"Nazi" inadvertently kills one other white person

>"Nazi" inadvertently kills one other white person
>marches, protests, and social media campaigns to end white supremacy

>Muslims kill dozens over multiple days


the Car attack event was manufactured to have the results it did.

Maybe because white people are ten times more dangerous than any Muslim.

Worlds worst bait.

Who's the girl in the op?

Islamic supremacy

>The truth is bait.

Face it, whites have killed more over time than Islam ever has.

Self loathing whites

>whites aren't the master race
>including at killing other people


Viola Baily


White nationalists have an identity. Normies have a consumerist identity, which isn't an identity at all, just ersatz consumer products like sportsball to fill the void. So they create inverted anti-identity in opposition to white identity in a vain attempt to feel like they belong to a group. That's why they obsess over white nationalism versus Muslims killing dozens of people. We have what they secretly want.

Whites are the biggest cowards on the planet and are easily led sheep.

The left are far in moral panic and virtue signaling. They are foaming at the mouth mad. Trump should end DACA and push them over the edge.

Do not help these faggots, you retard. Tell them to go to /r/ if they are too stupid to use image search.

Brainwashed to believe only white men are evil.

why have i not heard about this on twitter

We are already at war with ISIS

>Multiple days.
You mean centuries.


Because the Kikes are behind all of it.

They are behind the protests

They are behind the Media

and I would not be surprised for a second if they are behind the terrorist attacks.

that is why.

Its almost like there's an anti-white agenda...


prove it.

We're already bombing Islamists where they live.

It's time for these right wing militias to be held accountable for the actions of their members too, hence the call to action.

>Obama spent his entire 8 years droning muslims

>its the rights fault!

Because White Christians are supposed to be better than Mudslimes.

It's an accurate recognition that as the core group in America, which is the core state of the world, white people, and particularly conservative, racially oriented white people, have the biggest ability to shut down social justice and currently matter the most in terms of destabilisation (in the short term). Some muzzie snack bars and life goes on. White people turn barish and the course of civilisation turns along with potential conflict.


nazis were the strongest enemy we have ever faced, makes sense everyone so afraid of them

Jews own the media.

>supposed to be

that's not what the communists say

Something beautiful and awful called the "soft bigotry of low expectation"
>goes like this
dog bites man, no big deal
man bites dog, big deal
it shows bluepilled shills even believe subconsciously muslims aren't expected of anything

Until we're not.

Jews control media and they want innocent whites to suffer for whatever reason.

Whites are who they are trying to replace
Muslims are one of the people they are replacing whites with

Lmao you retards will grab onto anything in order to save your shitty little white power lie. I bet you're the same dumb shit who believes the pizza palace bullshit and think that we never landed on the moon.

>hurr hurr deep state
>inb4 muh seth rich

The racism of lower expectation.

Also muslim isn't a race but just about every jihadist attack has been carried out by middle eastern muslims. IF we had a large scale attack by white men who were muslim the MSM would shit itself with excitement.

have you niggers not read ANTIFA manifesto? they want to chip everyone so they can scan your genes and see how much nigger is in you and if you're allowed to say nigga or nigger!?

Speeding Up part is nice