Here are some hard learned lessons for surviving your shitskin apocalypse in the not too distant future.
1) The number of violent home invasions and car-jackings will skyrocket so add security measures and change your behaviour accordingly. 2) Get a gun and know how to use it. Your wife or son (if old enough) should also know how to use it because if you get killed they will be the last line of defense. 3) Get motion sensors outside your house which is connected to your alarm system. This has saved countless people's lives over here because it a) gives you those vital few additional minutes to mount a defense b) scares them off because they lost the element of surprize. 4) Install steel security gates that separate your bedrooms from the rest of the house. 5) Get slam lock steel doors at main entrances because you will not have time to manually lock them in case of attack. 6) When you leave or arrive at your home always be vigilant. Look out for suspicious people. Never stop your car in such a way that you can be boxed it. 7) Always lock your car doors and try to keep your windows closed if possible. 8) If it's after 10 at night, never completely stop at red traffic lights. Especially at highway off/on ramps. 9) Never leave valuables within sight while driving. Eg. Do not put cellphones, laptops or purses on the passenger seat. 10) Try to live close to others in your family. The police response times will become slower as the years pass (if they ever respond). This way you will be able to assist quickly if something were to happen.
HAHAHAHA I fucking love this. None of this shit will affect me. I'm already too fucking poor because you bourgeois pieces of dogshit destroyed the world. Enjoy your penance. Fuck you.
Joseph Cooper
commie faggots gtfo unironically kys
James Gutierrez
You and your family can still die in horrible ways you stupid faggot. Do you honestly think being poor is the worst thing that can happen to you? You commies are the most dillusional retards on the planet.
Anthony Powell
did he die?
Parker Fisher
Cameron Jones
Why do you think communist uprisings keep happening, you retarded capitalicuck? You can only abuse the fucking majority of the population for so long before they eat your flesh and drink your blood.
t. not even a communist
What family? Do you think I fear death? I've lived on Earth as a poor person. Your weapons are gone. All you've done is toughened up generations of impoverished people who've lived under the sort of hell you warn against for decades now AT YOUR HANDS. We eat you first.
Daniel Lewis
Good advice but most people equipped to survive such a scenario already know this on some level
Leo Richardson
just to pile on....
>don't always take the same route from work/school whatever
>don't always leave/arrive at the exact same time
You don't want to get to a point where someone can say "user will be driving X and coming from Y at TIME"
Justin Perez
Why are you poor in the most prosperous country on earth where even 90 IQ niggers can have a higher standard of living than most people on earth. What an utter useless piece of shit you must be.
Austin Cooper
>sa is friends with kikeland >sa makes nukes >kikeland wants them >kikeland subverts with niggernationalism >sa gets worried they will lose power and gives nukes to kikeland >kikeland forgets sa exists >sa decends further into chaos
serves you right for trusting kikes
Charles Morales
Says the cunt who has 5 million kikes living in his country and who control your media, your culture and your government. They even convinced most of you retards to cut off your foreskins.
Nicholas Ortiz
at least we didnt give them our nukes while they destroyed us from within (yet)
Justin Martin
Gee I don't know? Could it be that insufferably insulated white males like yourself set up a system that is geared to maintain inherited wealth and punish people for being born porn and try to force them into a worker-slave class? Nah, that couldn't be it. The median income of the US is less than $30k MOST Americans are poor or close to it. MOST of them. The rich and middle class keep repeating the same abuse and mistakes, which you're doing in this very thread. And all you can think to do is be arrogant about your bullshit. As long as you keep this shit up, you'll just keep losing your countries and you deserve it.
>B-but why can't I govern by "I got mine, now fuck you?" >OMG why am I losing my country to these fucking filthy poor people again!! Capitalism save me! No. Fuck you.
Bentley Hall
*born poor
Brody Fisher
We didn't give them our nukes ameritard, we gave them uranium in exchange for tritium.
Oliver Stewart
Additionally, Euopean countries fucked us from within and from without. eg.Sweden gave the ANC terrorists millions of dolalrs.
Easton Gomez
>have nukes one day >next day dont >same did kikes have nukes hmmm
thats nice sweetie
Christian Brooks
What if white flight is really white people leaving a bad area as refugees? Where will your grandchildren run to in the future if minorities?
