Why does Sup Forums have a problem if asked to use specific pronouns?
I don't understand... how is that problematic to you if you know that the person would appreciate it?
Is Sup Forums antisocial? Misanthropic?
Why does Sup Forums have a problem if asked to use specific pronouns?
Its because there's a large difference between being told what you can and can't say and being made to say something
I can't be bothered to address people by made up words I'm too busy being a productive member of society.
What do you mean? Example?
>I can't be bothered to address people by made up words
But that's exactly what a name is. A made up word, no? Why do you address people by the names their parents made up?
It's a courtesy... nobody is making you say it.
There are literally almost 80 pronouns or so and counting. The point of pronouns are to simplify sentences and whatnot. They weren't meant to reflect Tumblr's desire for attention.
I will not allow someone to dictate what words I use. I do not care if it hurts your feelings, because you need professional help to solve whatever problem is causing you to create your own genders and break down sobbing when people don't accommodate you.
How do you know which one to use?
>I will not allow someone to dictate what words I use.
It's a courtesy... nobody is making you say it.
There are 150. You can use a simple phone app that will help you use the correct pronouns. It's not rocket science.
You ask. As simple as that.
Why do faggots have a problem if people just want to ignore them? I don't understand...if normal humans are so awful, wouldn't you want to be left alone?
To clarify further, I do not want to enable someone's mental illness. I would rather encourage them to seek the help they need, because something is wrong psychologically when you are making up genders and breaking down sobbing all the time. I mean, that's just crazy. Something is obviously wrong there, either chemically or maybe you were not able to develop mentally/emotionally. But you need guidance to work through those issues before you kill yourself, because these people are statistically unstable to the point of suicide.
Actually not so much in Canada as well as NY its the law
>Is Sup Forums antisocial? Misanthropic?
Misanthropic is anthropocentric. I identify as a dimetrodon. My pronouns are dime, dimem, dimer. Apologize. Now.
>mental illness.
[citation needed]
If I have to use an iPhone app to talk about someone, maybe there is a problem. I'm not gonna stop and try to search up what gender Janice is this week.
Because the people who would appreciate it generally go into psychotic rages when you don't do it despite it being way out of the norm, and words like bigot and transphobic get thrown around to beat people into using it lest they suffer consequences and ultimately makes alot of people resent this kind of thinking.
Is "hir" pronounced like "her" or "here"?
>But that's exactly what a name is. A made up word, no? Why do you address people by the names their parents made up?
I'm white, we don't have made up names. Our names come from our historical languages.
Your people have the highest rates of suicide. Not because of some imaginary societal oppression, but because of your mental illnesses
My gender is king. Your majesty, majesty,etc.
It's a lie. Using the wrong pronouns for each individual person is a small lie but it all leads up to a big one and lies are what destroy everything.
45% suicide rate.
after feminists tell me Im not allowed to invent new words im not going to deal with this bullshit
Because I can't be bothered to remember every xe xim and xir that some idiot wants me to use.
No one is special enough for that, sorry.
Choose he or she. I have no problem calling some tranny she.
*attempted rate* That's amongst genuine transgenders. Still much higher than the norm.
Because you ignore pronouns and abuse them.
>Choose he or she
But you're forcing binary logic on non-binaries. That's theoretical abuse.
((Citation neeeded))
Happy to accomodate people.
What i'm not happy about is power hungry reality denying radical ideologues infiltrating my government so they can decree I have no choice because they think they know better. They do not.
Stop watering down the meaning of abuse.
Fuck xou
Oh, mister Jeffries! The shit it come out of my ass! Ayuda me! Ayudame!
OOPSIE DOODLE, thank god Trump banned you freaks from fucking up the military further. now die Ze, It, Barnie, Otherkin
A name is used to identify someone specifically. Gender pronouns are one way to identify someone generally. There are only two sexes, thus there are only really two main types of different bodies.
So then, there are only three ways you need to reference someone by sex.
(You look like a guy) - Hey guy!
(You look like a girl) - Hey girl!
(I don't know what gender you might be) - Hey there!
The names we can remember are limited. Why should I further limit that by trying to remember non-identifying gender pronouns? You can't infer someone's specialised pronouns by looking at them; they have to tell you. Besides that, only a very, tiny, absolutely minuscule amount of the global population even know these specialised pronouns exist, let alone the fractionally small amount of that population who remember them.
Yet the two sexes and the pre-existing neutral reference are known by nearly every human? This is why specialised pronouns are silly.
I think we should honor the z pronoun thing. Trannies can be called zits.
because why should I go out of my way to pander to your delusions?
The best you're getting is a "they"
keep it up and you're going to be "It"
Because you're asking me to place your conception of reality above my own. Asking me to refer to you as something I don't believe in is an intrusion upon my freedom. You are asking me to alter my behaviour and modify my communication in order align with reality as you see it, because you do not respect reality as I see it. I have no problem with you referring to yourself and your friends with whatever pronouns, because I respect that you see the world a certain way, and I wouldn't be so bold as to ask you to change your behaviour to align with my world view. However, you don't show me the same courtesy when you insist on me supporting your version of reality by forcing me to use language differently.
Bloody well put!
This is all so stupid beyond belief. These freaks need to get an actual job with actual work and responsibilities. Three letter word: J O B S
This fag's got jokes haha. Oh (You), (You) devious faggot trickster, (You).
What say you Thread, think OP will learn Its lesson? Or will It just wait 20 minutes before creating another mongoloid-tier discussion?
It's not enough there's words we can't say, now they want to tell us what we must say.
The alt-left are control freaks.
Fuck you and your cuck kind for forcing me to say words
OP here... you actually make a good point there. I will have to reflect upon this. This is a very good thread I expected to be attacked but you actually all gave me food for thought.
If they get PTSD from that, they need to actually die. Their genes are the worst kind of cancer.
Here's the real mindfuck about the pronoun issue. Most of the time you use a pronoun to identify someone, you're not taking to them. You're taking to someone else about them. So these assholes actually want able think they deserve to control what you say about them when they aren't even involved in the fucking private conversation.
No, read ... I actually think you guys gave me good counter-arguments, especially this bloke:
With the way these are going, I want to bet on the latter
Apologies for the typos I'm on my phone.
because you're enabling the mentally ill
Sadly for us all.... It is a glutton for punishment, and I'm a glutton for watching beautiful destruction
Because there are only two genders, thus only two sets of pronouns need to be used.
I have no problem calling a man "she" or "her" and I can excuse three sets, if one wants to be call "it". If you want to be called "zie" in the privacy of your own home or in the presence of friends/family that is fine, too.
Once you start making up words so you can pretend to be unique and try to compel me to use them or try and force federal law to do so, is when the problem occurs.
The "B" in LGBT contradicts this post.
>Why does Sup Forums have a problem if asked to use specific pronouns?
Are you royalty? no? then why do i must say your majesty everytime i speak with you?
Too many psychological disorders that are socially acceptable already.
>on non-binaries
You're either male or female.
There's nothing in the middle short of being an actual intersex, and those are rarer than rare.
You are not special for turning yourself into a freak. You are just an attention whore and I'm not interested in facilitating your destructive and coercive narcissism.
Also, you throw fucking childish tantrums when you don't get your way, so respect isn't something you tend to earn.
What a fuckin circlejerk.
Because I hate the people that want that and I want them to suffer
Because my brain already knows right away whether you're a man or a woman and it assigns you as either one or the other, regardless of how you 'identify'. I can't turn this process off - it's fundamental - so why the fuck do I have to pretend it's not happening?