Trump is finished this time!!!
>buy buy
Please speak human
"I don't like him" is not grounds for impeachment.
okay fake news, what's the crime?
inb4 obstruction
but it was HER TURN!!!
all this shilling
>only the senate matters for impeachment
>republicans putting their job on the line because liberals are getting their feelings hurt.
You must be worst than a child for writing like this.
except impeachment starts in the house? do these people even constitution?
John Mccains ancestors owned slaves.He is the product of unearned white privilege at the hands of black labor. We call for his immediate resignation.
Oh but it is. You can impeach any acting president on any grounds provided you obtain the correct amount of votes
Look into the fucking details on impeachment then you fucking nigger
>Article II § 4 of the Constitution provides as follows: "The President, Vice President and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors."
Trump is squeaky clean. The fact is they have had at least 2 years to investigate every iota of his life and the best they came up with is "grab her by the pussy." lol
>impeachment with zero criminal misconduct
>trump walks
>gets re-elected by landslide against cory booker
How mad would you be? Would you leave this place and never return? Let's bet on it, You and i.
Lol no.
How are you all so illiterate on impeachment?
Its a stupid fucking name that basically amounts to 'go to trial'
But then they actually have to find evidence of wrongdoing. its not a vote of no confidence.
Doesn't whatever happens have to be during the time he was in office though?
>Republicans are already trying to throw the 2018 and 2020 elections in order to put Democrats back in power since they can be openly globalist, unlike the Republicans.Two-party system is a myth.
I wouldn't be mad. Trump being impeached would be civil war whether or not he got re-elected. I voted for him, I just made a clarification, retard.
Nice argument, dumbass.
Clinton was impeached due to a BJ from one of the girls he raped. He was never convicted of any crime. Case closed, you're wrong.
What would they even impeach him on? Don't they have to have a reason to even bring him to trial? You can't just bring people to trial on no charges.
Glumpf WILL be impeached.
To what end?
He's going to walk, and be re-elected. And there won't be a civil war. The left will be in ruins once again.
>Clinton was impeached due to a BJ from one of the girls he raped.
Impeachment proceedings began due to his lying under oath about this matter. It passed the house but failed in the senate and he was a full two-term president.
>Clinton was impeached due to a BJ from one of the girls he raped
wrong. he was impeached for lying about it in sworn testimony.
Jokes on you, I'm a diaper fetishist.
Fucking kikes
1st degree hurt feefees
Whew laawd!!! I wonder how many senate seats the Dem's will pick up in 2018? What's that? Oh it's not looking so hot for the Dem's in 2018 for the senate? Oh bother
that i can't say.
if he does get impeached, i can't imagine it will stick unless there is truly enough deep state subversion to trump up charges.
for now though, I will just guess that its hysteria and probably even a false article (so and so repub doesn't like him so that's a few more possible votes) speculating what isn't real. However I've been wrong before.
>the senate can just vote for a sitting president to be impeached without any direct offense or criminal charge
how much scoops?
Have all those other senators pledged their votes for impeachment? Because I bet a good 3/4ths of them are full of shit.
Remember how they all clamored for repeal and replace and still haven't done it? It's the same thing; they're too afraid to go ahead now that its possible.
yeah but newsweek also said Hillary won, so anyone who believes their info is a dumb cunt
Clinton lied under oath. Thats all. Perjury was his charge
I would just like to point out that this article is an OP-Ed.
>not knowing how impeachments work
You're one sorry ass motherfucker.
If Slick Willy had just said:
"I did have inappropriate but consensual relations with Miss Lewisnky. My infidelity is a personal matter between my wife, family and myself. I apologize for any embarrassment this has brought to the presidency, and ask for you forgiveness while I work through these difficult personal matters."
They would have had no grounds for impeachment.
I thought (((Newsweak))) went out of business?
Won't you burgers have like idk another civil war if Trump gets impeached? Good chance to replace those civil war statues with new ones.
Wow, that's zero votes closer than the last ten times I saw this claim!
>when underagefags try to talk about events they weren't even alive to remember
>Six Senate votes away from impeachment
>Senate votes
Mike Cernovich reported that Pence and Romney were getting the numbers from the GOP for an impeachment of Trump.
orangutan outlook is a reliable source of information
trump is the senate!
Brain Pain McCain is about to die though. You can tell hes a power hungry cock sucker too because hes still "working" instead of enjoying his last few weeks alive
Go ahead and do it. Hes just another neocon puppet anyways. The backlash will just make Steve Bannon stronger in the 2020 election.
If Trump got impeached expect full blown chaos. They know this.
wasted fucking dubś (fuck you "spam" protection)
check these digits!
Nobody is going to vote for bannon, he is way too ugly
That faggot penis probable pedo pence will blow himself out too. Hopefully this is the death of the Repubic hair fatty elephant republigoyim molech party
Clinton was impeached for perjury you fucking autist.
>McCain is about to die though.
I'll be glad when he's dead.
Some kind of hero huh?
>this mad because SHE didn't win
Holy shit literally how old are you?
why would you post with such confidence too? "case closed" really dude? do you hold that much arrogance in meatspace too? here's a hot tip: don't write or speak with absolute confidence unless you are, ya know, absolutely confident. This is one of the most embarrassing things I've ever seen