Grayson Reed
Tell us more about your fall. In western countries it's nearly impossible to get an accurate description on what happened
Adam Young
1) move to a safer country like New Zealand or Argentina
Elijah King
Yeah, ask the person in favor of apartheid for an accurate version of South African history. Lol. I can tell you right now what happened. Bourgeois whites treated everyone who wasn't them as non-citizens or second-class at best. Then when the people had enough, the rich and middle class got their asses fucked with chainsaws.
Hunter Scott
Every single day there are shitloads of people in the US who are born poor but still make something of themselves. You are just a useless piece of shit who cannot cut it. And this considering that it is the easiest humans have ever had it in our entire fucking history. So how useless must you be? Even with the shittiest job you can afford more food than you could possibly ever eat.
Henry Ortiz
This is real white priviledge, a person born in a country where hard work can achieve anything and they blame the government and others for their faults while people in other countries are far less fortunate and less able to get out of their situation.
Jose Bennett
Millions of Americans for generations have worked hard, smart, competed, and won social mobility upwards. Including in my family and myself. You just sound like a bitter loser. Improve yourself, it'll work out much better for you senpai.
Xavier Ross
Lol I bet you don't even try to help out poor white South Africans you fucking delusional hypocrite. You probably live in some insulated suburb where your family stayed because you have investments in the country. If that doesn't explain to you in a nutshell why you lost the country, I'm sorry, but you can't be taught.
David Reyes
How much time dose S.A have left? Will whites retreat to the cape & orania to make their final stand? I really am frightened for the whites there. The niggers are probably smart enough to equip 100,000's with rudimentary firearms if they want too even if it's just cheap military surplus and slam fire homemade shit. What happens if the power goes out and they just decide to swarm you?
Camden Stewart
>Literally just three consecutive posts of le land of opportunity maymay Then why is America so fucking poor when you remove the billionaires from the equation? Hmm...Americans must just all be lazy and not stay in school.
Leo Peterson
It is not something you can sum up in a few posts. It was not instantaneous, it was a slow decay into chaos. As quota systems were being rolled out and whites were being replaced in the public sector everything started going to shit. Incompetence and corruption became rampant.
Anthony Russell
Is this really what whites in SA are doing? How many of these do you do?
Cameron Scott
New Zealand's north Island is like 60% white. Boomers are selling the whole fucking thing to Chinese and Indians so they can by RV's.
Ayden Baker
>White people sell out other white people >Man, these fucking brown people D
Christian Miller
As if you know anything about me you useless piece of shit.
Charles Stewart
Funny how angry you are. Things were fine when I was just a lazy communist whose entire life story you thought you knew. Man, why so mad?
Alexander Anderson
Yes, I do all these things every single day. I probably spend half an hour each day just locking and unlocking things.
Gabriel Reed
Aaron Hill
based brunei layin da smack down
Eli Thomas
>Another plutocrat country brings capitalist sass Gee, I never expected that to happen.
Brandon Thomas
You are blaming everyone except yourself for being poor. What is your excuse, you haven't told us yet. Why don't you have a job and why are you poor? What is wrong with you that you are unable to do what even some of the dumbest people are able to?
Blake Hernandez
This is what scares me about our situation. If the USA can blindly walk from 90% white to 60% what the fuck is going to stop us making the same mistake? They were MORE racially aware than us for gods sake. You go slow and just hit 'Brazil tier' where there is a HUGE class divide, rich whites in gated communities and mixed race poor folk in the favals. Last stop is 'South Africa tier' where whites get murdered in their 10,000's per year and everyone is trying to GTFO. Maybe accelerationisim truly is this answer; just go as fast as you fucking can until the economy implodes, the wheels come off and everybody just fucking snaps.
Ryan Diaz
I do have a job. And my story is none of your business. Enjoy your continuing slide into oblivion. You earned it. Keep swallowing the poison of capitalist propaganda and calling people lazy avocado toast eaters and watch what happens to you.
Joseph Nguyen
you inherited your parent's qualities of sucking ass and being bitter, i hope you thank them
come home, white man
Oliver Wright
I come back to this thread and you're still talking, you commie faggot? you're practically incoherent anyway, 0/10 b8 m8
Charles Bell
We aren't getting murdered at that rate though. About 80,000 whites out of 4.5 million have been murdered since 1994. So its about 3,500 year.
Benjamin James
From what I can gather from NZ fags, this seems to be the plan. Offer the North Island to the liberals, leftists, and non-whites but leave the South Island to the Maoris and White New Zelanders.
Sebastian Garcia
But user being a greeter at Wal-Mart doesn't count as a real job
Gabriel Bennett
I'm kinda curious how your house looks, do you have an electrified fence?
