Post your favorite historic photo

Post your favorite historic photo.

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>all those fucking starbucks cups


Again with the fucking trash receptacles, can someone explain? Are they just gravitating to their own kind like prisoners in the mess hall?

>Post your favorite historic photo.

Or maybe this one idk really since both are good.

At least they're putting the flag where it belongs

God bless these men for giving all for country and folk.


and the Croats got btfo'd by Serbian communists in the end nothing special

Serb and retarded it all checks out


Don't make me opress the allready heavelly opressed Hun minorety.

you are only proving that you are just south African niger tier people who oppress the superior because its jealous of its prosperity

Nice meme Mongol

just look at the two countries Serbia stuck forever in post-communist degeneration while Hungary is building a strong union of central nations your little shithole is shrinking until nothing left of it

Sorry to break it to you but omst of our minoreties are dying out and that's a good thing also it's pretty common to find once in a week some Hungarian hanging in his living room.Also about your strong relations with V4 Slovakia allready said that they are more loyal to the EU then V4 and that they don't wan't to ruin it.

Also Serbia is a gucci place to live if you don't mind some drunk bydlos.

>implying we need the Slovakidrunks why we get support from Austria
>implying you won't be overrun by deported Muslims
>implying you aren't already overrun by you own kebabs
also the pic is you but in Serb


>An offering to the Gods

kek Mongol delusians
We placed all the refugees in the Hungarian part of Vojvodina that's why we Serbs laugh when you Huns planted that fance to protect your own people from them whille they still terrorize your people.

I don't we are gonna get overruned by Bosnians since the ones who move out of Raska convert to Ortodoxy just like Emir Kosturica,also our goverment is helping the refugees get to Western Europe so so much of them staying here since they preffer countries like France or Germany.

have you ever seen this pic it proves that you not a Serb because Serbs doesn't exist nor Slovaks and Romanians neither we raped you out of existence so you like us now except you still have your language and also have some Arab shit blood raped in you remember this well


Mongol delusians strike again
Unlike you guys we didn't had any problems with the nomads from the East since we genocided them all and when we were in the Ottoman Empire a Serbian Grand Vezier cucked Hungary and Croatia at the same time also let's not forget the Crusade where you tried to help your Mongol brothers Bulgars and got cucked by 1000 Serbian knights.

retarded Serb if you want to call us and by extension, yourself Asian call us Korean because they are the closest relatives to us in Asia
pic is reconstruction from early kings skull another pic is a statue from Árpád city Syria depicting us

if the pic on the right is supposed to be a Hungarian back then then he haves a facial structure of a Mongoloid aswell as his slanty eyes but nose is like a Jew.So what's your point??


kek I see that you have no more arguments beside your Hunic Khanate has more Gypsies than we do and thanks to these migration gypsies are leaving aswell.

I already made my point which invalidates your arguments you just didn't listen

And I said that your delusianal since Serbia was always controled by Serbs even when the Ottomans came they returned all our land back to us and to the previous Serbian noble houses,and Bulgarians haven't hold Serbia more then 20 years whille Hungarian raids and intrusions were dealth with by purging the surrounded tribes.

This is hilarious.

Why are Antifags always fucking around with rubbish bins?

>inb4 triggered nazis

ITT: Shit skins argueing shit flavor of shit is surperior.

Just stop your so far below whites and east Asians its better you group up.

Pretty funny you identify as a communist
How many birth defects do you have?


it reminds them of themselves

these guys were the white party that resisted the reds in russia.



Why are these faggots so obsessed with trash cans?



it represents their past and present

The sanitation department are capitalist pigdogs

>all those starbucks cups


>isint edited

this photo.

not for what almost happened, but for for mr. wanko being a complete boss

>stalin don't fall for the cigarette meme and smokes on his pipe

>Greatest moment of all time


It's their 'roads'.


The elderly truly are the best people.