How's it feel, Sup Forums?
Samantha Bee just attribute Trump's election to Sup Forums
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who the fuck cares what shitman thebee thinks
I thought it was noteworthy, considering she was correct, and never otherwise is.
How is her effort of keeping nigger s out her kids school going?
I don't believe she succeeded. Tragic
I just wish more whites would preach what they practice.
>she was correct, and never otherwise is
good point user, too bad she'll never understand the bantz
what did he mean by this?
hi OP
post a link when you make a thread like this
>did you hear?
why no, i didn't hear. i don't listen to trash when i'm idle.
post a fucking link so i can skim it
She and her co-racist husband tried to fight some zoning thing that would redistrict their kids' school so as to lead to the inclusion of "inner city youth" from the school. - is my understanding.
I don't have a link faggot. I just saw it on the retard tube and posted it. Find the footage yourself.
what kind of exchange rate can i get on the immigrant market re: sam bee and chinese geniuses
note that they get her husband for free
Nice to get a little credit every now and again.
She's such a strong woman ;_;
Who? Was this a meme from before Foul Bachelor Frog?
>blast it with piss
Good times.
As long as everyone blames it on Sup Forums, I care nothing. But they won't.
yeah of course its because of us. its certainly nto because of ''trump genius'' LOL
we're playing the world like a fiddle and soon fascism will enter in europe once more.
Sup Forums did it's part, but not as big as a part as white unemployed former factory workers and miners who were told to fuck off and like it by HRC and the Dems.
Nothing at all since Samantha shit stain is trash.
What a cunt
People will be coming here soon b/c of her. We should be making Samantha Bee fanclub threads. She wants to paint us as something, lets include her.
she's congratulating her fellow CIA operatives for a successful memetic operation.
Here's a link
They need to stop giving this place a big head, Sup Forums has zero weight on the world
Noone knows who you are, Samantha.
I'm not Samantha, but I was being serious about ... ahh forget you guys got me. Congrats.
She's a "comedian" with a show on TBS where all the jokes are "lol Drumpf!"
She did blame the memes in part, too.
We'll stop Jewish Crash too
Confiscate Jewish wealth to undo it. Use the Military and UN if you have to
Damn, they really don't have anything except that he's old an orange do they? Pretty fucking sad though. They can call us all the names and shit they want, but at the end of the day, they got beat by a bunch of autistic losers on a Nepalese Thangka Painting Forum.
Samantha Bee is genuinely one of the most visually and intellectually repulsive people I've ever seen.
>Initially the medi plays down role of Sup Forums
>Right wing sites start getting shutdown
>Media suddenly saying it was all Sup Forums
Really makes me think
Sheeeeeeeet. This is true
She's not THAT ugly....
just re-purposing a john oliver comment
literally who?
Samantha 'don't u dare mix your colors in my kids school' bee is a repugnant pile of horse shit
steve bannon found out the power of losers online through world of warcraft then harnassed memes and won the election by mobiliZing angry basement dwelling trolls who would never recognize that it was her turn
Oh right.
And then...?
the kind of racist people pretend to be on the internet for lulz but in real life
Yikes, what an ugly cunt.
we resisted
not nearly enough obviously. How does that make you feel in your heart pussy?
That photo looks like it was shopped onto Robin Williams' body.
I'm not the one who said that a kid with stage-four brain cancer had Nazi hair.
tingly in my fee fees
bretty good
...if it was true
truth is 8 of liberal bullshit elected him
Good answer and you got two pairs of the same quads. The mark of the beast
Now that is fucking hilarious. Prepare to be enriched, bitch.
>Samantha Bee just attribute Trump's election to Sup Forums
So does every autist that spends 24/7 posting buzzphrases and AWOOO in /ptg/ -- so she's the intellectual equivalent of /ptg/. How's it feel Samantha?