Sup Forums BTFO
Sup Forums BTFO
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Who would procreate with this abomination?
>Who would procreate with this abomination?
Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
These ground kikes are fucking idiots.
From the wording on the sign, I'd say no one has yet. From her face, I'd say it's not going to happen any time soon, if in fact it still can.
>jewish woman
>replace you
They should explain to their rank and file jews that they're supposed to encourage actual white women to have interracial children. All she's doing is removing more jews lmao.
It's disturbing--I've been angry before, I've childishly rebelled and lashed out before, but now I'm starting to know what true hate feels like, and it's something totally different
she didn't have to tell us she is jewish we can tell by looking at her.
Well what about the pro Trump guy wrapped in the Israeli flag who got attacked by antifa today
I thought them chanting "jew will not replace us" was fake news? Was it not?
I mean, I know that's what they believe, I just didn't think they said it.
all women have child bearing hips.
>> knock kneed
>> ugly as fuck
Bitch youre gross
the bow legs on that thing. I heard ppl say their women tend to have weird body shapes. Never really paid attention though.
This guy gets it. Imagine the subhuman race that jews and niggers could create. They'd literally be garbage people.
>we want to preserve the white race
>we want to replace the white race
I want off this ride. Society is fucked.
Says 2% of the population lolololol
Aren't tattoos illegal for Jews?
I like thic women. She must not be very devout with that tattoo.
Fuck you Jews you are not oppressed.
I don't think Jewish birth rates are anything to be admired.
Isn't there a correlation between high IQ and low birth rates, and don't jews have the highest IQ?
Nazis accuse jews of replacing them in society, say "you will not replace us", then get butthurt when a few jews use their own language against them?
I find it pretty clever to be honest. Btw crying on Sup Forums doesnt fix the fact whites are becoming a minority.
Are leftist Jews the worst people in the world?
>tfw you subvert too hard
How is this even a question?
>jews are getting uppity now
Shit really is about to go down
I would, if we had a lot in common and similar future plans.
Nah you have it wrong, all that's required for being a Jew is to have a Jewish mother (thus inheriting Jewish mtDNA). Jewish women are just fine procreating with gentiles.
why cant yellowstone just erupt already
Ashkenazi jew of russian decent here. I don't think this is what they meant by replacement.
Being a Jew is pretty much being part of a sekret club. It's very difficult to become one, and we do not proselytize.
They meant the Jew is replacing them through third world immigration, yes?
I thought that was obvious, but maybe it's just me
Birth rate are lowering but they started with a higher number of children. This is an Israeli birth rate but not Ashkenazi birth rate which would be different.
Ashkenazi Jews are the smartest in the world but their conservative culture and internal social pressures promote larger families.
...but don't tell that to the marshmallows.
>tfw the tat is degen as fuck, but the tits are nice
wtf I love Israel now!
Child-bearing hips are wasted on you when you're an unfuckable slug.
Arabs in Israel are out-populating the Jews
If there are any black Sup Forumsacks reading, it is your imperative to BLACK jewesses, bonus points if you can piss of her dad.
These are your marching orders.
Jew here, would not bang absolutely treif
That's a fridge
>jew square hips
what's the story behind this?
Kek, it is so easy to bait them into openly saying shit like this. Easiest way to refill normies on the JQ is just to piss off Jews, they will become openly hateful and condescending.
they are, she's a treif thot, probably the vast majority of her "jewish heritage" is going to a passover sedar a couple times as a kid
>you will not replace us
>we will replace you
Did both sides get together to coordinate their slogans?
But Sup Forums lives and breaths her sign. They LOVE kikesses. They combine both kike, which they love. And jewess. Which they love even more (the female gender etc etc). Mix in some feminism or support of dykes to make even less sense and there you have it
Can you go be gay at reddit?
she's pretty
But think of how hot she'd be if her mom didn't bang a negro, and she didn't have any ashkenazi diluting her German blood.
Pretty disgusting.
When people talk about getting replaced, they don't mean the jews. In burgerland 99% of white people are a sort of homogenized mix of various white/european ethnic groups and that includes jews.
