Did Harry Potter change a generation?

I'm a 28 yo user. If you're around my age, I'm sure you personally know people who are still obsessed with the Harry Potter franchise. They've read the books, they've seen the movies and they know all the lore.

I've never been able to put my finger on it, but there's something very odd about these books. The people who are hardcore fans of the series are almost always bluepilled normies who voted for Sanders/Clinton/Obama.

The books themselves aren't explicitly political, but there's just something that's extremely subversive about the whole phenomenon: the out-of-nowhere popularity, the cult-like adherence to the franchise by its fans 20 years later, the invocation of its themes by its bluepilled followers, etc.

I can recall Baptist preachers warning of the whole phenomenon back when it began. At the time, as a child and as a fan of the series, I laughed; now I'm wondering if they were on to something.

i never read that shit.
and now i'm here.

Just like anything else that got popular, leftists cling onto it to substitute personalities.

Yeah when I was 12 I read like a quarter of the first book and decided it was stupid.

It made an entire generation okay with magic.
Now that same generation rejects Jesus Christ.
They will teach their kids to do the same.

I read them all - great books. Id have to reread to pick out the political shit but it was, for the sake of those here, not a very integrated racially series. Almost all the main characters were 100% white.

I tried reading the books, absolute trash and i love reading fiction

The illuminati is also almost 100% white.

I'm around your age and remember reading these books when they came out. I never got obsessed or super enthusiastic, and I was pretty disinterested in them by the time the 6th and 7th came out but I read them just to see how it all ended. Never saw the movies.

The books are strange but I think the religious resistance to it is a red herring. As a matter of fact, the religious argument against it seems to be that witchcraft is some kind of satan dabbling when the fact is the lid has been kept on all kinds of spiritual "magic". I am pretty far right but believe in stuff like telepathy so take my commentary knowing that.

The reason why Harry Potter is evoked is simply because it was so popular and familiar in many childhoods. Same thing with Star Wars. There's nothing special about Harry Potter per se, it's just that underdeveloped adults in their 20's and 30's are infantilized and retreat to childhood idols in times of distress. Children use cartoon characters to help make sense of the world, and since adults are really just older kids these days, they can't help but compare Harry Potter to political contexts.

i didnt read that lit trash. i had my classmate write my papers for me in the 5th grade. i was fucking based since primary school.

I never understood the hype. Like a worse version of Lord of the rings. The adults are idiots. There is a lot of random shaming and there is inherent segregation at the school which is maybe why the left loves it.

I read them as a kid, never picked them up again.

My friend's girlfriend in high school was obsessed with them though, and she was a bluepilled normie that is now married to a cuck kike and gets regularly railed by niggers,

See, the phenomenon you're witnessing is that people who like to read end up as center-left liberals.

It's not that complicated.

I read more than anyone I know.

Depending on your view, I am far-right. Try again cuck.


I'm the same age and never got this shit, someone got me the first book and I never cared to finish it before the movies started getting made. Even when they showed up, they weren't compelling enough to make me care about wizards and broom-polo.

I liked the first few movies but that's it. It really shit itself in the end.


Mfw the church was right all along and those books were satanic corrupters of the youth

Harry Potter is a pure, unadulterated hero's story, told entirely from a secular humanistic perspective.

Harry Potter is only one symptom of a wider culture of millennial bluepilled morons who stick their heads in fantasy and ignore reality.

Doctor Who, Rick and Morty, Game of Thrones, Big Bang Theory - these things are similarly insufferable, and yet beloved by tons of weirdos.

Harry Potter, like Star Wars, employs archetypal themes and motiffs which resonate in children naturally.

I was obsessed when I was younger. 22 now. Off the top of my head I can only think of a handful (less than 5) of my peers who still even think about it.

It's a big cultural experience that we all shared, but I don't think that many people still consider it.

Will absolutely be reading the books to my kids in the future though.

My sister loves Harry potter, Clinton, and is currently a nanny in Sweden

I love Harry Potter and I know everything there is about the series but when you look at the actual information that Harry Potter provides, it doesn't make sense.

