nature of the Jew.

Why would YOU have dirt were you there?

was it involving homosex?

>How is this even a question.
Because the race she is traitorous with is Jew and Trump is a cuckold bitch to Jews and his daughter.

The niggers and Leftists are the Tyranids.
>beyond count
>from outside the host galaxy/country
>can't be reasoned with
Seriously, dude.

>meme magic was used for this
what a fucking waste

Deep Sea faggot.

>what a fucking waste
It is not as if you were not warned.

>Fucking ivanka. Kushner needs to man up, but he may be the one spreading these lies to ivanka

Ivanka's not some poor delusion victim to feel sorry for. She's part of the Chabad synagogue. Ivanka is just as loathsome as Kushner and the rest of their tribe.




Sorry sister, you made the blood pact when you held the frog.

>Sorry sister, you made the blood pact when you held the frog.
Is that what Trump calls his dick?!

Fuck that plastic fake bitch.

She was never with us, she always sides with her kike of a husband.

So... This is supposed to save her? Trump is a good goy, bowing to the neoconservative directive, you think he's safe from being oven'd?

Muzzies are Orks
>Hobble together weapons of death out of trash
>No regard for personal safety
>Love for explosions and dakka
>Reproduce at a rate that dwarfs how many die in combat

Is Justice blind or not? What does votes have to do with anything? If Hillary broke the law should she or should she not be held accountable?

Honestly I don't think Clinton will ever be prosecuted. Nor do I think Trump and his family are on our side. Trump was a release valve for the anger building on the TEA party side of this country. They hope he can hold their attention long enough to shut down the internet. Once the internet is gone it will be hard organizing nationwide support.

>This is supposed to save her?
>Trump is a good goy, bowing to the neoconservative directive, you think he's safe from being oven'd?
From her cuckolding, kike loving father... yes.

No doubt Trump will do anything at this point in his failing presidency to keep the peace just until he can comfortable excuse himself for his duties.

The chinese are Tyranids. Leftists are a mixture of Tau and Dark Eldar.
>Love for everything vile and corrupted
>Willing to die for a vague ideology bestowed by a group of secretive elites


i always thought that ivanka is really hot

than i saw this picture

Of course it's the (Ivanka) ((((((Trump))))))

fuck this language lmao


>Ivanka supports ANTIFA

Who gives a shit? We have known Ivanka and Kushner are grade 1 cucks for almost a year.