This is why the alt-right keeps accidentally following jewish e-celebs, nobody over here even knows what a jew looks like.
Anti-semitism in America is entirely a meme created by the political/media establishment to shame/control people because it has never existed in this country.
>Ashkenazi Jews are the smartest in the world
Actual ethnic Germans are the same or slightly higher (especially with non-verbal).
What, you thought the middle eastern part of the ashkenazi was responsible for their intelligence?
They don't seem to understand that if they succeed in "replacing" whites, that they will be eaten alive by the hordes of immigrants they use to do it.
I'll be satisfied with thinner hips, thanks
flatsos are the worst
90% of jewish people are white, most being russian/european diaspora. You all look exactly the same.
Anyone can cherry pick uglies from any demographic. It's not hard
they also didn't seem to get enslaving everyone around them to build a tower to their god who made pride his primary sin was a bad idea either
welp, lost my boner....
So what? I'll be dead. The entire world could come to an end a split second after I rattle out my last gasp. I don't have any kids either. By choice. Meanwhile, my life is good and she is pissed.
But it's the in group tribal behaviors and anti 'other' behavior that jews engage in that drives the hatred towards them. Their genetics is one part but not the be all end all. The phenotype is less the focus than the culture and social behavior, the nepotism that leads to societal Control. Their intensity and rationalizing methods
Fit girls are the best.
Like all good far-left kikes, she will never breed. They used to, but not in the past 20 years.
Guess she has to settle for being the daughter of a multi-millionaire jazz legend
wtf I love pubehead sandniggers now
So the battle of genetics is only being fought by people with whom nobody wants to breed.
what about a jewish american-german baby?
hahahaa fucking sloot. we know whatll happen next. cant wait to view her porn stache and spread it around the interweebz
the only thing shes gonna replace is my old lampshades
Who's going to provide the gibs once whites are gone? The word Nazi is being thrown around at red scare levels right now. Fuck I am so glad I bought a gun in time for the coming race war.
Anglos are smarter too (which I guess are the same thing as ethnic Germans)
It's where the Jews got their intelligence and skin from.
Lets get antifa labeled as terrorists, official white house petition here:
For those who don't know what antifa is, it is a far-left domestic terrorist group (only considered so in 1 state, for now) that is part of the alt-left and promotes killing cops, destruction of private property, anti-white racism, open borders, islamic terrorism and the implementation of communism thru means of violent revolution.
Read more here:
Please share to all burgers! Share it everywhere!
Your sandnigger face gave it away ursula.
Btw, that's a man
Ita funny how jews always try to align themselves with the 'oppressed' groups. But they are literally the most privileged race of all.
How can we get all jews blacked?
Can we accuse rabis and elite jews of racism?
That's increadibly cissexest, transmysognyistic, transerasure, and transshaming.
Ah, the usual double standard and hypocrisy - good for me but not for thee. "Tribalism" is perfectly fine, for them. If you happen to be white and want to have/show pride in your heritage, culture, history or identity - then you are a "mentally ill supremacist ebil nazi white devil!!!"
Jews are 2% of the population, they aren't replacing anyone.
No they arent and op is a typiacal arab nigger to me.
I am south euro so dont tell nme she passes as south euro.
>Implying Jews plan on replacing the evil whites with other Jews
hahahahahahahahahahahahaha good luck getting buried in a jewish cemetery with those shitty tattoos.
Silly goyim
Even so. They are still genetically distinguishable and have square hips.
There were SO MANY KIKES there today. It was nuts. Here's some OC. This asshole was waving a massive fag flag with a star of David ALL FUCKING DAY.
No place for jew niggers but africa and asia.
thicc and other overarching pornography memes are a psyop
"Spain lacks capacity to handle migration surge, says UN refugee agency "
Date: Thursday 17 August 2017 08.02 EDT
at least i don't have graffiti on my body
best posts
The liberal Ashkenazi Jews are all dying out. The only reason Jews will exist in a century is because of Hasidic Jews.
If she didn't have tatoos I would. I have a thing for bodies perfect for child bearing. Tattoos are degenerate though. She can go burn coal.