For example, it is right for pureblood Wizards to discriminate against Halfblood and non-magical (Muggle) Wizards.

Hogwarts has a school of around 336 students. There are roughly 12 students per house, with 4 houses, and 7 grades. 12*4*7

Of that student population, nearly 70% of them are purebloods, 20% are halfbloods, and only 10% are muggle born. The UK has a population of 65 million and only 33 of Hogwart's is muggleborn. That means the occurrence for magical individual among the non magical is almost negligible. This means that overtime if purebloods were breed with muggles, it would dilute their magical bloodlines and they will overtime be less magical.

The book is ultimately about the victory of the non magical and halfbloods over pureblood society. Purebloods are attempting to protect their way of life and society from foreign influence but lose.

>Game of Thrones
I agree with everything you said up until that point

They're good children's books but far, far too simplified for the answer to be anything but "the average person is getting dumber"
I mean, Harry can't save the day until the literal piece of Voldemort stuck in him dies. Now he's 100% good! Barf

Literally me. Cliched, but true.

I read that shit.
And now I'm here.
I can't watch the movies thought because the books say Hogwarts was built in the 1300s, but the movies' castle features heavy Tudor-era architecture. Why Rowling said the look was perfect is beyond me,

Harry's symbol is a lighting bolt marked
on his forehead. It doesn't get much more obvious than that does it? The books are baby's first occult meme and have served as a good metaphor for rallying the ignorant masses as most kids, even the dullards, have read the series. Such base.

there's not really anything wrong with them BUT the book did seem to have a particular draw towards infantilized fantasies that resulted in the overabundance of the phenomenon known as "fanfiction". A little bit before my time but similar was the show Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I would say these two cultural icons, first seemingly through fanfiction and then eventually on tumblr and related platforms had the indirect influence of creating subcultures that would eventually merge into the "SJW" culture

I enjoy GoT as well, but even you must admit that the show written by two Jews which involves a strong wymyn leading hordes of barbarian savages into white man's land is a bit...jewy.

Nah, it's just that it was the first new, big thing to happen in their lifetime that they grew up with. Combine that with emerging internet culture and fandom shit (shipping etc.) and it snowballed into what it is today.

It would probably have been something else if it wasn't Harry Potter.

it got kids reading books. thats a definite plus. just remember that kids have shit taste at everything and they'll get better

I read every book and the last one is utter shit. Perfect setups for redemption and intrigue and all of it is wasted. Then they kick you in the balls by killing off like fifteen characters off screen.

My parents wouldn't let me watch it, because it was witchcraft.

Really dodged a bullet.

This is absolutely true, anecdotally of course.

I read the first four books in my elementary school library. Kids were at midnight releases for BOOKS. That's pretty cool, honestly. You don't see that happening often anymore.

Literally this.

It is nothing like lotr. Potter is about high school magic anime. Lotr is an epic about the deeds of heroes and nations.

I still like harry potter and I've been writing harry potter fanfics for the last 5 years.
It's all just good escapist fun that started in my childhood with the first book, and I say this as a white traditional conservative who hates nazi's as much as I hate communists.

I read them but I never was into them like other people. After I finished them that was it.

The problem is people are manchildren these days and are too fucking stupid/lazy/spoiled/anti-intellectual to read adult fucking literature and want to cling to their childhood.

People would have been shamed and told to grow the fuck up in previous generations, but shame is mostly dead except for Political Correctness.

Bump for interest.

I know what OP means

It was pretty much pseudo-mythos sugarcoated for a modern audience, similar to how Frozen was. Instead of the traditional archetypes all you get is horseshit that rejects it, which might help to explain why millennials hate reality so much. The Christians were right all along

J K Rowling is a shady character involved with adoption agency Lumos which coincidentally have the childlover logo. She have also been very rabid against Trump, probably because of the whole dnc pizzagate saga

>why do young adults stuck in arrested development who long for a fantasy world where everything works out because "magic" all seem to be bluepilled normies who vote for idealism peddling politicians.

That sure is a tough one, OP.

I think you mean Jewish. Remember Jews enjoy larping as whites

they were just mad about witches and wizards and other mythical stuff.

