I need to know, do they look natural enough. I'm extremely self conscious about them
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your a disgrace to all human kind.
those are faggot tier tits
I-Is this haram?
sick moobs man
call the nfl.
we found tom brady's footballs.
chimp titties
OP an heros next month
nice milkers, how women can even compete.
Think I'm gonna be sick...wtf...why would anyone do this to themself WTFFFFF
Fat guy tits are free a dozen. KEK!!
do not want
They look 'natural'. but also really unnatural.
if that makes any sense.
do they produce milk?
This shit is decadent and disgusting. Looks like a fat dude pair of male titties.
America fought the commies, now they became the commies.
>trannies in charge of being attractive
God is dead, we killed him...
Why is it always beta basement dwellers who fall for this trans shit the hardest?
Define "natural". And "natural" what?
Hmm Sup Forums I think we should answer his question. Always willing to help some redditors out
Because jews.
Sick(le) burn.
Raising a generation of rebellious teenage Nazis.
I love the pimpley bite marks on the right one. When you pop them does pus come out? Milk and pus and cheese stink. Mmm mmm
it's the closest they'll ever get to being with a girl. no problem not having a woman in your life if you pretend you are one and force everyone else to play along.
da fuq?
This is what anime posters look like
This is a woman you know this yes?
phew thanks user
these images are why I don't mind when OP is intentionally faggy, thank you for the keks.
The commies would not have permitted this.
>tfw no bf to play with my boytits
Hugh mungus' tranny brother... My sides
reminder if you don't want to fuck this you are a Nazi
I just got banned lol.
It's terrifying. There are people like this on almost every namefag forum now. These men are lonely and all it takes is some silver tongued subversive to get them to pump their body full of hormones.
what is this faggotry?
I need to know, does it natural enough. I'm extremely self conscious about it
Men dont get pimple tits even with estrogen
women running scared. their days are numbered.
Vaginismus. Neo vagina and vagina are the same two terms
wow kawaii as fuck, he looks just like his anime avatar
Man boobs are disgusting.
>pedo flag
They don't like it when people break the hugbox.
Thats a woman. Just like your tranny vagina may mays you made popular with feminine benis may mays
Jesus christ I work out and have high test and I look more feminine than that
Centipedo flag
I need to know, does it natural enough. I'm extremely self conscious about it
Is it illegal to recommend suicide now?
Scientists predict what breast will look like in the year 2050 and it's beautiful.
>gender is not sex, so i will change my appearance to mimic the other sex
>all these insecure ciswhite men ITT
Whats wrong? Can't deal with a real woman with natural beauty?
You little cuckboys could never handle those breasts
that person is going to kill themselves 100%
>tfw lost in another you boner you lose thread
fuck you OP
The people who need to be held accountable for this are the doctors for saying HRT and "transitioning" are completely safe. It's demonstrably false. Men with low androgens are unhealthy. Period.
The AMA and the FDA and doctors from coast to coast who approve this shit should all be thrown in fucking prison.
Im sorry other than the comical undertones is there anything aesthetically off with this? Not really
take this bullshit back to /lgbt/ faggot
>No dickhole
>Hair on the shaft
>No testes to be found anywhere
Why do people do this to their bodies? This is some Dark Eldar homunculi shit.
You should stay self conscious about them. Extremely so.
lmfao it is not
traps are gay
She's normal though. I'm convinced she's female due to the pimples. Dont you wanna fugg her like a normal "man"?
I've never seen anything look less like a cock lol
Gross ban for trans porn
man timmy has the best butt
If it were a woman, then yea.