Caleb Russell
Our problem is that we do not have the numbers. We are outnumbered 10 to 1, so even if we wanted to resist we cannot do it politically. That is why it is so important for the west to sort out immigration. Because before you know it you will be fucked and the only way you will be able to get back what you lost is through copious amounts of violence.
Liam Turner
Americans have had it to easy. They have forgotten true morality and true values.
God bless you and keep you.
Lucas Watson
Are u lazy and avocado toast enjoying? Can u send me some neet bux, what's yours is mine etc
Colton Murphy
Yes, mounted on an 8 foot wall surrounding our security complex. We are also subscribed to private armed response teams.
Aaron Walker
maybe if you didnt get a gender studies degree you wouldnt be a broke bitch
Jaxson Miller
yeah, no. If it ever gets that bad, I'm just going to start shooting niggers. It's not like the police are going to stop me or give a shit.
Luis Baker
They will if the fucking police are black too
Henry Peterson
Or maybe you're an idiot that should be cleaning toilets.
Samuel King
Are the fucking police the same cunts pushing everyone to sex trannys?
Jackson Perry
Thx. Good info. I've already adopted most.
Gavin Rogers
Its not the bourgeois u idit. Its the gov, state and fed taxing everything tht have fuked us all.
Jaxon Thomas
Better advice, move out of nigger land. Come to the US man. Lots of fertile white land to be had. Flyover states are frequently ignored by the black/commies/lefties. Find a nice low population state and low population county, buy up 20-30 acres and your set. In my state, you can get 30 acres for 20-30k and its 90% of the time surrounded by nothing. Usually logging land or abandoned farms. Closest town is 5% black and less than 50k people and its 30 miles away. Woods scare darkies and commies.
Jason Nguyen
Could I start a business installing these security upgrades? Once America really starts becoming a warzone because it's thoroughly spicced and nigged whites will have to protect themselves from subhumans.
What kind of businesses sell these and what do they look like?
Eli Anderson
NONNONONONO, the us might get better but it also might go topside in a few decades, sanon go somewhere like poland australia or newzieland if you want to leave
Anthony Brown
Yeah comrade, capitalism is weak brah. Just go steal everything you need from stores, way better than to benefit the pigsy capitalist class. Do it, what could go wrong.
Jaxson Taylor
For now. But blacks will follow whites to take the wealth the whites create. Niggers would rather starve then plow a field. And when they're starving they are going to try to take what you have.
Kevin Ross
I went outside to take a pic for you
Ryder Young
So, Brazil?
Tyler Moore
>Gee I don't know? Could it be that insufferably insulated white males like yourself set up a system that is geared to maintain inherited wealth and punish people for being born porn and try to force them into a worker-slave class? Nah, that couldn't be it. The median income of the US is less than $30k MOST Americans are poor or close to it. MOST of them. The rich and middle class keep repeating the same abuse and mistakes, which you're doing in this very thread. And all you can think to do is be arrogant about your bullshit. As long as you keep this shit up, you'll just keep losing your countries and you deserve it.
Poor nigger. May I ask how many hours a week you work? I'll wait.
All your years of poverty and tough skin won't compete with top dollar expanding multiple 9mm fury
Aaron Bell
>They will if the fucking police are black too So its effectively anarchy. Fine. Start hunting their leaders and melt the system.
Asher Campbell
Do you have any idea how hard is to move to the US by legal means? Spics jump the border for a reason, if it easy to legally immigrate you wouldn't have tens of millions of illegals.
If you are really so concerned, open a business and sponsor some H1B visas for White South Africans
Levi Miller
So do the nogs ever surprise you with a good attack strategy? How's country living vs city for noggetry problems?
John Campbell
how does it feel being irl ancap?
jokes aside, I hope you are well, take care of your neighbours, that could save your life
You shoul probably be thinking about moving out, have it all planed asap.
Bentley Russell
Your competition will be the big security companies like brinks etc but those are a joke. Right now you will be ignored but when things get bad and people find out an alarm system (which still relies on the police) does jack shit when tyrone and his four buddies are gang raping you and your wife you will get tons of business. Learn to weld. Also look into fire codes for windows with bars and a possible easy latch system so people can get out. Nothing worse than being stuck in a burning house with bars on the windows. Honestly a gated community would be a big leap in safety (but not fool proof, just a first defense) over a single home.
Evan Morgan
Who you callin' insufferably insulated?