My mommy read me the first two books :^). I finished the whole series btw.. I'm here now. Though I find it funny how I always thought the hysterics over it being satans work were ridiculous but now I understand.

books are media user. you think they don't have their fingers in that pie too?

Harry potter is pretty redpilled
The main conflict in the book is bretty good. The normal wizards are isolationists who just want to build a magical wall to keep muggles out and deport any that get in. The Fashy wizards want to dominate the muggles and use them as cheap labor. The civic nationalists win of course.

haven't read a single one.

>Star Wars
>not politically charged
really dude? the first 3 is like ANTIFA vs le evil fascists

do you do anything weird in your stories? like gender-shifting pansexuality? that seems really big in that particular community

I love(d) the fuck out of the books but my enthusiasm for them has been tarnished thanks to all the bullshit recently. The whole muggle vs not thing shouldn't have affected anyone because muggles in the story were presented as absolute garbage in comparison to wizards. If anything the story highlights exceptionalism and differences in cultures.

No doubt.

Wow it's almost like these are mass produced and handed out

I have a friend who grew up on these and he ended up a Liberal, but nowhere near as bad as the whole Antifa crowd. For the most part he's just cucked on economic issues.

Shit how did you know?
Not explicitly pansexuality but definitely gender changing, specifically male to female.


I got like half a chapter into the first one reading about shoelace wizard wandering around parking lots or some shit and got bored.

But I had already read about Redwall, in hid sight. Redwall is pretty fucking RedPilled.

>Civilized animals build wall stained red with the blood of their enemies
>Literally an entire book dedicated to "Vermin cannot into society"

To bad the cartoon series was censored to a One Piece 4Kidz level.


>I can recall Baptist preachers warning of the whole phenomenon back when it began.

they do this over anything potentially fun or enjoyable.

The books were amazing desu if you dont like them you are just a fucking dumbass nigger faggot kike jew nigger

probably not mass produced. the useful idiots will provide their own signs, just tell them what to write

ok, I'm not judging you, but why do you do this? why harry potter? what's the connection? why is this so common of a desire for people in the harry potter fanfiction community?

>tfw food porn

developed a taste for pastries after reading several of these books. thanks Jacques, its mostly your fault i'm fat now

Some people just wish magic was real.
I cant blame em, magic doesnt so cool ass shit.

As for why liberals always bring up harry potter, my guess is that its just the liberal persona to attach onto something or relate to something through another medium ie a book like harry potter

I never read Redwall but it always looked cozy

I'm going to start my kids with Deltora

They seem off because they were probably the first form of media that our generation had where we could actually picture being the "good" guy. Not just some superhero but a hero who had a normal life.

Yes, I almost forgot to mention that in my original post. Rowling is herself a screaming liberal banshee. She's exactly the same as her fans.

it is simplistic, good and evil. basic

I tried to get into them back in the day but the books were too fucking long and stopped reading. I was more into pokemon as a kid and was playing pokemon emerald instead of reading whatever books normies liked.

Everything you listed was "good" at first and then once it set its hooks in people it got whack as fuck. I hate game of thrones more than anyone and i admit the first season is watchable. Dont forget walking dead. I HATE the walking dead and all zombie shit, first season is watchable.
Rick and Morty fucked me up. First season was great. Second was trash.

Also, RTJ, but I think im doxxing myself now. Good thing i don't have any friends. Fucking Shiller Mike and little Jewey Meline.

Point is its orchestrated. They make something objectively cool and then when people integrate it into their personality they crank up the propaganda. You don't want to admit it's not cool anymore because they means you're not cool. Watch for this pattern.


Do you ever remember how you felt when you fantasised about what you would do if you won the lottery for a billion dollars?
It's feels like that except you're doing it with a love of a pre-existing world and the characters. I guess for me the main draw is that it's fun to write and I've always fantasised about gender bending and being a wizard at hogwarts.


At times yes. You are reading about FOOOOOD, to the point where you can skip pages about the Redwallers eating a shit ton of food.

