What is it that went wrong?
What is it that went wrong?
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1: it was run by leafs
They were too beautiful for this world
Brief history of the alt-right: youtube.com
It was run by a jew, and he ruined it. Now Lauren, Faith, and possibly Gavin are all gone, and now The Rebel Media must die.
too right wing
Basically Plus Ezra is evidently a power crazed lunatic, and now the only person there who anyone knows besides him is the crazy tire woman.
Kikes gonna kike
They literally have a Somali faggot denouncing white nationalism and white identity when (((Ezra))) shills for Israel and steals donation money
Hiring somebody like Tommy Robinson
Ezra is lying. His falling out with the gay kid from Britain is staged.
It's so hard to find a rent-boy you can trust these days.
Who could have foreseen that censorious and litmus-testing Jews would be poor advocates for free speech?
>a jew somehow running an international media company into the ground
yeah I'm going to stick to my guns and say this is a result of the "leaf factor".
Rebel media was 1 of the last chances for the neocons to connect with the youth.
Now breitbart will start making youtube shit and possibly hire Faith , gavin and Lauren
2. Run by Jew
Jews are cunning, they manage to leech on anything that they can grasp on.
( ( ( E Z R A L E V A N T ) ) )
Lauren left Rebel Media to be an independent journalist, she said so on her own YouTube channel.
this. pure kikery destroyed it
stop being so boring and cliche
>Today we are in Australia to interview a member of antifa
>"Hi, I'm Ezra Levant. As a Jew-"
Lol, his name literally has the same syllables as "It's relevant", wtf.
I watched both of their videos. Ezra recorded his two hours after Caolan. One of them is the best liar in the history of the world. Seriously, as convincing as they both sound, one of them is lying, one of them is absolutely pathological.
>Now breitbart will start making youtube shit and possibly hire Faith , gavin and Lauren
Hopefully not. Breitbart is painfully cucked. Remember how they fired this girl just for being a bit racist?
I watched both of their videos. Ezra recorded his two hours after Caolan. One of them is the best liar in the history of the world. Seriously, as convincing as they both sound, one of them is lying, one of them is absolutely pathological. EZRA was pulling that (((rubbing hands sheepishly))) thing off pretty good.
why are the comments on that video so hostile? you might disagree with the fag but I don't see the need for that
Notice how Ezra didn't even mention Lauren in his vid and she has been radio silent on this since Caolan's video? That part of Caolan's video at least was true. She has implied Ezra is shady many times since.
Ezra probably hired some Pajeets to go defend him and downvote the video, kek
Those are the people that gave money and don't want to believe they've been scammed.
>Gavin leaving
lol didnt even know this. Rebels done
>(((What is it that went wrong?)))
All the Israeli first crap didn't help either since it's mainstream on damn near every side out there. It's never explained honestly but you're still an evil anti-seeeeemite either way so...
Or they're both POS and liars. I don't doubt for one second that Caolen is a lazy scumbag who leeched off Tommy Robinson. But Ezra has a long history of being a liar, he's been sued a ton of times and lost over libel.
Rearry??? What does it serve except to fuck himself into the ground? And rightly so.
I watched both videos and I still have no idea what anyone is even being accused of.
Ezra was black mailed into paying hush money on one side and the other says Ezra paid hush money to avoid being exposed for trying to pay hush money?
well, kikes basically own all of leaf media and are quiet successful in demoralizing our normies.
He was trying to scam people by asking for donations to "campaigns" then spending as little money as possible on them because he could legally keep whatever was left over.
Exploiting legal loopholes to scam people is the definition of jewry.
they dont rebel hard enough
also revolutionaries are the winners
rebels are the losers
they were payed by rebel media which his owned by a jew
Lets get antifa labeled as terrorists, official white house petition here:
For those who don't know what antifa is, it is a far-left domestic terrorist group (only considered so in 1 state, for now) that is part of the alt-left and promotes killing cops, destruction of private property, anti-white racism, open borders, islamic terrorism and the implementation of communism thru means of violent revolution.
Read more here: farleftwatch.com
Please share to all burgers! Share it everywhere!
Tried to be edgy news but couldn't be too edgy because Schlomo was running it.
What can I say, folks? Not enough petitions.
Something wrong happened?? Explain
They could never touch The Young Turks anyway
Y-you can't do that....
You can't just pay people to create fake accounts and post negative comments, I mean, ha!, come on....
>Run by a Jew
Do I need to say any more.
Can I get a quick run down on this?
Corruption really. Too much shilling for shekles in crowd funding. Money gathered wasn't used for what it was donated for. Take for example when Laura Loomer rushed the stage at the theatre event in NYC, where Trump was portrayed as Cesear. At the moment of assassination she rushed the stage and was arrested. She was arrested for disorderly conduct. Then the Rebel crowd funded a $25,000 fund for her legal defence when all she got was a $200.00 ticket.
Lauren Southern was fired after she refused to crowd fund when she she knew it was unethical.
>ezra levant is a sadistic narcissist with anger issues. narcissistic rage can be blamed on all of his impulsive firings. he's litigious and vindictive.