Kayden Sullivan
It's so fucking angering seeing what is happening to SA and what happend to Rhodesia It's such a fucking beautiful place being ruined by niggers kikes and communists
Carter Turner
God speed.
My friend had to emmigrate to canada after mugabe took control of Zimbabwe and started the white farmer genocide. My friends father was in the Rhodesian special forces and they were specifically targeting old white military members. He yearns to return but last he heard his game ranch had been razed. Sad man.
Easton White
I know but they also are so lazy and incompetent they wont leave the city, where they are the most likely to get gibs. Plus most of them don't own vehicles. So unless uncle sam sponsors rape buses for the blacks to scour the country side for remote farms I doubt you would ever see the dark horde. For me the closest major nig hive is 200 miles away as the crow flies. Man, if i owned my own business, I would hire as many white H1B1s as I could.
Michael Perez
Yes, security companies made a fortune afer aparthied ended. There are millions of people subscribed to their services. You pay $70 month + depending on the type of service. They offer things like escorts for arriving at your house in which the make sure you get into your house safely.
Yes, these fuckers always figure out new ways to screw you over. Country towns arent that bad, but farms are terrible palces to be. 4,000 white farmers have been murdered since 1994. The country towns are also being overrun now by rural nigs.
Carter Gutierrez
>literally living in a zombie movie
You need to share more stories
Liam Nelson
Yes, very sad. I met a guy from Zim last year who was one of the last white farmers. The broke down his door with axes and killed his dog. Luckily he wasn't there at the time. They have occupied the far, He is busy with court cases now, but I don't think he is ever getting it back.
William Bailey
occupied the farm*
Thomas Gutierrez
These nigs are brazen as fuck. They do armored car heist in broad daylight on a busy highway, using explosives to blow it up.
Matthew Wright
What if /ourrover/ just ran said nog over? Do the cops charge/care if the victim kills the attacker?
How annoying to live with that shit..
Aaron Flores
That bank note looks aethethic as fuck, though i imagine they got rid of it and replaced it with a fucking coconut or something
William Watson
Yeah ok, they replaced it with pictures of animals like rhinos and elephants and nelson mandala
Mason Hall
Occupied his farm? Under what legal pretense or do the courts not give a flying fuck because he is white? In the US you can't occupy someones private property. No matter how many they get the boot. Usually the sheriff handles it. Now if its a ton of people it might take a while but they would march them off or jail them eventually. Look at the bright side, they will starve to death and be back to living in mud huts, diseased and covered in flies so there is some karma in that.
Carson Gonzalez
Bump for more stories and advice
Adam Ross
>777 Praise Kek who draws attention to this idiot socialist. Move to Venezuela dude. Our standard of living has deteriorated because of taxes, wars and debt. Capatalism has brought more people out of poverty than any other system.
Jayden Morales
what if he just killed them and buried the bodies?
Oliver Walker
I have plenty of stories. Me and a friend were driving home from a party when a car with criminals sped by with cops in persuit. It was a narrow single lane road with cars coming from the front. They starting shooting at the cops with us between them and the cops. I had to swerve off the road and fucked up my car.
Xavier Evans
I'll be making caps of this thread
Isaiah Cook
It's Zimbabwe man, the government pretty much orchestrated the land grabs.
Carter Barnes
Meant to reply to you here
Carson Lee
There are too many of them adn some also have guns. When they occupy a farm there are like 20 of them
Parker Ramirez
I'm not pretending or poking fun. Why don't you just start killing them when they try shit like this? You guys are more than justified when the U fucking N says your white and under threat of genocide.
Robert Hall
Good luck man, hope you guys band together in time to at least separate yourselves from the dark horde. How do white people in your country remain blue pilled on blacks when they have to interact with them and deal with this bullshit every day? If you could guess, how many cucks/blue pilled lefties do you have vs someone who hates or at least fears blacks?
Michael Myers
Some mroe stories: The old white police didn't take shit from criminal nigs. They tried to break into one of my friends complex and tried to rape one of the white girls who lived there but the police caught them before they could.
They took off the spare tire from the police van and threw it in the back. They then squirted dishwash liquid alll over, loaded the handcuffed criminals in the back and sped off with them.
Aiden Brown
They are outnumbered 10 to 1 without outsider support it would just be more afrikkan and boer blood shed, their best bet is probably an attempt at seperation and creating a white only nation (though unlikely)
Xavier Barnes
>rhodesia You really need to look into that bit of history. This is literally history repeating itself only the white people aren't fighting back.