BLM have turned on Antifa at protests.
Other urls found in this thread:
Bumping for pleece horses.
>Antifa fascists eternally btfo by black lies matter
somehow we've been transported to best timeline
>b...but I helped you
We all knew it was only a matter of time.
fuck I need to sleep
Are you geared up?
Are you ready?
Are you prepared?
Ask yourself this everyday.
One day soon, your life depends on these questions.
tfw you don't have a plate carrier and ar500 front and back plates yet
Muh dads a cop. I'm here screeching at cops and ready to kill if required.
Women are cancer. Liberal women are pancreatic cancer.
>Yesterday's Antifa is Tomorrows's White Nationalist
The best part about this is many of the white antifa people are being redpilled right now at this very moment on blacks via blacks themselves and how they turn on whitey. They've basically created more white nationalists without even realizing it.
stream is offline
back on, mooooooooove !
Right when we were about to see the screeching girl get arrested, too
nothing to see here this thread is now closed, MOOOOOOOOOOOve !!!
itrs back
Fuckin shoot that screeching fat pink haired cunt.
These chimps dont let up
For Jesus Christ, to stand for my belief, to reject the ways of this world and the kings of this world; I am ready to stand for the one true King and savior of the world, Jesus Christ. One day every knee shall bow and every toungue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.
>Antifa: Nazis are the devil
>BLM: No,Whites are the devil
>Antifa: B..But were the good guys!
This paired with
> Boston basically showing how fucking retarded the left is to the world
> Trumps masterful tweet basically locking them in a confirmation bias trap
Best timeline. 2018 and 2020 will be amazing times
Is the left finally eating itself?
Guy in the stream just said antifa was booed out of one the conservative speeches at city hall, and in the cmetary blm and antifa was fighting because blm didn't want any vilence like charloteville and they felt that antifa was responsible for hte violence.
Also there is a hysterical antifa girl screaming at cops
bumping. Enjoying antifa being btfo
this is strictly logically false
BLM *is* antifa
Well that was anticlimactic.
> "Kangz and Queenz"
Isn't this the dude from that WebM trying to squat an empty bar?
Someone has it post it