At other times, it's time to kill fucking bandits and you meet up with a rogue, half-crazy, Otter who's first paragraph in the book is about him ripping the throat out of a rat spying on the main character's campfire. He strolls up the the protagonists RPG party, smiles with his teeth that he sharpened and a mouth full of "rat fur and gore" and basically says "I respect your bravery to go after these bandits, but I'm joining you now whether you like it or not because your kiddie shit "questing" is going to get you killed.

Then it goes back to JOLLY FUCKING WOT WOT!

Shit I didn't know americans read deltora quest, those were the shit back when I was a kid.
Were they big when you were a kid?

I blame JK Rowling for your existence.

Fuck yeah, I was really into Harry Potter as a kid but it was completely from that perspective. My friends are I were all little racist white and east asian kids in a very black/hispanic school. We LARPed as Slytherins and Death Eaters.

This guy gets it

You're trolling

The people who still seem to obsess over these books around our age tend to be fat white women. Everyone else has gotten over the fad pretty much.

>Do you ever remember how you felt when you fantasised about what you would do if you won the lottery for a billion dollars?

interesting. I tried writing Battlestar Galactica (2003) fanfiction at one point, I have pages and pages of autistic world-building I came up with, even working on and inventing languages. I only wrote about 10k of the actual story and haven't touched it in years, no one else has ever read it. It's pretty good, good pacing

I love the books and movies.
I love ASOIAF as well

not a blue pilled normie

i actually really enjoyed Harry Potter, but i can separate fantasy from reality. these people are just as impressionable as the people who read the stories in the Quran or the Bible and try to apply it to every facet of life.

The fire fades, user

Who will rise to kindle it this time?

People just never grew up. I'm 27, grew up with this series, and the MSM would define me as a Nazi.

Childhood is wanting to be Harry.
Adulthood is knowing Voldemort was right.

>There is no Light and Dark
>Just Power and those too Weak to seek it.
I don't approve of his methods but Tom had a fucking great motto.
And please kill me if I ever vote Socialist(PSOE)

Don't worry, I understand just how subversive and dangerous this kind of thinking can be on the minds of young children, like I said I'm a traditional conservative so if deluded kids enjoy the things I write and decide to become a trans person who mutilates their genitals and act as if they're female it would make me feel horrible.

I didn't know anyone else that read them at the time. But I grew up around niggers and spics so I don't know what other white people were reading. I genuinely didn't even realize Harry Potter was as popular as it was, or else I might not have gotten into it because I was a haughty asshole as a kid

they're pretty damn good though, nice puzzles, the world is interesting, good characters, etc.

Degenerate book supports race mixing. "Mudbloods are good" "pure blood wizard bad" " all are equal". Typical liberal Jew propoganda with a coat of wizard paint so you don't notice they are subverting the children's values

That preaching landwhale all
>Harry potter is the devil!
>sorcery is the devils work
>if you read this book/watch this film, you're demonic n sheeeiit!
Top kek.
Only in America and Haiti you get this type of superstitious bollocks. Grow the fugg up you silly negro.

It's basically a story where the kids get everything they ever wanted.

Literal fantasy novel series about "everyone gets a trophy"

Ron was a Lazy fag who didn't deserve Hermione and Harry had an Oedipus complex

>inb4 Stephen King pasta

>applying Bible fiction to your everyday life
At least Harry Potter doesn't have any (((heroic jews)))

I read 4 of them and grew out of it. I understood why people were hyped about each release, but it's sudden resurgence as a political talking point over the last 2 years confuses me. I wouldn't doubt it if they were ghost written.

Did you ever read Rowan ?
Those books were pretty good as well.

the only thing demonic is the niggers and jews in it and it distracts people from reality

There's nothing deep and meaningful about the connection: the bad guys in the books are obsessed with the purity of one's 'magical' (white) blood. That's why it's constantly invoked by people. Pic related.

Oh yeah, I remember these. There's a whole shitload of them, like 14 or something, but they all follow the same basic plot, just with different characters, and it gets kinda tedious.

Dude, Zabini was a nigger, italian AND pureblood

I remembered Sup Forums yelling spoilers everywhere they could a decade ago. Some of it were the first things I saw on youtube.