>two faggots he hired for gay buttsex tried to blackmail him by exposing the fact that he may or may not have pocketed donation money. they wanted extra severance pay (not unreasonable)
>tommy robinson has neither confirmed nor denied that ezra jewed people out of their money (went out of his way not to deny it when reassuring donators)
>ezra tried to threaten his gay buttfriends with his jew lawyers after they threatened to expose him
>this is likely the reason lauren southern left the rebel and why gavin mcinness may leave soon as well
>a few days ago, faith goldy made an appearance on thedailystormer podcast. she made jokes at ezra's expense, among other things. he felt the need to SHUT IT DOWN and so he fired her (after she came to his defense)
>this series of rash decisions and fuck-ups has left the rebel with a somali dude and some dumb bitch nobody cares about
the ((rebel) specialized in manufacturing leftist attack clickbait. They'd take a pretty girl (laureen) and pretty soon every internet white knight was falling over her. Pretty girl quits, pol siuddenly realizes it was THEM like all libertarian rags
>Hopefully not. Breitbart is painfully cucked. Remember how they fired this girl just for being a bit hilariously racist?
Nope, missed that; thanks.
>Faith , gavin and Lauren
maybe more people will start wondering bout that old jq. The jews seem to be streisanding themselves lately. Saw youtube video:
"Goy, Bye" Huffington Post Writes About Steve Bannon Leaving What Is a Goy? youtube.com
He goes all I'm not anti-semitic, but...
usually with those channels they start off centrist and then start to lean one way heavily until they are so polarized, that's when it's hard to get back to the center without pissing off a portion of your "subscribers". Reason Infowars is alive and well is because Alex always maintain same composure as he did 10 years ago.
I don't think anything went wrong..... I think it was fundamentally wrong from the outset!
seems like fake news
Lauren was gone ages ago, this is about the leaked recordings of Ezra talking about hush money and losing everyone but Laura Loomer and that Somali cunt
Is there any chance Ezra is the good guy here and got blackmailed?
>good guy
Lemme think about that one and get back to you
It was a jewish psyop
Roomer has it one of the dudes on "The War Room" podcast on TRS dickked Faith Goldy and redpilled the fuck out of her during the Charlottesville weekend. Ezra couldn't handle an evil nazi poking his star employee.
"they tried so hard, and got so far, but in the end it didn't even matter..."
Ezra seems like one of those good jews who treats his employees like family and begs them to be loyal. In fact he is exactly like Mr Krabs.
Oppa gangnam style, bulgogi breath
What do you think?
>What is it that went wrong?
Run by a kike that needed to destroy his own company when it became too strong a force against the agenda of his own (((people))).
They have been fucking you over from the beginning but the right has been to dumb to see it. In your need for a public voice for your personal beliefs you have been hoodwinked by tricksters. If you think these people are anything more than bandwagon journalists you are as dumb as a bag of rocks and deserve to have the wool pulled over your eyes. Parting with money for the privilage just rubs salt in the wound on your ass from getting fucked over.
meh I liked their content, giving the other side.
Still knew Ezra was a ruthless jew.
that's anti semetic
>he staged ruining his own business for no reason
how can whites even compete with Jewish intellect?
This pretty much explains it, i think.
what was the hush money for exactly?
not telling people that Ezra was scamming donation funds
This SO this.... I unsubscribed after the immigrant did the video against white people.
Alex Jones is now our only hope to get the truth out.
Yep. That's about when I unsubbed. Probs about 6 months or so. Justice is served.
jew jewed it
>On Thursday, Vice Media co-founder Gavin McInnes also reportedly departed. In an email to the media news site Canadaland, Levant said The Rebel had “tried to keep (McInnes), but he was lured away by a major competitor that we just couldn’t outbid.” McInnes did not respond to the Post’s request for comment.
Huh, I heard the rumors but I didn't know it was confirmed he left. That's it for the rebel then.
Wonder where he's going? It would be great if it was Brietbart.
There or infowars are the only places I can think of.
(((Ezra Levant)))
Should be all you need to know about what happened.
I unsubbed before the trip to Israel.
Rebel media was inherently unsustainable and contradictory because it pretended to speak for white rights and yet was run by a filthy zionist Jew. The facade was bound to drop sooner or later.
therebel.media down for anyone else? It started yesterday but works from America.
Based Loomer
>bit racist
Not even.
That's entry-level banter.
you watched Ezra's video and somehow think he's a good liar? "And so I gave them more money, because they were literally homeless! This time to an old friend so I knew they wouldn't spend it!"
ezra's video is the most obvious jewry I've ever seen
Ezra is a typical ratfink jew. He always tried to screw and jew his own employees, skimmed like mad and paid hush money so people wouldn't blab about how terrible his gay little company was.
Ezra's been turning on the alt-right over that silly Charlottesville incident, true colors have been shown. I need to unsub but haven't got around to it yet
Please donate for my tires! Antifa slashed my tires!
Don't forget about the Menzoid. He still has him